Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 69 Covenant Chapter 3

As soon as Chen Mengqi finished speaking, there was another thunderous applause in the studio.

After the applause subsided, Liu Yan also picked up the microphone and said: "I think the happiest thing for me is to find an excellent husband like the male guest, build a warm and harmonious small family, and give birth to a beautiful baby. Then our family will live our well-off life happily!"

This answer was similar to Chen Mengqi's, but it also won rounds of applause.

Xia Chuchu saw the two girls confessing to her sweetheart in front of her. She was in great pain, but she had no choice but to endure the pain in her heart and said, "Now please stand between the two female guests. The countdown is five seconds, please make the final choice for the male guest!"

Just after she finished saying this, the director's voice came again from the headset: "Chuchu, please pause! Please bring the male guest to the backstage lounge!"

Xia Chuchu knew that this was Chen Mengqi's father who wanted to sit down on Ye Ming's ideological work for the last time. Although she was very reluctant in her heart, she had already agreed to him at first, so she couldn't go back on her word at this time, so she had to say to the audience: " I'm sorry, the leader of our station has something to do with finding a male guest temporarily, please wait patiently, we will be back soon."

After speaking, she took Ye Ming's hand and went to the backstage lounge together.

Ye Ming followed her in for no reason, and saw Chen Mengqi's parents standing there anxiously.Seeing him coming in, Chen Mengqi's mother grabbed his hand and said with tears in her eyes, "Xiaoye, please save my daughter! I am her mother, and I know her heart knot best. I Silly daughter is a stickler. She can't pull back what she has decided. Over the past few years, she has been obsessed with you. Sometimes she sleeps with me, crying and calling your name in her dreams... She is another People who like to keep things in their hearts, under normal circumstances, never talk about her thoughts with us. But, I know that all the problems on her body now are caused by missing you. So, even if Auntie begs you : Take her hand and go away tonight! If you really don’t like Qiqi, you can treat her as healing her illness and doing good deeds. You can try to date her and wait for her heart The knot is opened, it is no longer as blue and painful as it is now, and you can choose to break up with her. We will never bind you by marriage. And, as long as you are willing to hold hands with her, we can meet any request you want: car, house ,money……"

As soon as she said this, Chen Mengqi's father stopped her and said, "Old She, what are you talking about? Xiaoye said that he didn't want to find rich girls because he didn't like too materialistic things. Now you Tell the young man about cars, houses and money, are you trying to help your daughter or harm her?"

When Ye Ming heard Chen Mengqi's mother say so miserable, his heart was filled with compassion.In addition, he also heard Chen Mengqi's confession to himself, and knowing that she had suffered a lot because of missing him these years, his heart gradually became a little looser.

At this time, Director Zhang, who had been watching his face, saw his expression of unbearable expression, and guessed that what Chen Mengqi's mother said just now had moved him, so he struck while the iron was hot and said, "Xiao Ye, it's rare to meet a confidant in life. I think : Qiqi's feelings for you are very deep and sincere. What's more, she is suffering from depression because of you. If you reject her tonight, it is estimated that her illness will become more serious. You He is a very sensible young man, just now Chu Chu also told us: Your heart is very kind and simple. I think: You can try to communicate with Qiqi. This kind of communication, you can treat it as a romantic relationship, or It can be regarded as treating a lovesick girl. As for what will happen to you in the future, Qiqi’s parents have said: You don’t have to think so far. They will not force you to marry Qiqi right away! Of course, If you develop a deep relationship during the relationship and finally decide to stay together for the rest of your life, then everyone will be happy, and that is the happy ending we most hope to see!"

Ye Ming glanced at Xia Chuchu who was standing on the side with her head bowed. Seeing her tightly pursed lips, her eyes were full of tears, she was confused for a while, and answered after thinking for a long time: "Uncle Chen, Auntie, since Qiqi is this kind situation, then I promise you that I will hold hands with Kiki tonight. But I have something to say first: I am just trying to date Kiki, not really looking for her as a girlfriend. So, if I am in the process of dating her, Once I find a girl I like and suitable for me, I will pursue my happiness. I hope that by then, you will not call me Chen Shimei, a man who loves the new and dislikes the old, and is ungrateful and ungrateful!"

Chen Mengqi's parents heard this passage, although they felt very unlucky and awkward, but remembering that the most urgent task is to persuade him to hold his daughter's hand, they all nodded and agreed to his request.

Only Xia Chuchu, after hearing his words, especially after hearing him say that if he finds a girl he likes in the future, he will give up Chen Mengqi and take the initiative to pursue his happiness. The original gloomy gaze suddenly brightened, and the sore feeling in my heart also eased a lot...

After returning to the stage, Chen Mengqi and Liu Yan were still standing at one end of the stage, anxiously waiting for Ye Ming to make the final choice.

At this time, Chen Mengqi had already fallen into a state of despair: when she saw on the TV screen that Ye Ming's heart-beating girl was Liu Yan who also left the light on at the end, this despair firmly occupied her heart. Mind——Because Ye Ming said at the beginning that what he likes is the kind of Xiaojiabiyu who comes from an ordinary family, is knowledgeable, gentle and virtuous.And this Liu Yan is exactly this type.

What's more, Ye Ming's favorite girl is also Liu Yan.

Therefore, Chen Mengqi concluded: Ye Ming will definitely choose Liu Yan later.As for myself, I am doomed to continue to endure the torment of deep-seated lovesickness...

Therefore, when Xia Chuchu was counting "5, 4, 3, 2, 1", she closed her eyes in pain, not daring to face the reality that Ye Ming chose someone else...

When Xia Chuchu counted to the last number and said: "Please choose", Ye Ming walked slowly towards Chen Mengqi and Liu Yan.

When he got between Chen Mengqi and Liu Yan, Ye Ming paused for a moment, then turned his body to Chen Mengqi, stretched out a hand, and said softly, "Qiqi, please come with me!"

When Chen Mengqi heard this sentence, she suddenly opened her tightly closed eyes, and stared at Ye Ming with incomparable surprise and happiness. When she was sure that Ye Ming really extended his palm to her, suddenly a She threw herself into his arms, hugged his body tightly, and burst into tears...

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