Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 728 A Good Thing That 1 Kills 2

When Qin Ge heard that Secretary Lu offered to do activities for Wang Hai and let him serve as the deputy director of the Provincial People's Congress next year, he couldn't help but admire his generosity for repaying grievances with virtue.At the same time, he also felt that when dealing with various personnel disputes and conflicts, Secretary Lu has a very broad vision and considers issues very meticulously. His basic idea is to "strike a small group and unite a large group". The wrong person must maintain the stability of Tianjiang's political situation.At this point, Qin Ge felt that his level was far behind that of Secretary Lu.

Therefore, when Secretary Lu said that Xie Hongda would be brought to the central government for punishment, he agreed from the bottom of his heart, saying: "Secretary Lu, I really know Xie Hongda better. As you said, he is stubborn and likes a way Go to the dark. Others don't turn back until they hit the south wall, but he doesn't repent after hitting the south wall, and even wants to break a hole in the south wall. Therefore, it is impossible for him to take the initiative to find If you admit your mistakes, it is impossible to have a heart of repentance. If you continue to keep him in the provincial party committee team, it is likely to be a piece of mouse shit, which will ruin a pot of soup. Therefore, I agree with your proposal very much .”

When he said this, he seemed to suddenly remember something wrong, frowned and said: "Secretary Lu, I just suddenly remembered that Xie Hongda and Wang Hai made the same mistake, they both got illegal money from Zhenxing Company. Interests. If he was investigated by the central government, but Wang Hai was only transferred from the post of secretary-general of the provincial party committee without any punishment, would Xie Hongda bite Wang Hai when he was investigated? If he really did that, we would very much Passive."

Secretary Lu had actually considered this issue a long time ago.Therefore, after Qin Ge raised this question, he smiled and said confidently: "Don't worry about this issue. I just told you: we dealt with Zhou Jiqing, Wang Hai, and Xie Hongda just to purify our provincial party committee." We must clean up the moths and black sheep hidden in our leadership team, so that our team will be more pure, more cohesive and combative in the future. Therefore, our principle in dealing with them is to keep our current team as low-key as possible. Stability, without making big waves, for a smooth transition to next year's party congress.

"Therefore, even for Xie Hongda, when we wrote to the Central Committee, we should not expose all his crimes, only mentioning that he connived at his relatives' shareholding in a certain company and used his influence to evade taxes for the company. It provides convenience. At that time, I will also make a suggestion to the comrades of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection who are in charge of investigating the Xie Hongda issue. Try not to transfer Xie Hongda to the judicial organs, and only give him party and political discipline sanctions, such as revoking his posts inside and outside the party, or Expulsion from the party or dismissal from public office is fine, but don't pursue his legal responsibility.

"In this case, Xie Hongda will not dare to bite Wang Hai out, because he is also afraid that if the incident becomes serious, he may be sentenced to jail. In this case, we will not only maintain the stability of our provincial party committee team, but also enough to punish Xie Hongda. Of course , I also know that what we do violates the principle of the rule of law that 'offenders must be prosecuted', and is also suspected of covering up and conniving criminals. However, starting from the political stability of Tianjiang Province and maintaining the reputation and authority of our provincial party committee leadership, I think this is the last resort we have to take. Otherwise, once Wang Hai, Xie Hongda, and Zhou Jiqing bite each other and cause a big disturbance, and the last three members of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee are investigated and sentenced, then our God Jiang Province will really become famous all over the country, and that kind of bad influence will hardly be eliminated within a few years. Therefore, we are really forced to do this!"

Having said that, Secretary Lu shook his head heavily, with a wry smile on his face.

Although Qin Ge is very upright and principled, he has been in the officialdom for so long, and he knows that even people who insist on principles, sometimes have to learn to be flexible for the sake of the overall situation, and must tolerate some difficult things and do some things. Against one's will.For example, Secretary Lu, in fact, Wang Hai, Zhou Jiqing, and Xie Hongda all pushed him out and offended him.Logically, he should wish he could trample him to death.But now, for the sake of the political stability of Tianjiang Province, and in order not to cause a major political earthquake, even if he caught the evidence of the three of them, he could only let them go against his will.

Therefore, he nodded understandingly and said, "Secretary Lu, I understand your feelings and support your decision. Judging from the current situation, only the idea you proposed is the most correct and ideal. In two days, after Comrade Runji's detailed report on the Xinleng County Revitalization Company case comes out, you and I will jointly file a letter to the Central Committee to expose Xie Hongda's violations of discipline and law. I'll go back now and see you in the evening. At that time, I will definitely respect You have two glasses of wine, one is to express my gratitude, and the other is to express my respect."

Secretary Lu smiled and waved his hand, then rang the bell to call Xu Lizhong who was on standby in the next office, and told him to take the two bags of dog legs and medlars to Governor Qin's car, and then shook hands with Qin Ge to say goodbye.

In the afternoon, Li Runji suddenly got a call to Secretary Lu.On the phone, he said in a slightly excited tone: "Secretary Lu, I just got the news that Li Zhi confessed, and he explained it more thoroughly, including how his father discussed with Wang Hai and Xie Hongda about buying shares, how to donate dry money, etc. Shares, how to distribute dividends, whose account the money will be transferred to, the amount of money, etc., etc., and he also told the task force: In the safe in the bedroom of the villa where Li Botang lived, there is a top-secret The account book, which records the details of the company's bribery of officials at all levels in the past few years. In this account book, it also records the details of Wang Hai and Xie Hongda's shareholding. At present, this account book has been checked by the task force. It is estimated that by tomorrow, we I can write you a detailed case report."

Secretary Lu gave an "oh" happily, and told Secretary Li to write the report in detail, and make a copy of the relevant evidentiary materials and put it in the report, and the sooner the better.

After telling these things, Secretary Lu suddenly remembered the dinner with Wu Dongsheng at night, and a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind: why not call Li Runji over to have dinner together?In this way, on the one hand, Wu Dongsheng can have an impression of Li Runji, a rising star in the Tianjiang political arena, and he can also mention his name to the general secretary when it is convenient; on the other hand, there is still some relationship between him and Qin Ge. For conflicts and estrangements, you can also take the opportunity of having dinner with Wu Dongsheng and be a peacemaker yourself to resolve the estrangement and conflicts between them.This is a good thing that kills two birds with one stone!

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