Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 689 3 Good News

At the same time, in Xinleng County, another battle without gunpowder is also starting.

The commander-in-chief of this campaign is Xia Bicheng, director of the Provincial Local Taxation Bureau.

After Xia Bicheng convened a joint meeting with members of the inspection team of the Provincial Bureau and the inspection team of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection at noon yesterday, Xu Fei, in the name of holding a meeting in Xinleng according to the scheduled plan, brought Zhang Dongfang, the chief of the political and engineering department of the Municipal Bureau, to the meeting. Guo Yu, Section Chief of the Third Section of Taxation and Administration, and Zhan Peng, Deputy Section Chief, and the three persons responsible for approving and investigating the tax reduction and exemption report of Zhenxing Iron and Steel Company called the Xinleng County Local Taxation Bureau. And announced the shuanggui decision to them.

Ever since the inspection team from the Provincial Bureau arrived in Xinleng, Zhang Dongfang, Guo Yu, and others had long felt through Li Botang’s notification that the provincial bureau’s sudden dispatch of an inspection team to check the tax issues of Zhenxing Iron and Steel Plant must be due to bad people.Therefore, these few people who have benefited a lot from the tax reduction and exemption for revitalizing the steel plant in the past two years have been in a state of anxiety these days.Although Li Botang kept reassuring them, saying that everything was under his control, it was impossible for the inspection team to find out any tax fraud.However, they were still paranoid, and for a few days they almost didn't think about eating or drinking.

Especially Zhang Dongfang. When he was the deputy director of Xinleng, he happened to be in charge of the taxation department for the first two years, and he was also the first person in charge of tax reduction and exemption approval.In those two years, he colluded with Li Li, the head of the Xinleng County Bureau at the time, and greeted the cadres of the No. 100 Sub-bureau and the Taxation Department, asking them not to be too serious when investigating the tax reduction and exemption of Zhenxing Iron and Steel Company. Submit as soon as possible.For this reason, the "favor fee" he received from Li Botang reached more than [-] million yuan.

As for Guo Yu, the Chief of the Third Division of Taxation and Administration of the Municipal Bureau, and Zhan Peng, the Deputy Chief, each received a bribe of 30 to [-].

It is precisely because these three people have been harboring ulterior motives for the past few days, when they were taken to a small hotel in Xinleng for interrogation by the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, they all collapsed after only two or three rounds of confrontation.Before midnight at night, these three people colluded with Li Botang and Li Li, and together they fabricated false tax reduction and exemption information to defraud the state of taxes, and then received huge benefits from the company, and confessed in every detail.

Among them, Zhang Dongfang also took the initiative to explain the illegal and criminal facts of accepting bribes of 200 million yuan from other taxpayers alone or with Li Li during his tenure as the deputy director of the Xinleng Local Taxation Bureau.

As Xu Fei expected, among the three people, Zhan Peng, the deputy chief of the third section who was in charge of the tax reduction and exemption procedures for the revitalization company and the tax reduction and exemption investigation of the Municipal Bureau, ordered him to destroy the original tax reduction and exemption materials after Guo Yu ordered him to do so. When replacing a new copy of the discount certificate for laid-off workers, I was worried that my responsibility would be too great, and I was afraid that if I was investigated and dealt with in the future, I would be punished more severely.Therefore, behind Guo Yu's back, he secretly copied a copy of those original materials, and copied a copy in his USB flash drive.Therefore, he still has a paper original document and an electronic original document in his hand.

During the interrogation, in order to make meritorious service, he couldn't wait to hand over these original materials...

When Zhang Dongfang, Guo Yu, and Zhan Peng were taken away by the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection for interrogation, Li Botang and his son, who were ignorant of this, were in the ecstasy of victory.

Since yesterday afternoon, good news has come one by one: last night, he received a call from Wang Hai, Secretary General of the Provincial Party Committee.On the phone, Wang Hai excitedly told him: This afternoon, Lu Zhiyao, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, suddenly convened a Standing Committee.At the meeting, he proposed to discuss the Xinleng 5.** case, and tried to excuse Ye Ming involved in the case.However, Lu Zhiyao's proposal was resolutely pushed back by Comrade Zhou Jiqing, secretary of the Political and Legal Committee. At the same time, Comrade Zhou Jiqing reiterated that Ye Ming was the key suspect in the May 5.16 murder case, and decisive measures must be taken against him. He, arrest him, in order to successfully detect Xin Leng, a major crime involving gangsters.Under the insistence of Comrade Zhou Jiqing, Lu Zhiyao had no choice but to announce the end of the meeting in advance...

At this point, Wang Hai smiled smugly on the phone and said: "Mr. Li, this afternoon's Standing Committee is likely to become a watershed: starting today, Lu Zhiyao has felt the strength of our side." Moreover, he was contradicted by Comrade Ji Qing today, his authority was challenged, his dignity was bruised, and in the minds of other Standing Committee members, he would definitely leave an impression of cowardice and lack of opinion. From then on, he may be Slowly make concessions to us and slowly accept the leadership structure with Governor Qin as the core. When we crush Li Runji and others step by step or push them away, Lu Zhiyao will become a loner. Then, he will The time he will stay in Tianjiang Province will not be very long. I estimate that his final outcome is likely to obediently go back to the capital, and take up a leisurely deputy position in the National People's Congress or the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, waiting for retirement Old age. Hahaha!"

Li Botang also laughed a few times with him, and said in his tone: "Secretary Wang, Secretary Zhou is really a man, and he is really courageous. Anyway, Lu Zhiyao is also the top leader of the provincial party committee. Secretary Zhou dared to It took a lot of courage and courage to criticize him face to face, and it made Lu Zhiyao have to announce the suspension of the Standing Committee he proposed! Admiration, admiration!"

Wang Hai said: "Mr. Li, Comrade Zhou Jiqing has the courage today because Governor Qin, Minister Xie, and my comrades-in-arms support him behind him! Without our support and courage behind him, he is so fierce. If you rush to contradict the secretary of the provincial party committee, he will suffer sooner or later! What do you think?"

"That's it, that's it! Three stakes for one fence, three gangs for one hero! The power of the alliance is still strong!"

The second piece of good news that Li Botang received was that the members of the Xinleng 5.16 task force who sympathized with Ye Ming had been removed from the task force by Zhou Jiqing's order, and they had returned to their original workplaces. Discipline them.And the newly added members of the special case team are all cronies of Zhou Jiqing, Yan Lian and others.From then on, the task force can focus on dealing with Ye Ming and the backstage and backers behind him in one step.

As for the third piece of good news, it made Li Botang and his son even more ecstatic: Yan Lian told them that the 5.16 task force has decided to take criminal detention measures against Ye Ming, and has contacted the Xinleng County People's Procuratorate this afternoon, and it has been settled. The criminal detention procedures for Ye Ming are planned to be transferred to the Xinleng County Detention Center at nine o'clock tomorrow morning, and the procedures for his arrest are also being processed promptly.

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