Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 684 Zhou Jiqing's Heart Disease

At eight o'clock in the evening, Zhou Jiqing was holding a high-end and majestic Yixing purple sand liner magnetized teacup. Shi Shiran walked into Secretary Lu's office, and casually asked Secretary Lu who was sitting on the chair behind the desk. Say hello.

Under normal circumstances, if a leader of the Standing Committee comes to his office to talk or report on work, Secretary Lu will come out from behind the desk to greet him.Moreover, when the two sides are talking or listening to the other party's report, Secretary Lu will usually sit on the sofa with him to show respect for these team members.

However, after Zhou Jiqing came to the office today, Secretary Lu sat still behind the desk and did not stand up to shake hands with Zhou Jiqing.Moreover, when Zhou Jiqing greeted himself, he didn't have a smile on his face. Instead, he put on a serious face and only let out an "um" from his nose, which was a response to Zhou Jiqing's greeting.

Then, without looking at Zhou Jiqing's displeased and dissatisfied face, he pointed to the chair opposite the desk and said in a very cold tone, "Comrade Jiqing, please sit down!"

Zhou Jiqing had also come here several times to look for Secretary Lu. Every time, Secretary Lu would stand up and shake hands with him, and invite himself to sit on the sofa.But today, Secretary Lu was uncharacteristically. Not only did he not come out from behind the desk to shake hands with him, but he even let himself sit on the chair opposite him, which made him suddenly angry—because he knew that Lu The chair opposite the secretary's desk was just under the first step in front of the executive desk.The person sitting on this chair, no matter how tall you are, can only look up to Secretary Lu opposite.And Secretary Lu sitting in his own armchair would give the person opposite him a sense of superiority and coercion.

Therefore, the people who sit on this chair and talk to Secretary Lu are usually the heads of some provincial departments, heads of cities and states, or some officials whose positions are much lower than him.If it is the leaders of the standing committee of the provincial party committee, Secretary Lu will ask them to sit on the sofa, and he will come out from behind the table and sit with them on the sofa; if it is other deputy provincial leaders, Secretary Lu will not let them sit. The chair opposite him, but he will invite them to sit on the chair next to the coffee table, and he himself will sit down opposite the coffee table and talk to each other face to face...

But now, he arranged for him to sit in a seat where he could only look up to him, a dignified member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, and put himself on the same level as those department-level officials. Is it tolerable or unbearable?

Therefore, after Secretary Lu said "please sit down", Zhou Jiqing coldly glanced sideways at the chair that was one step lower, cocked his neck, and said in a strong tone: "Secretary Lu, I'll just stand here and listen to your instructions! If you have anything to say, just say it, I'm all ears!"

Secretary Lu didn't react too much to Zhou Jiqing's extremely rude words, but just stared coldly at the delicate purple sand teacup in his hand, and said in a mocking tone: "Jiqing Comrade, your tea cup is not bad! Do you hold such a good cup in your hand all the time? Or, you are just worried that if you come to my office, there will be no cup of tea for you? However, my opinion Yes: Before our conversation starts, please put down the teacup. If you want to add water, I can ask Xiao Xu to come over and refill it for you!"

Secretary Lu’s words refer to something: Under normal circumstances, no matter who comes to Secretary Lu’s office, in order to show his respect for Secretary Lu, he will not bring his own teacup, but after arriving at the secretary’s office , and Secretary Lu’s secretary will use disposable paper cups to make tea—this is also a commonly known habit: only when superiors visit subordinates, can they bring their own teacups; It seems that he doesn't take his superiors seriously.

And Zhou Jiqing brought his teacup here today, just to challenge Secretary Lu’s authority again, to show that he doesn’t respect him that much now—of course, Secretary Lu is well aware of this, so he will In that mocking tone, Zhou Jiqing asked Zhou Jiqing to put down his teacup.

Zhou Jiqing saw that Secretary Lu was the first to pick on his own thorn, and cursed in his heart, "Small belly and chicken intestines", but still put the teacup on the tea table beside him.Then, he raised his head and stared at Secretary Lu with piercing eyes, waiting for him to speak.

Seeing that he still refused to sit in that chair, Secretary Lu stopped forcing him, but did not talk to him immediately. Instead, he picked up a stack of materials on the desk and flipped through them casually, as if there was no one in front of him. No one was standing.

Zhou Jiqing waited patiently for a few minutes. Seeing that Secretary Lu remained silent, he finally couldn't bear it any longer. He suppressed his anger and said, "Secretary Lu, why are you looking for me? Could it be that you called me to come and stand for punishment? I There are a lot of things going on over there, and the Xinleng 5.16 task force is still waiting to report the situation to me! If there is nothing else, I will leave first!"

As he spoke, he really bent down, ready to grab the teacup on the coffee table.

At this time, Secretary Lu raised his head, glanced at him coldly, and said, "Comrade Ji Qing, please be safe! The materials I'm reading now have a lot to do with you. So, I advise you to go ahead and Sit down across from me, let me review these materials carefully, and then I can have a targeted conversation with you."

Zhou Jiqing was startled when he heard Secretary Lu's words. He quickly straightened up and glanced at the materials. He saw that the thick stack of materials held by elastic clips seemed to be copies.Moreover, the words "Dezhou City Disciplinary Inspection Committee Special Note" were printed on the top of those papers. I was stunned and stared at the calm Secretary Lu with my mouth gaping. Cold sweat broke out from under my skin. ...

It turned out that Dezhou City had always been Zhou Jiqing's biggest concern.Because he is very clear: in Texas, the place where he made his fortune, there is now a huge bomb lurking.This bomb is his willful, ignorant and fearless mistress—Li Qian.

Since he was transferred from Texas to the Provincial High Procuratorate and later promoted to Secretary of the Provincial Political and Legal Committee, many of his old subordinates and cronies in Texas who knew about his ambiguous relationship with Li Qian often reminded him: Li Qian is too revealing and too Arrogant, not only greedy, love money like life, but also very vain, very fond of showing off.As the deputy chief prosecutor of a district, she doesn't know how to hide her strength and bide her time, nor does she know how to be modest and low-key. Not only does she live in a villa, drive a luxury car, but she often talks about her relationship with Secretary Zhou, as if she is afraid that others will not know her. It's like a special relationship with Secretary Zhou.If she continues like this, something will happen sooner or later, and it will be a big one...

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