Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 673 Peeling Layers of Skin

Xia Bicheng heard Xu Fei say that he summoned the members of the party group of the Municipal Bureau to Xinleng, and it turned out that he was holding a meeting to discuss the rectification of those corrupt elements who were in collusion with Li Botang and his son. Patting him on the shoulder, he said sincerely: "Xiao Xu, you are indeed a good comrade with ideas, actions and vigorous actions. If our system has more capable talents like you, we will not worry about our land tax business. Thriving and thriving!"

Before Xu Fei got acquainted with Ye Ming, he had been nesting in the logistics center of the Provincial Bureau, and was not very popular with Director Xia.Now, seeing him speak so highly of himself, even though he knew it was purely because of Ye Ming, he still felt flattered in his heart, and said humbly, "Director Xia, you're over the top! I just did what I was supposed to do." I have fulfilled the duties and obligations that I should perform. It is you, since you shouldered the heavy responsibility of the provincial bureau chief, you have been working hard day and night, constantly introducing various collection and management reform measures, constantly strengthening the management of the cadre team, and constantly strengthening The construction of cadres' ideological style has created a good atmosphere of cleanliness, uprightness and pioneering spirit in the whole system. Every year, the various taxation tasks assigned by the provincial party committee and the provincial government have been overfulfilled, so that the local taxation of our province has blossomed steadily. Each year is getting stronger and stronger. Our comrades at the grassroots level can see these achievements very clearly and have personal experience. Therefore, I have a feeling: a department, a team, if there is a person like you Good leader, having a squad leader who is as capable as you, with both ability and political integrity, is the blessing of all the cadres in this department."

Although Xu Fei has gradually gained Xia Bicheng's trust, he seldom has the opportunity to chat with him alone, and has never had the opportunity to express to him his determination to follow him.Now there are only Xia Bicheng, father and daughter and himself in the car, which is a great opportunity.Therefore, he took the opportunity to express some flattering words that he had been brewing for a long time and wanted to say to Xia Bicheng.

As the saying goes: "Thousands of clothes, ten thousand clothes, no flattering!" Xia Bicheng has always been a leader who thinks highly of himself and is very conceited about his ability and level. There was a little success.Therefore, although Xu Fei's words just now had obvious traces of flattery, he didn't find them harsh.On the contrary, when Xu Fei endlessly praised him with various compliments, he still smiled and narrowed his eyes, pricking up his ears to listen attentively to the "heartfelt words" of this subordinate who was a bit disrespectful to him , I just feel that my heart is very ironic, and I feel like I'm going to float when I sit in that position.

Xia Chuchu listened to Xu Fei's flattering words in front, and knew that this is what happened in the officialdom: some provincial directors who came to their homes to "report" to their father sometimes spoke louder than Xu Fei. It was disgusting, so she was not surprised, and didn't feel that Xu Fei's words were too much.However, when he thought of Xu Fei, a dignified and dignified man, suddenly uttering such flattering words at this moment, he felt a little funny in his heart, and his originally heavy and depressed mood became much more cheerful.

After Xu Fei finished those compliments, Xia Bicheng opened his slightly closed eyes, turned his head to look at Xu Fei, and said with a smile: "Xiao Xu, exaggerating, exaggerating! I have been in charge of the provincial bureau for the past few years. If there is such a little achievement, it means that the bottom line of the income task has been maintained, the taxation task has been overfulfilled every year, and several reforms have been implemented internally, the management of cadres has been standardized, and a set of effective management has been established. The method and management system, nothing else is worth mentioning. But you, I heard that you have done well in City K and are quite effective. It seems that Secretary Li has a good vision. He recommended you to me. Facts have proved that you He is indeed a good talent. Of course, I am not denying that: You can attract the attention and attention of Secretary Li and me, and Ye Ming's recommendation is indispensable. Therefore, from another perspective, Ye Ming, this young man His vision of people is also very good, which also proves that he is very cautious and selective in making friends. Therefore, it is rumored on the Internet that he is involved in the underworld organization, and I would not believe it even if I beat him to death!"

Speaking of this, his face became serious again, and he asked Xu Fei: "How did you decide at the party group meeting of the city bureau just now? How are you planning to operate from the inside?"

Xu Fei replied: "We are going to review the cadres of the county and city bureaus who were involved in the income tax reduction and exemption of Xinleng Zhenxing Iron and Steel Company in the past two years, and ask them to take the initiative to confess that they assisted Li Botang and his son to produce false information and defraud the state tax. and order them to hand over the original materials that may have been hidden by them. If they refuse to confess, the city bureau is going to take organizational measures against them, and double-regulate them first, so that they may not tell the truth!"

Xia Bicheng thought for a while, shook his head and said: "The decision of your city bureau is not strong enough, and it may be difficult to pry those people's mouths away. My opinion is: Secretary Li has now sent a supervision team from the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection. We are going to assist the inspection team in dealing with the issue of cadres and leaders involved in the tax fraud case. Therefore, we simply hand over these people to the inspection team of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection. They have experience in handling cases and the interrogation is stronger than ours. , The deterrence is also much stronger than our own internal conversations, and it should be easy to obtain relevant confessions and evidence.

"Besides, I have another idea: for those moths involved in this case from the Provincial Taxation Department No. [-], we should take this opportunity to get rid of them all at once, and we can no longer leave them in the local taxation bureau to harm people. Therefore, we can take our own measures. Bottom-up, layer-by-layer approach to handling the case: let the comrades of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection interrogate the persons involved in the county bureau and the city bureau to obtain their confessions. There is a connection. Moreover, the bribes for the revitalization of the iron and steel plant are likely to be sent up through these people from the city bureau, and the people from the provincial bureau will not directly deal with the people who sent the money from the company. People confessed the issue of bribery. In order to make meritorious service, they will definitely confess to those who received money from the Provincial Bureau of Taxation and Administration. At that time, the people from the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection can directly take shuanggui measures against those people from the Provincial Bureau. It can save a lot of trouble!"

Xu Fei felt that Xia Bicheng's idea was indeed more thoughtful and more operable, so he nodded in admiration and said, "Director Xia, after all, it's the leader's game! According to your method of peeling the skin layer by layer, it is indeed more effective. It's easy to break through the defensive line of those moths, and it's easier to wipe them all out. After arriving in Xinleng, I immediately handed over all the cadres involved in the case to Xinleng in the name of a meeting, so that the comrades of the Disciplinary Committee will immediately deal with it. They started an interrogation."

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