Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 768 The Way to Enter the Provincial Party Committee Office

After negotiating the engagement between Ye Ming and Xia Chuchu, Secretary Lu was about to hang up the phone when he suddenly remembered another matter and said to Li Runji: "Runji, there is one more thing I want to discuss with you. Let me ask your opinion, it is about the transfer of Ye Ming to the province."

Li Runji hurriedly said: "Secretary Lu, this is indeed a major event, and it should be done as soon as possible. If Ye Ming always stays in that small county town, always in the local tax bureau, it will limit his vision, growth and improvement space It is also limited; second, the people he interacts with are not high-level people, which is not conducive to his establishment of a good relationship; third, not long ago, there was a lot of noise about his affairs over there, and many people knew about his relationship with Li Botang and his son. Contradictions, I also know that he has an affair with Li Zhi's wife, which is not good for his reputation; fourth, and the most important point, he is now engaged to Chu Chu, if he stays in Xin Leng County again, he will meet with Chu Chu It's not easy, and the relationship between the two of them may be affected by it. Therefore, I agree to transfer him to the provincial capital as soon as possible...By the way, Secretary Lu, do you have any ideas in mind?"

Secretary Lu thought for a while, and said: "A few days ago, Qiu Wangxi from the Provincial Party Committee Office asked me for instructions, saying that the first secretary of the provincial party committee office and the third secretary office will retire at the end of the year, and the two deputy directors will retire. There are still two vacancies in the Banking and Finance Department. Therefore, he made a suggestion to me, saying that he would recruit four vacant positions run by the Provincial Party Committee in the whole province. Of course, for the two sub-division-level real positions, regular or chief staff members within the Provincial Party Committee Office can also refer to them. The conditions for recruitment and application: first, you must be under 35 years old, with a bachelor’s degree or above , and must have more than five years of work experience; second, to apply for a deputy office, must have more than three years of experience in a regular department or as a chief staff member; third, must be a civil servant of a state administrative organ.

"Moreover, Comrade Qiu Wangxi also proposed another supplementary plan: In order to ensure that the comrades recruited to the Provincial Party Committee Office have a solid political theory foundation and strong comprehensive coordination ability, eight candidates must be recruited for this recruitment examination. cadres, and insert them into the half-year training class for young cadres at the Party School of the Provincial Party Committee. Under the guidance of the director, complete a research article. Then, according to the ranking of the comprehensive achievements of the above items, the top 8 will enter the provincial party committee office, and the last 8 will go to work in the Youth League Provincial Committee and other provincial-level organizations that need cadres. In this way, we can kill two birds with one stone. We not only select outstanding talents for the Provincial Party Committee Office, but also provide pre-employment training for these talents, and also select needed talents for other provincial organs.

"I think Comrade Qiu Wangxi's public recruitment plan is more creative, and it is more in line with our relevant regulations on the selection and appointment of cadres. It is conducive to the selection of outstanding talents from the whole province to the provincial party committee office. Therefore, I agree. His plan, and plans to start registration next month and formally hold the exam.

"The reason why I'm talking to you about this matter now is because I'm considering Ye Ming's transfer problem, and it can't be transferred by me or you simply by saying hello. Ming's identity is doubtful. So, I want you to tell Ye Ming that he must take part in the public recruitment examination held by the Provincial Party Committee Office next month. However, he can only sign up for the real position of the main department or the director of the department. In the examination of the member, it is not eligible to apply for the deputy division level.

"I believe that with Ye Ming's learning ability and comprehensive quality, as long as he starts to review now, he should not have a problem passing the written test and interview. As long as he is selected for the list of 8 people, he will be sent to the party school's young cadre class to study Half a year, on the one hand, can improve his awareness of party spirit and improve his level of political theory; , he came in through such an open recruitment method, no one can say anything, and no one will doubt the relationship between me and him. Comrade Runji, what do you think?"

Li Runji himself is also a leader who doesn't want to seek personal gain for his acquaintances and friends, and go through the back door, so he also very much agrees with Secretary Lu's idea in his heart.However, he was still a little worried, so he said: "Secretary Lu, it is the best way for Ye Ming to enter the Provincial Party Committee Office. Doing work and working next to the leaders of the provincial party committee is the dream of many civil servants in the province's administrative organs, and it is also a shortcut for them to be promoted. Moreover, as long as they are shortlisted, they can enter the provincial party school's young cadre class to study , you can stay and work in provincial government agencies. This is the best opportunity for many civil servants outside the provincial capital to transfer to production work. Therefore, the competition for these 8 shortlisted places will definitely be very fierce. Whether Ye Ming can be shortlisted, that is A big problem.

"Secondly, even if Ye Ming is shortlisted and entered the Provincial Party School, he still has to compete with seven other people for four places to enter the Provincial Party Committee Office. Moreover, what he can compete for is only the two official positions. Although he is a Chinese student, he may not have a good foundation in political theory. If his academic performance in the party school is not as good as that of others, and his thesis cannot pass the test, he will not be able to enter the provincial party committee office. If he goes to other It doesn't make much sense to go directly to the provincial government.

"So, although I agree with your idea, I also think that Ye Ming cannot be hired to work in the Provincial Party Committee Office with your or my power. However, I don't think it is necessary for him to make such a big detour, and there are risks. If you are worried that there will be doubts and criticisms when he is transferred to the Provincial Party Committee Office, then just ask me to come forward and transfer him to the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection to work beside me. Anyway, many people now know that Ye Ming is my savior , I also knew that he was my godson, and there was already a lot of discussion outside, so I simply took the blame and transferred Ye Ming to the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection. Then, after he has made some achievements here and has a corresponding position, You move him to your side again. Do you think this is okay?"

Secretary Lu said decisively: "Comrade Runji, this is not acceptable! I just want to see Ye Ming's real skills and his comprehensive ability. He turned out to be a top student in their university, and he must have his own methods for the exam. As for the interview, based on his appearance and talent, he will definitely be shortlisted. Therefore, I have more confidence in him. If he can't even beat others in such an exam, then what can he say about his outstanding talent, ability, and great future? It's all empty, which proves that he doesn't have much ability at all. In that case, my heart will fade."

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