Seeing that Chen Yuanqiao came to greet his precious daughter home with such excitement, Ye Ming felt a little disgusted, and a displeased expression appeared on his face.

In fact, Chen Yuanqiao did it out of good intentions: he loves his daughter so much, so he wants to celebrate her success in holding hands in the grandest way.

Just now in the backstage of the TV studio, after finishing Ye Ming's ideological work, he immediately called and started to make arrangements: First, he asked his bodyguard captain to gather the best cars of the company and drive them to the entrance of the provincial TV station together Pick up Qiqi and her sisters; secondly, the manager of the food and beverage department should make immediate arrangements to free up the largest box in the revolving restaurant on the top floor of the "Jinqiao Hotel", and arrange the festive environment as quickly as possible to celebrate the success of the lady holding hands, and prepare Thirty 1000-yuan wedding bags; third, all the night shift employees gathered at the entrance of the hotel, each holding a bouquet of flowers, ready to welcome the lady and uncle at any time...

Of course, he did this with the intention of showing off in front of Ye Ming: he knew that Ye Ming was a small civil servant in the small county in his hometown, and he must have never seen anything big in the world.Although he keeps saying that he doesn't like girls from rich families, if he is allowed to really experience the grandeur and ostentation of rich people, I'm afraid he will change his outdated ideas.

In addition, he still looks down on this conceited little civil servant with no background or foundation in his bones - if his daughter hadn't fallen in love with this poor boy with all his heart, according to his intention, he would have wanted to find Xia Haoyu as his son-in-law.At worst, with his daughter's beautiful appearance and rich family background, he should find a young talent with great prospects in the provincial capital, not a small civil servant like Ye Ming who might spend his whole life in the small county town of his hometown.

Therefore, he is making such arrangements now, just to blow Ye Ming's self-esteem and let him know: rich people have the style and ostentation of rich people. Although Qiqi likes you very much, the difference in wealth and status between you and her can never be healed...

He thought that when Ye Ming saw the luxury cars outside and the bodyguards and drivers standing respectfully, he would definitely show surprise and envy.

However, he soon discovered that after Ye Ming saw the convoy, he turned to look at Chen Mengqi, with a look of boredom and displeasure on his face.But those girls, seeing so many luxury cars, let out an excited "wow".

At this time, Chen Mengqi was immersed in the extremely sweet and dreamy mood, and didn't pay attention to Ye Ming's face at all. The one who took his hand led him straight to the side of the first red Porsche sports car, and stood beside it. The two bodyguards on board came over immediately, bowed to her, and said "Hello, miss!", one bent down to open the door for her, and the other got into the cab to drive.

Ye Ming frowned, and suddenly broke free from Chen Mengqi's hand, and said in a low voice, "Qiqi, I'm not used to your pomp and circumstance. You can go by car first, tell me the place, and I'll take a taxi by myself!"

Chen Mengqi was taken aback for a moment, and then realized that his face was not looking good. When she thought about it, she realized that his self-esteem had been hurt a little. She immediately panicked, grabbed his arm tightly, leaned her head on his shoulder, and softly persuaded him : "Brother Ye, I'm sorry, I didn't know my father would make such an exaggeration. Don't be angry, I will let these people go, and I will drive to the hotel with you personally. If you must take a taxi, I will accompany you Hit it, okay?"

Seeing her being so humble, Ye Ming felt a little embarrassed, so he nodded and said, "Tell these people wearing sunglasses to go away. It's like a gangster. I'm really not used to it."

When Chen Mengqi saw that he no longer insisted on leaving, a stone fell from her heart. She waved to the two bodyguards and said, "Go away, take a taxi back by yourself, and I will drive by myself!"

In the car, Ye Ming asked Chen Mengqi who was driving: "Where shall we go for supper? Don't take me to a five-star hotel again to show off!"

Chen Mengqi turned her head, smiled charmingly, and said, "I'll take you to the hotel opened by our family, it's okay!"

Ye Ming only knew that her father was a real estate tycoon, but he didn't know that her family also opened a hotel, so he stopped talking.

Half an hour later, the convoy reached its destination.

Ye Ming pushed the car door and went down, facing a towering skyscraper, which looked magnificent and majestic, with a few big characters in italics outlined in neon lights: "Jinqiao International Hotel".

Ye Ming knew that this was a newly opened five-star hotel, but he didn't expect that it belonged to Chen Mengqi's family.

Chen Mengqi parked the car, came over and held Ye Ming's hand tightly, and led him straight to the hotel lobby without waiting for the people behind.

As soon as I walked to the door, I saw two rows of employees in hotel uniforms, each holding a bouquet of flowers, from the entrance to the front desk of the hotel.

These employees were all smiling, and when they saw Chen Mengqi walking into the lobby holding Ye Ming's hand, they immediately waved flowers and said in unison: "Congratulations miss, I wish miss and uncle a happy marriage and happiness!"

Chen Mengqi didn't expect her father to come to such a vulgar welcome ceremony. She was shy and annoyed at the same time, and was afraid that Ye Ming would be angry, so she looked at Ye Ming worriedly and stamped her feet at a manager who came up to her. Angrily said: "Who told you to do this? They are about to disperse!"

Ye Ming felt that this scene was extremely funny, and seeing those people swarming in all directions in fright under Chen Mengqi's anger, he couldn't help laughing.

Chen Mengqi poked him with a flushed face, and said coyly, "What are you laughing at? Let me tell you: It wasn't my idea, I'm not so vulgar! It was all arranged by my father, he is just a bumpkin , I thought this was a romance..."

Before she finished speaking, she heard Chen Yuanqiao laughing from behind: "Qiqi, is there anyone who talks about your father behind his back? Dad is doing it for your own good and wants to make you happy. It's good for you, in order to please Xiaoye, you will not hesitate to be here. Behind the scenes, your father is arranged, it’s really a girl who doesn’t want to stay! Hahaha!”

Chen Mengqi did not expect that her father and his party followed behind, and heard her words in their ears. She couldn't help being extremely embarrassed, she turned her head and said angrily: "Dad, I'm not wrong, what you are doing is stupid! I watched I'm all sorry."

But a few female guests came over and said to Chen Mengqi enviously: "Qiqi, your dad is so kind to you! Look, there are so many people, so many flowers, so many smiling faces, isn't this romantic? What is it? You don't know how to be blessed when you are in the blessing!"

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