When Ye Ming heard Chen Yufei say that Liu Yan had participated in the romantic hand-holding show, he was suddenly startled, thinking that he knew the original grievances between himself and Liu Yan.After listening to him finish speaking, I realized that I was just a false alarm.However, he was still amazed at Chen Yufei's persistent spirit, and felt that he had really done his homework and put a lot of thought into pursuing Liu Yan.

Therefore, he immediately agreed and said, "Brother Chen, I am willing to help you with this job. But if you succeed with Mr. Liu in the future, then you have to treat me as a guest! Hehe!"

"Definitely! Definitely! I will definitely invite you and Miss Wenwen to have a big meal then."

When Chen Yufei heard Ye Ming agree, he was so happy that he agreed again and again.

Ye Ming and Chen Yufei chatted until one o'clock in the morning, until the sound of unlocking the lock came from the living room, followed by the sound of Yan Changgeng and Liu Ziliang talking, the two stopped discussing Liu Yan's affairs.

Both Yan Changgeng and Liu Ziliang were probably drunk. Although it was late, they still talked and laughed loudly in the living room without any scruples, looking for clothes and shoes to take a bath. It was quiet for hours.

At this moment, Ye Ming was no longer sleepy. He stared at the dark ceiling with wide eyes, and heard Chen Yufei's snoring in his ears. His mind was in a mess, and all kinds of thoughts came one after another.

He knew: In terms of whether he could enter the provincial party committee to work, the situation he was currently facing was rather dangerous. It could be said that the future was uncertain and unpredictable.

First of all, among the four people who competed for the official position of the Provincial Party Committee, I was the youngest and the lowest position.The least seniority.The Provincial Party Committee Office is an organization that directly serves the upper-level leaders. If they are a little older, have a little more qualifications, and have a little more work experience, they will definitely have an advantage in the competition.Therefore, when teachers and class committee members score points, they will definitely consider this factor. The two older people who have real work experience may be affirmed by more people. His impression score will definitely be higher than his own.

Secondly, as soon as I came to school, I had a big fight with Yan Changgeng, the deputy monitor. Not only did I have an enmity with him, but I also heard from Zha Jiliang that this guy had a good relationship with many teachers, classmates, and members of the class committee.If he fanned the will-o'-the-wisp behind his back, kept saying bad things about himself, or even plotted against him, then he would definitely suffer a lot in the future.

Thirdly, now another Liu Yan suddenly appeared. If I guessed correctly, this Liu Yan must have hated me to the bone at the beginning.It has just passed a year now, and the hatred in her heart will definitely not disappear.If she wants to be an enemy of herself, she only needs to speak ill of herself to other teachers, or do their work to the class committee members, and let them give herself a low score.Then, no matter how good your test scores are in the future, you may be rejected...

When thinking of these things, Ye Ming felt both annoyed and a little regretful: If he had known this, he shouldn't have quarreled with Yan Changgeng just now.The so-called "be patient for a while, so as not to worry about a hundred days".If he hadn't quarreled with Yan Changgeng at that time, the situation he faced might not have been so dangerous.

Moreover, now Huang Jixiang, Qiu Yixing and others have already started to act.They came to Room 301 today, they must have come to meet Yan Changgeng, the deputy squad leader, and the purpose was nothing more than to gain his support.So, you should take action yourself.Starting tomorrow, I will visit those classmates in each dormitory, especially those members of the class committee who have the right to vote and score.

At the same time, for those teachers, I must find ways to win their favor as soon as possible, and I must not let them be deceived by Yan Changgeng or Liu Yan, and leave a preconceived bad impression of myself...

That night, Ye Ming kept thinking and thinking over and over again, tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep, he didn't fall asleep until [-] o'clock in the morning, and was woken up by the alarm clock at [-] o'clock.

Fortunately, Ye Ming is in good physical condition and can withstand staying up late. Although he only slept for two hours a night, he is still full of energy and does not show any signs of fatigue.

At eight o'clock in the morning, Luo Xiao, the vice-principal of the Party School of the Provincial Party Committee, who is in charge of rotation training for cadres, and Xiao Jin, the head teacher, came to the classroom of the young cadre class together.On behalf of the Party School of the Provincial Party Committee, Luo Xiao first extended a warm welcome to the eight new students who joined the youth cadre class. First of all, Ye Ming and other eight new students were asked to stand up, and each of them made a self-introduction.Then, he reiterated some disciplinary requirements learned in the party school's young cadre class, requiring new students to strictly abide by the school's rules and regulations. If there is any violation of discipline, it will be dealt with severely.

Later, following this topic, Xiao Jin suddenly brought up the quarrel between Yan Changgeng and Ye Ming last night: "Students, at the beginning of the youth cadre class, I have emphasized to everyone: Although each of you is a party member before you come to the party school , are some leading cadres with certain powers, positions and ranks. However, since you come to the party school to study, you must forget your previous identity, and you must make three changes, namely: from leading cadres to ordinary students Transformation, transformation from work to study, transformation from family life to collective life. If you fail to do these three transformations, you will never be able to correct your learning attitude and never learn anything.

"However, there are very few comrades who, after coming here, still have the idea of ​​privilege, and still have the official style of Laozi as the number one in the world. For example, last night, when a new classmate of ours went to live in the dormitory arranged by the school, it turned out that A comrade living in this dormitory occupied a bedroom with a lock, trying to drive the new classmate to sleep in the living room. And this new classmate was also so bold that he kicked The door of the dormitory bedroom was broken. The two almost had a big fight over it. If I hadn't arrived in time to stop it, I don't know how much trouble would have happened.

"So, I advise the classmate who wants to occupy a bedroom exclusively: this is a school, and everyone lives a collective life, not in your home, and you can do whatever you want. So, you can't be too selfish, You are too domineering, be kind to others, and don’t deliberately make things difficult for others. At the same time, I also want to advise that new student: no matter how capable and capable you are, don’t show off in such things, let alone use your emotions. With good skill and great strength, you can kick down a door with one kick, but no one will admire you when you do this. On the contrary, if you destroy public property, you not only have to repair it yourself, but also leave it to the teacher and other students. The next impression is a burst of temper and lack of self-cultivation. Tell me: Is it worth it for you to do this?"

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