Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 680 Appease Guo Guangwei

After listening to Xu Lizhong's report, Secretary Lu immediately understood Guo Guangwei's difficulties: when he received Xu Lizhong's call for help, because he knew that Xu Lizhong was his closest person, out of trust in Xu Lizhong and out of trust in himself The secretary of the provincial party committee respected him, so he arranged for someone to go down to help Ye Ming without hesitation.

But now, Zhou Jiqing and the others are holding on to the matter of getting rid of Gong Zhichao that time. First of all, they shuanggui Chen Guitian and Liang Tanghua, and now they are detaining Ye Ming, and Zhou Jiqing has also called many times to reprimand Guo Guangwei, which must have made him feel There was tremendous pressure and panic—after all, with Zhou Jiqing and others pressing on and gradually tightening the rope, I, the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, did not react at all, and had no intention of countering Zhou Jiqing and others. signs.Therefore, he would definitely be very disappointed in his heart, and he would definitely think that Zhou Jiqing and others had the upper hand in this matter and seized the key points between himself and Li Runji.Therefore, the two secretaries were unwilling to stand up and speak out for the two cadres of the Provincial Public Security Department who were slapped with double regulations, and they did not support him, the head of the Public Security Department.

So, under the control of a kind of panic, he had no choice but to call Xu Lizhong to complain and tell Xu Lizhong the current difficulties of the director of the public security department. He hoped that Xu Lizhong could convey this idea to himself or Secretary Li Runji. Lee Yoon Ki can stand up and support him...

After understanding Guo Guangwei's difficulties and intentions, Secretary Lu immediately made a decision: at this moment, as the secretary of the provincial party committee, he is the key stage when he most needs the support and support of the middle-level cadres below. The perfect time for the hearts of the people.For people like Guo Guangwei who have respected and trusted themselves from the beginning, they must not let them feel disappointed in themselves, let alone suffer losses because of supporting themselves, and be retaliated by their opponents.Therefore, I had to think of a way to comfort Guo Guangwei, let him calm down, and let him understand that I, the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, admired him and supported him, and would definitely use him in the future...

So, after pondering for a while, he suddenly said to Xu Lizhong: "Xiao Xu, you call Guo Guangwei next time, and say that I will go to him to conduct a survey tomorrow morning, and take a look at the work of the Provincial Public Security Bureau after he took office. Is there any improvement, are there any bright spots and outstanding achievements. You want him to prepare tonight and give a short report in their hall tomorrow morning, and then I will go to their 110 command center to see their The results of the household registration reform are enough. The survey time will not be too long, maybe one or two hours, you want his report to be as short as possible, just list the main tasks and achievements, and don’t make a long speech.”

As soon as Xu Lizhong heard Secretary Lu's instructions, he immediately understood his intentions, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes: He knew very well that Secretary Lu's inspection of the Provincial Public Security Bureau was actually a response to Guo Guangwei's complaint call just now. respond.In other words, Secretary Lu wanted to give Guo Guangwei a reassurance by inspecting the Provincial Public Security Bureau, so that he would stop being frightened and paranoid from now on.

Moreover, in this way, Xu Lizhong felt that he had an explanation to Guo Guangwei.Otherwise, I always feel that I owe Guo Guangwei a huge favor, and I always feel a little uneasy in my conscience.But now, Secretary Lu personally went to inspect his place, even if his efforts were rewarded, and it was a meaningful reward—because Guo Guangwei himself should be very clear: a secretary of the provincial party committee, under normal circumstances, would not easily I went to inspect some provincial units.Especially the provincial public security department, the provincial finance department, the provincial state taxation bureau, and the provincial local taxation bureau are key units that are under the management of the provincial government. Unless there are special reasons, the secretary of the provincial party committee will generally not go to such a unit for investigation and investigation.And if he really went to this unit, it would be a great honor for this unit and the unit's leaders, and it would also be a sign that the main person in charge of this unit was particularly favored by the secretary of the provincial party committee, and would attract attention because of this. The envy of many units.

Because of this, in Xu Lizhong's impression, Secretary Lu has not visited any provincial unit since he came to Tianjiang as the secretary of the provincial party committee.It can be said that the Provincial Public Security Department has set a precedent for Secretary Lu to inspect the provincial units this time - based on this alone, Guo Guangwei should feel extremely honored!

Therefore, after Secretary Lu told him the decision, the gloom on Xu Lizhong's face was swept away, showing a look of surprise, he quickly nodded in agreement, turned around and wanted to go back to the office to call Guo Guangwei.

Secretary Lu stopped him and told him, "Lizhong, tell Comrade Wang Hai that I will go to the Provincial Public Security Bureau for investigation tomorrow morning, and ask him to adjust my schedule for tomorrow. Also, You tell him: This survey was decided by me temporarily, and it is also a small-scale research activity. There is no need to mobilize the masses. It is enough to arrange a deputy secretary of the Provincial Political and Legal Committee and the director of the Provincial Party Committee Inspection Office to follow me. There is no need to follow."

It turned out that under normal circumstances, the secretary of the provincial party committee not only had to arrange in advance the provincial party committee office, but also the secretary general of the provincial party committee would follow him.However, considering the special significance of going to the Provincial Public Security Bureau this time, Secretary Lu did not want Wang Hai to follow him.

Xu Lizhong agreed, walked out of Secretary Lu's office, and first went to Wang Hai's office downstairs to report that Secretary Lu was going to the Provincial Public Security Bureau for inspection and investigation tomorrow, and asked him to adjust Secretary Lu's itinerary and notify a member of the Provincial Political and Legal Committee The deputy secretary and the director of the inspection office of the Provincial Party Committee accompanied him.

When Wang Hai heard Xu Lizhong say that Secretary Lu was going to the Provincial Public Security Bureau for inspection, he was taken aback. He stared at Xu Lizhong suspiciously, as if trying to find out some special meaning from his expressionless and indifferent face.

After a long time, he nodded and asked, "Secretary Lu, did he say how long he would be investigating in the Provincial Public Security Bureau? Do I want to accompany you?"

"Speaking of which, the chief said that this investigation is a small-scale one, and it doesn't take long, only about an hour or two. He also specifically said, Secretary-General Wang, you are busy, this kind of temporary, small-scale investigation , there is no need to follow along.”

As soon as Wang Hai heard that Secretary Lu specifically explained that he, the secretary-general, did not need to follow him to investigate, the ominous feeling that came to him at the beginning became more and more intense: It seems that Secretary Lu’s inspection of the Provincial Public Security Department this time is for a reason. The special intention is probably related to Xinleng's 5.16 case.He didn't want himself, the secretary-general, to accompany him, because he wanted to avoid himself and talk about confidential matters with Guo Guangwei of the Provincial Public Security Bureau!

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