Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 820 Visit by County Magistrate Zhang

Zha Jiliang's slightly exaggerated words almost stunned Zhang Lingzhi.After a long time, he asked in a somewhat skeptical tone: "Director Zha, can't you be so exaggerated! Director Zhang is the main person in charge of the provincial party committee's propaganda front, and he is a dignified department-level cadre. A small cadre from the local tax bureau made a special trip to treat guests near the Provincial Party School? Isn’t this a bit like a fairy tale? Could it be that you heard it wrong, or that Xiaoye introduced it wrong?”

Zha Jiliang's personality is always out of character, and he is also a person who can't hide any secrets. Now that Zhang Lingzhi questioned the authenticity of his words, and said that he was telling a fairy tale, he couldn't help but feel a little anxious, and he didn't care about Ye Ming's yesterday. Wan said impulsively to her exhortation: "Major Zhang, what I told was definitely not a fairy tale, and I definitely did not admit the wrong person. If you still don't believe me, I can tell you one more thing: last night The leaders who came to the party school to invite Ye Ming to dinner were not only Director Zhang, but also Director Wang Xiuguang of our provincial department. You can say that I don’t know Director Zhang, or that I will recognize the wrong person. However, Director Wang and I You won’t admit your mistake! Besides, I’ll tell you something you might not believe: When Director Wang called Ye Ming, he didn’t call him Xiao Ye, but Director Ye. You said: What should this be related to? If you don't believe me, you can call Director Wang. He turned out to be your old leader, so he probably wouldn't lie to you!"

When Zhang Lingzhi heard from Zha Jiliang that Wang Xiuguang also came to invite Ye Ming to dinner last night, he was even more stunned and kept silent for a while: In his impression, when Wang Xiuguang was the mayor of City K, he was a very Serious, very principled, and easily unsmiling leader, many county heads, mayors, district heads and even secretaries in the counties and cities below are a little afraid of him.Moreover, he easily refused to accept the meal invitation of his subordinates, and he did not allow his subordinates to visit his house.It is such a leader, how could he feel that the Provincial Party School came from the Department of Land and Resources to invite an unknown local tax cadre to dinner?Isn't this incredible?

So far, he completely believed Zha Jiliang's words: This young cadre named Ye Ming seems to have an unfathomable background.Among other things, the mere fact that two senior officials at the departmental level ran to the Provincial Party School to invite him to dinner was enough to make people startled.No wonder, as soon as he reported to the party school yesterday, he dared to confront Yan Changgeng, the local boss, and even kicked down the door of dormitory 301. It turned out that he had nothing to fear!

After hanging up Zha Jiliang's phone call, Zhang Lingzhi rubbed his palms and walked around the living room a few times. He wanted to call Wang Xiuguang and ask him to verify what Zha Jiliang said just now.But after thinking about it later, for Wang Xiuguang, this kind of thing may be the most sensitive and taboo thing for him to let people know, so it's better not to ask him about it.

Now, the most important thing for me is not to find out the details of Ye Ming, but to ask Ye Ming to help find Director Zhang, and try to send a reporter to Zijiang County for an exclusive interview in the near future, and make a key point for Zijiang Propaganda, report on your achievements in the past few years-you know, if the work of a certain place can be featured on the provincial TV station, it will be a lot of political capital for the local party and government leaders!

Zhang Lingzhi is a typical activist. After clarifying what he is going to do now, he decides to take action immediately without delay.

Moreover, he also knew that there was no one else in Ye Ming's dormitory right now, so it was a great opportunity for him to talk to Ye Ming.

So, he got up and dusted off the hem of his shirt, and took a look at himself in front of the mirror in the bathroom, then walked out of the dormitory and went downstairs, went straight to Unit 301, and walked to Room [-] where Ye Ming was...

At this time, Ye Ming was sitting in the living room, holding a copy of "The Founding of Guangwu" and reading it.However, although his eyes were fixed on the book, he was still thinking about the process of visiting Zhang Lingzhi just now in his mind, and he didn't read a single word.

Ever since the conversation with Secretary Li after the exam, Ye Ming felt enlightened and enlightened.He knew: The reason why Secretary Li had to warn himself so sternly, and the reason why he asked him to use his own ability and ability to fight for the position run by the provincial party committee, was in fact to test and exercise his talents, to see how he was in the officialdom. awareness and adaptability.

Therefore, Secretary Li specifically told himself: During your study at the party school, you can't expect any help from me, and don't expect others to make connections or open the back door for you. You have to understand and make a living by yourself.If you can't break through, then there is no need to work in a place like the Provincial Party Committee Office. Even if you get there by chance, you won't have much success.

He understood Secretary Li's painstaking efforts, and he also knew that he had actually placed great expectations on himself.Therefore, during his study at the party school, he made a resolution: never ask anyone for help unless it is absolutely necessary, but solve all the problems he faces by himself, constantly exercise his ability, and constantly adapt to some rules and routines of the officialdom.

For example, when he visited Zhang Lingzhi tonight, he wanted to exercise his eloquence and communication skills, to overcome his previous personality that was unwilling to condescend to others and speak well of his superiors, to learn to appreciate the strengths of leaders, and to learn to praise leaders. Credit, learn to figure out the intentions of superiors, and learn to cater to the needs of leaders.

And the conversation with Zhang Lingzhi just now was my first attempt, and I feel that the effect is not bad.The fly in the ointment is: when I finally wanted to cater to Zhang Lingzhi's needs, he refused.It seems that I haven't fully gained his trust yet, and I have to talk to him a few more times...

Just when Ye Ming was thinking about it, and his heart was ups and downs, the doorbell of the living room suddenly rang.

Ye Ming wondered: Why would someone come to the dormitory at this time?Could it be that friends of Chen Yufei and the others thought they hadn't returned home, so they came to look for them?

When he opened the door with the above doubts, he saw that the person standing at the door was Zhang Lingzhi who he was still thinking about just now.

I saw Zhang Lingzhi standing at the door with a smile, and said to Ye Ming, who was a little surprised, very enthusiastically and kindly: "Director Ye, are you a little strange about my sudden visit? Hahaha."

Unknowingly, like Zha Jiliang, Zhang Lingzhi changed his original address from "Xiaoye" to "Director Ye".

Ye Ming woke up from his astonishment, and quickly made a gesture of invitation to Zhang Lingzhi, and said with a smile: "Major Zhang, I was really surprised, and I really didn't expect you to come here. I feel flattered Ah! Hehe!"

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