Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 784 Provincial Party School

The Tianjiang Provincial Party School is located at the foot of the Lushan Mountain in Hexi, which is beautiful and full of talents. Like other provincial party schools, it was founded in the early 50s.At the beginning of this century, the Party School of the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial School of Administration merged, and the two schools were integrated, implementing the management system of "two brands, one set of personnel".The school covers an area of ​​460 mu, with a construction area of ​​more than 0000 square meters. It can accommodate nearly 3000 students to study at the same time. It is a provincial garden-style unit.

According to the arrangement of the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee, Ye Ming and his group of 16 colleges who participated in the provincial Party Committee Office's deputy director-level and full-time recruitment examinations will be inserted into this year's young and middle-aged cadre training class in the form of transfers.This year's young and middle-aged cadre training class is a department-level cadre training class. It lasts for ten months and has a total of 32 students. It started on June 6 this year and has been studying for two months.Ye Ming and the others joined this study class, studied with them for eight months, and graduated in April next year.In this case, the number of students in the entire class has reached 1 people.

Those who received Ye Ming and the others were Xiao Jin, the head teacher of the young cadre class, Zhang Lingzhi, the monitor of the young cadre class, and Zha Jiliang, the life committee member.

Xiao Jin, the head teacher, is about 43 or [-] years old. He is the director of the Education Department of the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee.When Ye Ming went to report for duty, he just sat behind a desk, looked at Ye Ming calmly, and saw that he was so young and handsome, with a surprised expression on his face.

Zhang Lingzhi, the squad leader sitting on the left of Xiao Jin, is tall and slender, with a fair complexion, and wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses. When Ye Ming handed over the admission notice, he accepted it with a smile and politely said hello to Ye Ming.

When Ye Ming said hello to the class teacher, Zhang Lingzhi, and Zha Jiliang, he observed Zhang Lingzhi carefully, and saw that although he was very elegant and gentle, he seemed more reserved and restrained. Combined with his identity as the monitor, Ye Ming reckoned that he was likely to be a cadre at the department level, and he might be the top leader of the party and government in a certain place or department.

As for this head teacher, Director Xiao Jin, Ye Ming has known him for a long time: under normal circumstances, the head teacher of the young cadre class of the Party School of the Provincial Party Committee is the director or deputy director of the Education Department of the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee.However, this class teacher does not care about the specific affairs of the class, nor does he live in the party school, but only plays a supervisory and coordinating role.The specific class affairs management is the responsibility of the class committee.

Before Ye Ming came to the school to report, considering the important role the head teacher would play in his future assessment and scoring, he deliberately got to know Xiao Jin through some channels. He knew that he had been in the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee for many years and had never Da Dezhi has been the director of the Education Department for more than four years and has not moved.The main reason was that Xie Hongda, the former head of the organization, was not very interested in him. He felt that he kept a straight face all day long, was dull and reticent, and didn't like to ask himself for instructions and reports.

What's more important is: this Xiao Jin was promoted by Xie Hongda's former head of organization because of his stability and upright character, and thought he was a man of talent, so he was promoted out of the ordinary.Therefore, he has not been taken seriously in the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee, and he has no backing at the top, so it is difficult to see any future and future.

Fortunately, in last month's issue, Xie Hongda was suddenly taken away by the inspection team of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, and a few days later it was announced that shuanggui measures would be taken against him.It is said that his main violation of discipline is "using the influence of his position to connive at relatives taking shares in enterprises for profit".Although this issue may not be considered a crime, it will not be referred to the judiciary.However, the treatment can be light or serious: light cases are given warnings, demerits, or major demerits, and severe cases may be dismissed from office and expelled from the party.

When Xiao Jin heard the news, the resentment that had been suppressed in his heart for the past few years calmed down a little...

After learning about these situations, Ye Ming still admires Xiao Jin in his heart.Therefore, when he reported for duty, he really wanted to make some friends with Xiao Jin, so that he could leave a good impression on himself.However, when I warmly greeted him, he just nodded to himself coldly, and then looked at himself a few more times, without giving him a chance to speak, he waved his hand and told him to go to the dormitory to put his luggage first. It made Ye Ming very embarrassed.

Fortunately, the life committee member Zha Jiliang who took me to the dormitory was very enthusiastic and talkative.When walking from the registration office to the dormitory, he first introduced himself to Ye Ming, saying that he was the deputy director of the Earth Environment Department of the Provincial Department of Land and Resources, and he was 38 years old; Ling Zhi, now the county magistrate of Zijiang County, is also the most powerful leader among the eight department-level cadres in this class. In addition, he is peaceful and refined, and he handles things fairly and fairly, so he was elected as the squad leader of this year's youth cadre class .

When Ye Ming heard that Zha Jiliang introduced himself as a member of the Provincial Department of Land and Resources, his heart skipped a beat. He suddenly remembered Wang Xiuguang, the current director of the Department of Land and Resources. He couldn't help but want to tell Zha Jiliang that he and Wang Xiuguang were good friends.But then I thought about it again: If I talk about Wang Xiuguang with Zha Jiliang now, firstly, he may not believe that he and he are good friends, and also I am afraid that he will think that I am frivolous and use tiger skin as a banner, which is not good. up.So, when the words came to his lips, he took them back.

Next, Zha Jiliang told Ye Ming: Considering the competition between each other, after research by the class committee, it is not convenient for the 8 new students they inserted to live together. In another student dormitory.The dormitories of the Qinggan class are all two-bedroom standard, with two bedrooms and one living room, with a bathroom.Two cadres at the department level live in one apartment, and four cadres at the deputy department level live in one apartment.Ye Ming and the others had to be inserted into the dormitories of the deputy director-level cadres who were not fully occupied.

Ye Ming wanted to know the situation of the other three students who shared a room with him, so he asked Zha Jiliang.

Zha Jiliang is a very competent life committee member, and he has a clear understanding of the situation in each dormitory.Hearing Ye Ming ask about the situation of his dormitory, he patiently introduced: "Three people living with you, one is the deputy head of Daxing District of the provincial capital and director of Xinghai Development Zone, surnamed Yan, named Yan Changgeng; It is Chen Yufei, the deputy director of the Urban Youth Work Department of the Youth League Committee, and Liu Ziliang, the deputy head of the Criminal Investigation Brigade of the Provincial Public Security Department. These three are all deputy director-level cadres. Among them, Yan Changgeng, the deputy district chief, is still our youth The deputy squad leader of the dry class."

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