Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 795 The Curve to Save the Nation

Li Wen felt a little strange when Ye Ming mentioned Qu Yu, and replied: "I know her! She was seconded from a TV station in a district in January this year. I heard that she originally wanted to be a newscaster in the station. , but Director Zhang disagreed, saying that her quality is only average, and her Mandarin is not too standard, so let her try in the advertising department first. She took the initiative to approach me, and said two days ago that she would invite me to dinner! What's wrong? Why did you suddenly ask her?"

Ye Ming smiled and said: "Just now when I was arguing with Yan Changgeng in the dormitory, this Qu Yu was also there, and Yan Changgeng took her there. At that time, she introduced herself as a provincial TV station, so I just asked Asking you, nothing else."

Zha Jiliang is a person who can't keep his mouth shut. When Ye Ming and Li Wen talked about Yan Changgeng and Qu Yu, he smiled mysteriously and said, "Xiaoye, let me tell you: this Qu Yu, In fact, this is not the first time I have come to the dormitory to visit District Chief Yan. The relationship between the two of them may not be as simple as ordinary friends. Last time Yan Changgeng invited us to Xinghai Development Zone to play, and this Qu Yu was always there to accompany District Chief Yan , At that time we thought it was his wife! Hahaha!"

Having said that, he stopped in good time.

Of course Ye Ming understood what he meant, and he also knew that for a person as arrogant and unrestrained as Yan Changgeng, it was normal to find a mistress, but it would be abnormal not to.Moreover, a person with Yan Changgeng's personality would not shy away from it even in the officialdom. If he possessed something worth boasting about, he would definitely show it off.And this Qu Yu, in terms of appearance and temperament, is indeed quite outstanding.In this case, it's normal for Yan Changgeng and her to show their feet in front of outsiders...

Li Wen is also a smart person, after hearing Zha Jiliang's words, she understood what was going on, frowned, and said, "This Qu Yu, she doesn't seem to be a coquettish and dissolute person. Why are you so indiscriminate? This society is becoming more and more unpredictable!"

Zha Jiliang smiled and said, "Miss Li Wen, you don't have to be a coquettish and dissolute person to do things like this. There may be many reasons for a woman to go on this road: some are because of family poverty , some are greedy, some are naturally dissolute, and some may be forced to board a thief ship, and finally they can't get off the ship. Therefore, this kind of thing cannot be generalized, and this kind of woman can be simply classified as coquettish or coquettish. Take this Qu Yu as an example, she met such a domineering, rich and powerful person like Yan Changgeng, and it was impossible for her to escape. Maybe, she also has some unavoidable reasons!"

At this moment, Li Wen's cell phone rang suddenly, she casually picked it up and looked at the number on it, the expression on her face suddenly became extremely strange - there is such a coincidence in the world: the three of them are talking about Qu Regarding the matter of Yu, unexpectedly, the caller ID displayed on Li Wen's mobile phone was the word "Qu Yu".Such a coincidence made Li Wen feel as if she had encountered a ghost in broad daylight. She was so surprised that her eyes widened and she didn't dare to press the answer button for a long time.

After calming down her surprise, Li Wen quickly waved to Ye Ming and Zha Jiliang, signaling them to stop talking.Then, she pressed the answer button carefully, as if if she pressed it hard, Qu Yu on the opposite side would know what they were talking about now...

"Wenwen, hello, I'm Qu Yu! You don't seem to be recording a show tonight, do you have time now? I would like to invite you to dinner. If you are free, I will drive here with a friend to pick you up. you."

Li Wen turned to look at Ye Ming and said, "Sister Qu, I'm so sorry, I happen to be inviting two friends to dinner now, so I can only express my apologies to you."

Qu Yu let out a disappointed "Oh" on the phone, thought for a while, and asked unwillingly: "Wenwen, where do you eat? Is it your treat? If it is your treat, then just call yours." Friends, let's have dinner together, it will be more lively, what do you think?"

It turned out that as soon as Qu Yu was seconded to the provincial TV station, he began to quietly inquire with colleagues in the advertising department who had the best relationship with Director Zhang, and which colleague in the station could speak to Director Zhang the most—her The idea is: Since Director Zhang is the top leader in the station, he must have a few subordinates who are very trustworthy and have very good relationships.As for myself, I can't establish a close relationship with Director Zhang now, so I might as well adopt a curve to save the country, first establish a good relationship with a colleague who has the best relationship with Director Zhang, and love him a few times. If necessary, you can also give this colleague some gifts, and ask him (her) to give me a few words of kindness from Director Zhang, or take yourself to visit Director Zhang directly. In that case, you may have the opportunity to formally mediate Enter the provincial station, and maybe even become an announcer...

Later, a female colleague who knew a little about the inside story quietly told her: Now there is a female reporter in the news department named Li Wen. Now it has been officially transferred to the provincial station, and it is said that it will replace Xia Chuchu to host the "Romantic Holding Hands" program.Therefore, this Li Wen has absolutely no ordinary relationship with Director Zhang.If you want to find a colleague to help you get in touch with Director Zhang, Li Wen is absolutely right...

When Qu Yu heard the news, he was overjoyed.So, in the next few months, she began to look for Li Wen continuously, and slowly approached her. After gaining Li Wen's trust, now she is ready to bombard her with "sugar-coated bullets".

Therefore, today Qu Yu went to the party school to find Yan Changgeng, in fact, he wanted him to come out to treat guests at night, and they invited Li Wen to dinner together—in Qu Yu’s view, if there was a deputy district chief like Yan Changgeng present when inviting Li Wen , Li Wen will definitely feel that she has face, and maybe she will look at her with admiration...

Li Wen heard that Qu Yu said that she wanted to have dinner with Ye Ming and others, and knew that she must be with Yan Changgeng, but she pretended not to know, so she smiled and said, "Sister Qu, I am in the province with my friends now. We have dinner at a Sichuan restaurant near the Party School, and the dishes have already been ordered, so we won’t come here. However, I appreciate your kindness, and I will treat you to dinner next time.”

When Qu Yu heard that she was having dinner near the Provincial Party School, he couldn't help being surprised and delighted, and hurriedly said, "Wenwen, what a coincidence? I'm also at the Provincial Party School now. Which restaurant are you at? I'll come and see you."

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