Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 83 The Legendary Mahjong Bribe

After Chen Yuanqiao left, She Chuming brought Ye Ming and others to his home.

His home is still in the family courtyard of the Municipal Planning Bureau. It is an ordinary house with three bedrooms and two living rooms. It is estimated to be more than 1 square meter, and the decoration inside is also very ordinary.This point surprised Ye Ming a little, secretly wondering if Secretary Li's judgment on him was wrong?

Mr. Ren was also a little surprised by She Chuming's humble home, and said sincerely: "Mayor She, you are too honest. Your house is simpler than ordinary families! If you hadn't been here in person, someone Who would have thought this was the home of a dignified deputy mayor?"

She Chuming laughed, and said: "Mr. Ren, in the world of life, if you look up to me for the rest of your life, no matter how much money you have, it's only three meals a day, a bed at night, and a place to live. That's all you need. What are you doing with such a luxurious decoration?"

Then, he pointed to a calligraphy work hanging on the wall of the living room, and continued: "I like Liu Yuxi's "Humble Room Inscription" the most, so I asked Liu Zhenjian, a famous calligrapher in our province, to write this calligraphy work for me. Hang it in the living room to encourage yourself. Take a look: if the mountain is not high, it will be named if there are immortals. If the water is not deep, there will be dragons to make it spirit. This is a shabby room, but my virtue is sweet. The moss marks are green on the steps, and the grass color enters the curtain Qing. Talking and laughing, there are great Confucian scholars, and there are no white people. You can tune the plain qin and read the golden scriptures. There is no messy ears of silk and bamboo, and no hard work of case books. Zhuge Lu in Nanyang, Ziyun Pavilion in Xishu. Confucius said: Why is there such a thing? ——These words are so classic! I have been in charge of the urban construction planning work for more than 20 years, and my wish can be described in a poem by Du Fu: There are tens of thousands of mansions in the sky, and it will shelter the poor and the poor all over the world!"

As soon as he finished reciting the poem, the planning director took the lead in applauding.

Chen Mengqi frowned slightly when she heard her uncle's high-sounding self-confession, and felt a little disgusted in her heart: her father once told her secretly that She Chuming had eighteen houses in the urban area, and there was another one in the suburbs. A villa bought in the name of his nephew.Usually, my aunt and cousin live in another luxury apartment with a duplex structure.And this house in the family courtyard of the Planning Bureau is just a prop for him to show his innocence...

Ye Ming was inexperienced, and he didn't know much about the superficial tricks in the officialdom, so he had a little more affection for She Chuming.

Several people sat in the living room drinking tea for a while.Mr. Ren raised his head several times, wanting She Chuming to sign for him, but every time She Chuming talked about him, but didn't take action.

Mr. Ren didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in She Chuming's gourd, so he was a little confused at first.When it was almost three o'clock, She Chuming suddenly proposed: It is very boring for everyone to sit like this, why don't you play a few rounds of mahjong!

At this time, Mr. Ren finally realized: After all this, it turns out that I still can't do without some blood!

So, he quickly responded with a smile: "Mayor She, this is a good idea. It is not only entertaining, but also can enhance friendship and relationship. Mayor She, I am very good at playing mahjong. When I win your money, I can Don't blame me for being merciless! Hahaha!"

She Chuming also said with a smile: "Everyone is fair at the poker table. It is mainly for entertainment, with a little bit of trophies. Don't worry about who wins or loses. Don't worry, Mr. Ren, as long as you have the ability, you can empty my pockets today." , I will never complain!"

Ye Ming seldom plays mahjong at ordinary times, and he doesn't care about the "tricks" in the officialdom to earn money and accept bribes, so he doesn't know that She Chuming's so-called "playing mahjong" is actually a drunkard's intention to let Mr. Ren He was willing to sign that letter only after some blood was spilled on the card table.

Therefore, when She Chuming suggested that he sit on one side, he quickly declined and said, "Mayor She, I'm sorry, the number of times I've played mahjong in my life can be counted on my fingers, but I just know the basic rules, so I can't be regarded as an entry into the game." .So, I can't accompany you all."

She Chuming asked Mr. Ren to play mahjong with them today, not because he wanted to win money, but because he wanted Ye Ming to take some money out of Mr. Ren's pocket and give him a favor—in his opinion, Ye Ming was the tax bureau People in such a power department should be very clear about his intention of calling Mr. Ren to play mahjong today, and he will definitely understand it.

Unexpectedly, Ye Ming is completely a "rookie" in terms of these unspoken official rules, so he didn't realize his good intentions...

She Chuming thought that Ye Ming's refusal was just a show for others to see, so he said with a smile: "Director Ye, people here do not make a living from gambling, but they just play for entertainment when they have nothing to do. I'm not a master, so you don't have to worry, as long as you know the rules of playing mahjong. Besides, there is no technical content in playing mahjong, it is purely luck and luck. You are lucky now, maybe you will eat three , Win money alone! Hahaha!"

Chen Mengqi seldom played mahjong, but she really wanted Ye Ming to sit on the mahjong table. She sat beside him like a little wife, poured him tea, and gave him advice——in such a scene, she I feel very warm when I think of it.

Therefore, she also said: "Brother Ye, just play as long as you want, and I will watch from the side. Although I am not good at playing mahjong, two people are better than one, okay?"

Seeing that there was no one else in the house, Ye Ming would not be able to make up the mahjong table if he didn't play. It was obviously a disappointment for everyone, so he reluctantly sat down on the table and said, "Mayor She, then I Just play a few laps with everyone. By the way, how much do you pay for a shot?"

She Chuming said lightly: "We are all friends and relatives, so let's just treat it as entertainment, just play with each other."

Ye Ming didn't know how much "Xiao Wu" was, so he asked, "Does Xiao Wu order five yuan for a cannon and ten yuan for self-motivation?"

The Planning Director opposite laughed: "Director Ye, the starting point for playing mahjong in the provincial capital is 50 yuan a can. Mayor She said that Xiaowu is 1000 yuan for a cannon and [-] yuan for self-motivation!"

Ye Ming was so startled that he jumped up from his chair, quickly shook his hands and said, "Mayor She, this joke is too big. The money in my bag is not enough to fire a few shots. You should call another friend over!" "

Chen Mengqi smiled and pressed him to sit down, then took out 2 yuan from the Kun bag, put it on the table in front of him, and said, "What are you afraid of? Just hit it. If you lose, the trunk of my car will There are more than [-] yuan in it, just wait and get it."

Ye Ming had no choice but to sit down and fight with them restlessly.

Chen Mengqi leaned on him, watching him draw and play cards sweetly, and gave him pointers from time to time.

The strange thing is that although Ye Ming is very unlucky, he seems to be very lucky: as soon as he draws the cards, Mr. Ren or the director of the planning bureau on the opposite side will fire the cannon immediately, as if he can clearly see the cards in his hand. It's like a card; and every card he plays, others don't want it.Moreover, as long as he plays "All Colors" or "General Hu", Mr. Ren will give him the cards to help him fall...

After playing for two hours, Ye Ming, who is a "rookie in Ma Tan", unexpectedly won 6 to [-] yuan, just like Mayor She.As for Mr. Ren, he lost [-] yuan alone.

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