The two directors of the municipal government next to Chen Yuanqiao hurriedly grabbed him and said, "Mr. Chen, how can you leave? Mayor She is not targeting you. You can sit down at ease and don't make trouble for Mayor She." .”

Ye Ming broke free from the hugs of the two officials, looked coldly at Xia Haoyu who was grinning in pain, and said: "My surname is Xia, I have already said: we are from a small place, and we like to be aggressive in things. Don't say you It’s the general manager of Huayu Heavy Industry, or the Secretary-General of the United Nations. At the wine table, you can do whatever you want. If he is shameless, I’ll still shower him. I don’t have time to accompany you now. If you don’t If you are convinced and still want to fight, you can find me in box 8(, I will accompany you anytime!"

With that said, he turned around and walked away.

She Chuming was robbed by his brother-in-law, and he was too embarrassed to reprimand him in front of so many people—after all, everyone knew that Chen Yuanqiao was his brother-in-law—so he sat down on the seat with red eyes and "huh" Straight out of breath.

Chen Mengqi saw that Ye Ming just stretched out his hand to pinch Xia Haoyu's wrist, and made him howl like a slaughtered pig. She was proud and happy, and when she saw Ye Ming walking outside, she also wanted to follow him.

Chen Yuanqiao called her to stop, frowned and asked, "Qiqi, where are you going? Didn't you apologize to your uncle? By the way, who is your guest?"

Chen Mengqi said: "The guests over there, one is his superior, and the other is his godfather."

"Godfather? What godfather? For what?"

Chen Mengqi didn't want to reveal the identity of Secretary Li at first, but when she thought of how they bullied Ye Ming, she couldn't bear it anymore and said, "His godfather is Secretary Li of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, called Li Runji!"


All the people in the box opened their eyes wide in astonishment.

She Chuming was angrily thinking about how to find a way to punish Ye Ming, an ignorant boy, when he heard Chen Mengqi's words, he jumped up from his seat in shock, and asked with round eyes, "Qiqi, what do you think?" Be clear: Who is Ye Ming's godfather?"

"It's Secretary Li of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, Li Runji!"

Chen Mengqi said with an emphatic tone.

"You mean: Secretary Li is eating with Xiao Ye in box 8( right now?"

She Chuming asked again in a tone of disbelief.

Chen Mengqi nodded and said, "That's right, he came here specially to see Brother Ye today, and he came directly from the airport."

She Chuming was stunned for a moment, and suddenly, like a rabbit, jumped around the table to Chen Mengqi, grabbed her shoulders, and begged eagerly in an excited voice, "Qiqi, hurry up and get Xiaoye Call him back, and I will apologize to him first. You tell him: Uncle was drunk just now and lost his composure. Now I want to pay him back three glasses of wine, please come here quickly!"

Chen Mengqi twisted her body, pouted and said, "I'm not going! When he comes, you guys will bully him again!"

She Chuming stomped her feet anxiously and said, "Qiqi, don't be self-willed, okay? Who dares to bully him here? Hurry up, go, after they finish eating, it will be too late."

Chen Mengqi was very happy in her heart, but her face still had the look of resignation, and she went out slowly towards 8(.

A few minutes later, Ye Ming was dragged in by Chen Mengqi.

Seeing Ye Ming coming in, She Chuming immediately stepped forward, held his hand tightly, and said with a smile on his face: "Xiao Ye, uncle was a little drunk just now, and he spoke inappropriately, don't mind! Come on, come on, I toast you three glasses of wine, I wish you and Qiqi a sweet love, I wish you smooth work and a prosperous career!"

As he spoke, he picked up the three glasses of wine that had been prepared on the table, took a sip, and drank them all in an instant.

Xia Haoyu saw that She Chuming was condescending to Ye Ming, showing his ugly face, so he stood up with a livid face, and said to She Chuming: "Mayor She, congratulations on finding a good niece and son-in-law! I don't want to embarrass myself here. I was wet today." The humiliation of wine, one day I will double it back to Mr. Ye. Farewell!"

As he spoke, he took off his wet suit and put it under his armpit, and angrily slammed the door away.

Why does She Chuming still care about him at this moment?Seeing him slam the door away, he didn't even say a polite word to persuade him to stay, but just looked at Ye Ming with a smile in his eyes, waiting for him to drink.

When Ye Ming heard Xia Haoyu's last threatening words, he smiled contemptuously, ignored him, picked up three glasses of wine, and drank one by one.

She Chuming waited for him to finish drinking, then pulled him to the main seat opposite, pushed him to sit down, pointed to the table full of dishes and said: "Xiao Ye, eat more... By the way, Secretary Li is still at 8( A private room? Director Shi, Director Yan, and Director He and I all want to visit him in the private room and toast him a glass of wine. Can you inform us first? If Secretary Li allows it, we will go there immediately."

Ye Ming knew the reason he called him over was the following few words, so he stood up and said, "It's fine for me to take you there, but I don't know if Secretary Li will see you or not."

With that said, he walked out of the box first.She Chuming, Chen Yuanqiao and others followed closely behind.

After arriving at box 8, Ye Ming opened the door of the box and went in to report. She Chuming and others lined up neatly at the door according to their positions. What kind of dust or wrinkles fell into Secretary Li's eyes, leaving him with a slovenly image...

After a while, the door of the box opened, and a middle-aged man with the appearance of a secretary came out, looked at She Chuming and others indifferently, and said in an unimpressive voice: "Secretary Li invites you to go in."

She Chuming and others quickly maintained their formation and walked into the box one by one.

Ye Ming and Chen Mengqi were sitting next to Secretary Li on the left and right. Seeing She Chuming and others coming in, Ye Ming quickly stood up and introduced, "Uncle Li, this is Qiqi's uncle, Deputy Mayor She, Deputy Mayor She In the back is Qiqi's father. Then behind are the leaders of the Land Bureau, Planning Bureau, and Urban Construction Bureau."

Secretary Li nodded, stood up, stretched out his hand, and shook hands with She Chuming and others one by one, then pointed to the chair opposite, and said kindly: "Sit, all sit down! Qiqi's father comes to my side Come on, I'll toast you a glass of wine later."

When Chen Yuanqiao heard that Secretary Li asked him to sit next to him, she couldn't help being flattered, her face flushed with excitement, she hurried around the table and carefully sat next to Secretary Li in Chen Mengqi's original position.

She Chuming and the others had heard of Secretary Li's prestige for a long time. Seeing that his expression was kind and not as intimidating and unapproachable as in the legend, they secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and the smile on his face warmed up a lot.

Secretary Li looked at She Chuming, picked up a glass of wine and said, "I heard from Xiao Yezi that today is your 50th birthday. You just invited a few relatives and friends to get together, and you didn't make a big fuss. Advocate. Come, let me toast you a glass of wine and wish you a happy birthday!"

She Chuming never expected that Secretary Li would praise him like this, and toasted his wine first. His face was flushed with excitement, and he quickly picked up a glass of wine, but because he was too excited, his hands trembled a little, and he could not hold the glass steadily. It fell to the ground with a bang, and all the wine spilled on the thick carpet.

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