Hearing his wife's begging, Wang Hai's already disturbed mood became even more like a mess. He couldn't make sense of it, and cut it constantly. Frowning, thinking and judging hard, I feel like two giant beasts fighting in my heart. For a while, this idea prevails, and for a while, that idea prevails, but I can’t make a decision.

He is very clear: with the huge economic benefits he has obtained from revitalizing the company, especially this kind of benefits are obtained through illegal means of buying dry shares, once investigated and dealt with, it will undoubtedly be regarded as bribery, and the amount Very huge.According to his own calculations, the dividends he has received from the revitalization company in the past few years are no less than 3000 million.Moreover, when Li Botang started to make friends with him, he even gave him several million cash.But for these circumstances, he was enough to be sentenced to death with a reprieve.What's more, I had some other problems. Once I was investigated this time, those problems were likely to be found out one after another, and the amount was even more astonishing.

But now, the central government’s anti-corruption efforts are so strong that several provincial and ministerial-level senior officials who are even higher than themselves and have more power have been sacked. Two of them were sentenced to death, and the others were also sentenced to life imprisonment. and reprieve.And here, there are several officials who have been sacked, and their bribes are not as much as their own.In this way, if the central government seriously wants to investigate and deal with him, when he is convicted and sentenced in the future, it may be a lenient sentence for him to be sentenced to death with a reprieve...

Thinking of this, he only felt that the hairs all over his body stood on end, and his body began to shake like chaff...

Now, he finally understood why Zhou Jiqing had such a desolate tone of despair when he was on the phone with him yesterday—the kind of unwillingness to give up when a person is grabbed seven inches and has to bow his head to give in. The feeling of helpless frustration can indeed completely crush a person's will in an instant, and the only thing left is to beg the opponent to show mercy, stop chasing and beating hard, and let oneself die...

At this time, seeing that he was still thinking and hesitating, his wife came over again and said in a desperate tone: "Old Wang, you can't hesitate any longer! If you don't take the initiative, we are really doomed. You now It is an attitude to ask Secretary Lu to admit your mistakes and ask him to intercede, and the effect will be much better. If you wait for Secretary Lu to come to you, you will be very passive. At that time, Secretary Lu will not forgive you or help you. But it’s hard to say! Also, I heard many people from the Provincial Party Committee comment that Secretary Lu is a very generous person. Although he is usually very strict with his subordinates, if a subordinate really makes a mistake, as long as it is not serious, When dealing with mistakes that particularly violate principles, he will be lenient when dealing with them, giving comrades who have made mistakes a chance to reform themselves, and never beating people to death with a single stick. Therefore, the staff around him summed up a few words for him: Strict education, lenient punishment; learn from past mistakes and avoid future ones, cure diseases and save people! If you can’t get rid of this face, you don’t want to go to Secretary Lu to admit your mistakes. Well, I will go instead of you, and I will ask Secretary Lu. I can’t just watch our family be destroyed We can’t watch our son become a sinner’s family that no one cares about, no one loves, no one pays attention to!”

As she said that, she really walked towards the door while wiping away her tears.

Wang Hai stood up and shouted: "Come back! Do you think Secretary Lu is so easy to meet? Besides, you are a woman, what's the use of going to him? Do you think he will be moved by your tears? Let me tell you : In this life-and-death political struggle, tears are the least valuable! Now the only way out is that I voluntarily surrender and retire, and maybe I can win some sympathy from him!"

Speaking of this, he shook his head unwillingly, sighed heavily, looked up at his wife, and said in a somewhat lonely tone: "I'll call him now and talk to him. This talk is a complete confession, a complete confession, no more concealment, no more chances, you must touch the soul, so that he can be completely relieved, and only then can he have a chance to get his forgiveness. So, you There is one thing that must be done tomorrow: go to the bank and return all the dividends that you have received from the revitalization company in the past few years to your brother-in-law's personal account, and supervise him, in the name of your family, to replace you My sister handed over the stolen money to the person handling the case. This is the most critical step, do you understand?"

When his wife heard that all the dividends would be handed over to the Commission for Discipline Inspection, her heart ached again, and she said unwillingly: "Old Wang, when we bought shares in Zhenxing Company, although we got a part of dry shares, it's still the same. A part of the share capital was actually paid out. Therefore, part of the dividends is our due interest. We only need to return the part of the money invested in the dry stock..."

"Shut up! It's just a woman's opinion! Why do you want to share dry shares and wet shares now? It's God's grace to save our lives and keep us from going to jail. Are you still reluctant to part with those tens of millions of dollars? Let me tell you: You and I are both party members and leading cadres, and it is strictly forbidden to participate in the operation of the company! Haven’t you studied the "Code for Party Members and Leading Cadres to Be Integrity in Politics"? If you don’t do this, I will talk to Secretary Lu, and there will be no Does it make any sense, do you understand?"

His wife was taken aback by his furious roar, and she didn't dare to chew any more.

Wang Hai glared at his wife angrily, walked to the telephone, stood there hesitating for a long time, finally picked up the receiver with trembling hands, and dialed Secretary Lu's office - he knew very well that this Secretary Lu must be in the office at that time, and he will not go back to rest until after eleven o'clock in the evening.

Sure enough, Secretary Lu quickly answered the phone.

"Secretary Lu, hello, I'm Wang Hai. Are you free now? If I'm free, I want to talk to you and report to you about my personal situation."

Secretary Lu pondered for a while on the phone, and then replied: "Yes. Come here now!"

After entering Secretary Lu's office, Wang Hai took a look at Secretary Lu's teacup first. Seeing that the tea in it had been drunk to the end, he took his own initiative to pick up his cup, knocked on Xu Lizhong's door next door, and went under the water heater to give Secretary Lu's tea. Fill the glass with water.

Xu Lizhong was watching the news on the computer, when he saw Wang Hai coming in, he stood up quickly, called out "Secretary General", walked over embarrassedly and said, "Secretary General, let me do it!"

Wang Hai turned his head to look at Xu Lizhong, forced a smile, and said, "Xiao Xu, you sit down. I'll talk to Secretary Lu about something, it's more important, please avoid it!"

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