Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 825 Don't You Know Ye Ming?

When Liu Ziliang was on the phone with Ye Ming, Chen Guitian was looking down at a assisted investigation report sent by the Public Security Department of S Province about the murderer, waiting for Liu Ziliang to finish the call.

After Liu Ziliang satirized Ye Ming in a strange way and hung up the phone with a snap, Chen Guitian looked at him a little strangely, and asked with a smile, "Ziliang, who offended you again? He is a kind treat, so don't you Talk like that! I heard what you said just now, what kind of 'Brother Talent', why don't you do this to me-these words are very hurtful.

"You are good at everything, but you are short-tempered and a bit choking when you talk. Director Guo told me a few days ago that you are a comrade with good work ability, good work attitude and outstanding work performance. But, just Your temper is a little more impatient, your capacity for tolerance is a little less, and your working methods are a little simpler. The purpose of arranging you to go to the party school for training this time is also to hone your impatience and improve your skills through several months of study. Don’t utter bad words at every turn, pushing others against the south wall, there is no room for maneuver. Therefore, I advise you to pay attention to the way you speak in the future, and don’t let Director Guo down.”

It turned out that Chen Guitian and Liu Ziliang were old comrades-in-arms for many years, and they had a good relationship with each other.It's just that Chen Guitian is much more stable than Liu Ziliang, and his words and deeds are also much more stable and capable.Therefore, in the past few years, he has gradually surpassed Liu Ziliang and became his superior.But Liu Ziliang didn't hate him for this, on the contrary, he admired and respected him very much, and usually consciously defended Chen Guitian's authority.

Therefore, Chen Guitian also reciprocated Liu Ziliang, relying on his good relationship with Director Guo, he often said good things about Liu Ziliang to Director Guo.Not long ago, he proposed to Director Guo to arrange Liu Ziliang to go to the party school's youth cadre class for training, so as to lay the foundation for his next promotion.

For this, Liu Ziliang is very grateful to Chen Guitian and listens to him very much.

Therefore, when Chen Guitian said those words to him, he nodded in conviction, and then asked in a very eager and expectant tone: "Captain Chen, did Director Guo really say that? What points did he say?" There are shortcomings in me, and I am aware of them myself, and I am working hard to correct them. Looking for an opportunity, I would like to report to Director Guo what I have learned from the party school and my reflection on my personality defects. At the same time, I also ask Captain Chen to say something kind to Director Guo when it is convenient for me, I am grateful little brother!"

Chen Guitian nodded with a smile, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Ziliang, don't worry. We fought out of a trench, and we have lived and died together many times. This relationship is not easy to give up. As long as there is a chance, I will strongly recommend you to Director Guo. Now there will be a position in charge of the department that will be vacant soon. This time I recommend you to study at the Party School to Director Guo. I also want to give you an opportunity In this way, you will have an advantage over others in the next job competition. Therefore, during your study at the party school, you should make good use of this rare opportunity, not only to learn knowledge, but also to learn how to behave. You must improve your own ability Based on the basics, try to improve your moral cultivation and get rid of some bad habits and bad habits-my words may sound a bit preachy, but my original intention and starting point are good, I hope you don’t mind.”

Liu Ziliang hurriedly said: "Where is it! Captain Chen, you are such a golden word, why would I mind? Thank you before it's too late! Hehe!"

Just at this moment, Chen Guitian's cell phone rang, and looking at the number, it was Director Guo's.

Chen Guitian hurriedly shook his hand at Liu Ziliang, signaling him to be quiet, then pressed the answer button, and first said hello to Director Guo.

Guo Guangwei said: "Guitian, Xiaoye and I had a phone call just now to confirm the time for dinner tonight. I made an appointment with him: at 05:30 in the afternoon, I will take the car with you to the Provincial Party School and pick him up to Furong Big hotel. You are ready at five o'clock and drive to my house to pick me up. We will only drive one car, and my driver will not let him go. "

Chen Guitian hurriedly said: "Okay. By the way, is he alone at Xiaoye's side? If there are many people, one car may not be enough! He may have some friends at the Provincial Party School who want to go to dinner together. There are several people, so I can only take a taxi. So, I want to make a phone call to confirm with him. Do you think this will work?"

"Well, I didn't expect this. You can call now to confirm."

Knowing that it was the call from Director Guo, Liu Ziliang kept listening carefully to the conversation between Chen Guitian and Director Guo.When Chen Guitian said, "He might have some friends who want to have dinner with him at the Provincial Party School", his eyes immediately widened: Provincial Party School?Let's eat together?Who are Director Guo and Captain Chen going to have dinner with at the Provincial Party School?

Of course, although Liu Ziliang was very surprised and curious, but after all, Director Guo was going to have dinner with someone, and he didn't dare to ask Chen Guitian casually, so he had to keep his doubts in his heart, pretending to be nonchalant, and waited for Chen Guitian to hang up. After disconnecting the phone, he said with a smile: "Captain Chen, there is a dinner tonight! I still want to invite you to dinner tonight. It seems that the date has been changed. Hehehe!"

Chen Guitian was very nervous by the notification from the Ministry of Public Security in the past two days, so when he met Liu Ziliang today, he forgot that both Ye Ming and Liu Ziliang were in the youth class, so he didn't ask about Ye Ming.

At this moment, hearing Liu Ziliang's question, he patted his head suddenly, and asked suddenly: "Ziliang, some new students came to your youth class the day before yesterday, and one of them is Ye Ming, who came from Xinleng County for the exam. Yes, do you know him? Have you ever dealt with him?"

Liu Ziliang was taken aback when Chen Guitian suddenly mentioned Ye Ming. He stared at Chen Guitian dumbfounded, and said after a while, "I know him! He's in our dormitory. Captain Chen, how do you know him? Don't you know?" Know him?"

Chen Guitian nodded and said, "Ziliang, you are a bit careless! Don't you remember the 5.** case in Xinleng? The reason why this big case became so complicated and sensational later was because someone wanted to frame This young cadre named Ye Ming almost involved me and Director Liang of City K. At that time, you hadn’t come to the party school to study, so you should know some details and inside stories! Ming's name has also appeared in the news many times, don't you have any impression?"

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