However, Yan Changgeng dismissed Ye Ming's written test interview No.1 at all, curled his lips, and said in a mocking tone: "Xiao Cha, don't mention the first place in the exam. I, Yan Changgeng, came from a farming family , I don’t even have a high school diploma, so I come out to roam the rivers and lakes, don’t I still want the wind and the rain? To put it bluntly: the so-called college graduates nowadays, the last time I pee in the toilet, I may get a few showers. .My classmates with top grades in middle school and high school, those students who are extremely good at exams, are all nerds and sour talents in reality. They can neither make money nor become officials. They are all useless!

"You can go to the enterprises in our development zone to have a look. I am an old man who has not graduated from high school, but there are hundreds of bachelors, masters and even doctors who work for me and make money for me. You say: this is a good student, What's the use of being good at exams? Although I'm not very educated, I know two old sayings: one is 'a scholar who is useless', and the other is 'it is better to be a centurion than a scholar'. From this we can see that, There are many ancient people who have the same views as me: reading too much is really useless. Hahaha!"

After finishing this high-level discussion, Yan Changgeng couldn't help but looked up to the sky triumphantly and laughed.

Here, Captain Liu Ziliang of the Public Security Bureau didn't read much, so he agreed with Yan Changgeng's point of view and laughed along with him.Both Chen Yufei and Zha Jiliang graduated with a master's degree. Hearing Yan Changgeng's words, there was a hint of embarrassment in their eyes, but they were afraid of his overbearing, and they dared not express their embarrassment and dissatisfaction. .

At this time, Ye Ming had gradually lost patience with this arrogant, bully-like deputy district chief, listening to his words became more and more harsh and harsh, and he no longer cared about the issue of not offending others, suddenly Withdrawing the smile on his face, he gave Yan Changgeng a cold look, and said, "District Chief Yan, I don't know where you got the idea that your studies are useless, and I don't know why you want to belittle and ridicule studies so much. However, you can’t expect others to follow you in burning books and digging scholars just because you don’t study, right? There is a saying called ‘Don’t take ignorance as your personality’. I hope District Chief Yan can chew on the meaning of this sentence. At the same time, I would also like to ask District Chief Yan: Since you think reading is harmful and not beneficial, then what are you doing here? Why do you still go to the party school for training and improvement? Aren’t you inconsistent with your words and deeds, contradicting yourself? My words are right It’s straighter, please don’t take offense, Chief Yan!”

After saying this, Ye Ming ignored Yan Changgeng and the others, turned around and went to get the suitcase, ready to put it in the bedroom.

Yan Changgeng didn't expect Ye Ming to change his face suddenly, nor did he expect that a small civil servant from this small county would dare to contradict himself, the majestic deputy head of the provincial capital, so angry that the pockmarks on his face were all pockmarked. Bai turned red, his eyes were wide open, he threw the poker cards in his hand on the table, stood up and wanted to pounce on Ye Ming, and beat up this ignorant kid first.

Chen Yufei who was next to him saw his uneasy expression, so he quickly stood up too, hugged his shoulders with Zha Jiliang, and finally pushed him to sit on the chair.Liu Ziliang, who was sitting on his right, also persuaded: "District Chief Yan, you have a lot of adults, so don't argue with a child. People from this small place are more aggressive, talk and act more brutally, if you argue with them, You lose your identity."

When Yan Changgeng heard Liu Ziliang's words, the anger on his face eased a little. He pointed at Ye Ming's back and growled, "Boy, remember the rude words you just said to me! When the time comes, I will I want you to spit out these words word by word on the ground, and then lick them up with your tongue."

Ye Ming turned around, stared at him fiercely for a few times with angry eyes, clenched and loosened his fists, and finally resisted the urge to beat him up, turned around and continued to clean up the ground travel bag.

After cleaning up the things, Ye Ming looked up at the two bedroom doors, and saw that one of the doors was open, but there were two beds covered with bedding. It is estimated that this room is full of people. Then he took a look at the other room, only to find that there was a spring lock on the door of this room, as if a key could be used to open it.

When Ye Ming saw the locked door, he couldn't help being stunned for a moment, quickly stood up, walked over and tried to push the door with his hands, and it was indeed locked.

Ye Ming turned around and asked Zha Jiliang: "Director Zha, what's going on? Why is the bedroom door locked?"

Zha Jiliang didn't pay attention at first, but when he saw the lock at this moment, he immediately understood in his heart: When the class committee opened yesterday, when assigning new students to each dormitory, Yan Changgeng said that he could not communicate with others. Sleep in one room.If you must arrange for the newcomer to stay in their dormitory, then you can only let him sleep in the living room.

At that time, everyone thought he was joking, but he did what he said, and bought a lock and installed it on the door of the bedroom where he slept—this kind of domineering style is really too much a little.

So, he walked behind Yan Changgeng, who had resumed playing cards, and said in a low voice, "District Chief Yan, the school has arranged for Xiaoye to live in room 301. You should open the bedroom door and ask him to spread the bedding and put away the luggage." Right! It’s so hot, you can’t really let him sleep in the living room! If you think it’s not good to live with him, you can replace Captain Liu or Minister Chen and let Xiaoye sleep in the bedroom over there. What? Sample?"

Yan Changgeng stared at the cards in his hand, hummed, and said in a toneless way: "Xiao Cha, I said it at the class committee meeting yesterday: since I was 30 years old, I have never talked with others outside. Who has ever slept in the same room. First, I can’t sleep well. Once someone snores, farts and grinds their teeth in the room, I can’t sleep all night; Yes, I will bring 6 to [-] yuan in cash. If I don’t bring enough cash, I won’t go out. Therefore, if I sleep in the same room with other people outside, in case there are those people who are desperate for poverty, I don’t pay attention. Wouldn't it be bad to give me a hand and take my money? Therefore, no matter whether I live in a hotel on a business trip or in a dormitory for training, I always have a single room. I made a statement yesterday, so I will leave it today The door is locked."

When Ye Ming heard the meaning of his words, he actually regarded himself as a thief and was on guard. Suddenly, his eyes smoked with anger, and a sentence popped up in his mind: I can't bear it, I don't need to bear it anymore!

So, he stared at Yan Changgeng, and shouted angrily: "My surname is Yan, please come over and open the door immediately. Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude!"

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