Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 695 Weeping with joy

Ye Ming heard that Yan Lian said that Chen Guitian and Liang Tanghua would be released tomorrow, and that they could have supper with him tonight. He couldn't help but be overjoyed: For a while, he felt very guilty in his heart. He felt that in this incident, The people I am most sorry for are Chen Guitian and Liang Tanghua.Because at their own request, the two of them accepted the secret instructions of Guo Guangwei, director of the Provincial Public Security Bureau, and took care of Gong Zhichao. As a result, they were imprisoned and almost entered a cell.If the two of them were really dismissed and sentenced for this matter, I would be afraid that my conscience would be disturbed for the rest of my life.

So, when Yan Lian said that both Chen Guitian and Liang Tanghua had been released from the review and could be released tomorrow, Ye Ming was so happy that he stretched out his hand to grab Yan Lian's skinny palms and said excitedly: "Team Leader Yan!" , Thank you! Thank you! Are Captain Chen and Director Liang detained on the sixth floor? Can we go and see them now?"

Yan Lian saw that Ye Ming's words of thanks were sincere, and the happy smile on his face was also sincere and natural. He felt that his strategy had worked, and he was very happy, so he smiled and said to Ye Ming: "Director Ye, don't worry. , I will arrange for someone to invite the two of them here, and then we will have supper together."

Then, he called the two guest rooms where Chen Guitian and Liang Tanghua were detained, and asked the clerks guarding him to bring them to room 501 immediately.

A few minutes later, led by two clerks, Chen Guitian and Liang Tanghua came to room 501 full of doubts.When they saw Ye Ming waiting for them in the room, both of them were both surprised and happy—it turned out that they didn't know that Ye Ming had been locked in, and they didn't know that the task force had lifted their arrest measures .Now suddenly seeing Ye Ming waiting for them in the room with Team Leader Yan of the special case team, they thought Ye Ming came in to visit them with a connection, so both of them showed expressions of surprise on their faces.

In the past few days, although Chen Guitian and Liang Tanghua were first slapped by the task force, they were arrested again this afternoon.However, they never despaired, and they also insisted on refusing to reveal anything about Guo Guangwei and Ye Ming's help for Gong Zhichao.Because they knew when they had dinner with Ye Ming last time: Ye Ming's relationship with the Provincial Party Committee is extraordinary, not only is Secretary Li Runji's godson, but Secretary Lu also has an extraordinary love and care for him .Although they couldn't figure out why Secretary Lu cared so much for Ye Ming, they all had a belief in their hearts: Ye Ming was a very affectionate and affectionate person.The two of them made a mistake because of his request and were sent to the task force. Ye Ming will definitely not sit idly by.As long as he is willing to make a move, with his relationship with Secretary Lu and Secretary Li, he will rescue both of them one day!

Because of this belief, even when they were announced to be arrested, they were not particularly desperate, and they always believed that even if they were imprisoned this time, they would definitely have a comeback one day in the future...

Now, when they entered Room 501 and saw Ye Ming standing there, both of them were extremely excited. When shaking hands with Ye Ming, Liang Tanghua even had tears in his eyes.

Ye Ming was also very excited. When he shook hands with Chen Guitian and Liang Tanghua, tears of guilt fell from his eyes.

Yan Lian knew that Chen Guitian and Liang Tanghua had not received the news that they had been released from arrest measures, so he smiled and said beside him: "Captain Chen, Director Liang, congratulations to both of you. After discussing and voting, it was decided to revoke the arrest measures for the two of you, and I can go through the relevant procedures for you tomorrow. From now on, you are all free!"

Chen Guitian and Liang Tanghua couldn't believe their ears when they heard Yan Lian's words, they stared at Yan Lian with unbelievable eyes, and didn't react for a long time.

After being stunned for about ten seconds, Chen Guicai wriggled his lips and asked in a trembling voice, "Group Leader Yan, are you serious? Are you teasing me and Lao Liang?"

Yan Lian hurriedly said: "How dare you! How dare you! If you don't believe me, you can ask Mr. Ye. He and I are going to invite the two of you out to eat Xinleng's special snails!"

Ye Ming hurriedly took out the pack of Diamond Furong Wang cigarettes that Yan Lian had just stuffed into his pocket, opened the box, took out two cigarettes and handed them to Chen Guitian and Liang Tanghua, and said with a smile: "Captain Chen, Director Liang, you may not know : I have been imprisoned here for two or three days, and I just got the news that the criminal detention measures have been lifted. The specific reason, we will know later. Now that we are free, let's invite Team Leader Yan to have a snack together Let’s go to the night! You two may have never tasted Xinleng’s flavored snails, so let’s go and have a taste today, my treat!”

Chen Guitian and Liang Tanghua heard from Ye Ming that he had been imprisoned here for two or three days. Only then did they notice that his face was unshaven and his clothes were messy, as if he had just woken up. Obviously, he had been imprisoned here for a few days. Yes - because in their impression, Ye Ming is very clean and tidy. If he hadn't been locked up here for the past few days, he definitely wouldn't be what he is now.

At this point, they are convinced: they are indeed free!Moreover, they immediately came to a conclusion: this is Secretary Lu and Secretary Li starting to make a move!Otherwise, it is impossible for the three of them to be announced to revoke these measures suddenly when they were just announced to be under criminal detention and arrest!Only people like Secretary Lu and Secretary Li can have such an ability and thunderous means to turn things around in an instant and rescue the three of them who are about to be imprisoned...

Thinking of this, both Chen Guitian and Liang Tanghua cast their eyes on Ye Ming at the same time, with expressions of joy and gratitude in their eyes.

At this time, Ye Ming suddenly remembered Xu Fei and Zou Wenming who had visited him the night before yesterday but did not see him. He felt that he should first tell the news of his release to these two leaders who cared about him, so he said to Yan Lian: "Group leader Yan, I want to call the leaders of our county and city bureaus and tell them the news of my release tonight. Can I borrow your mobile phone?"

It was only then that Yan Lian remembered that the belongings of the three of them were still detained in the special case team, and hurriedly handed the mobile phone to Ye Ming, and said apologetically: "Director Ye, I'm sorry, I just rushed here to tell you the good news, forget I want to return your belongings to you, and I will arrange for someone to bring your things to the three of you."

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