Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 832 A Meticulous Good Leader

At this time, Ye Ming was thinking about inviting Secretary Li Runji to hold a lecture on clean government for the young cadre class.Because before he came to study in the youth cadre class, Secretary Li told him: The most urgent and urgent problem for current leading cadres, especially young cadres, is to establish a correct world outlook, outlook on life, values, and power. It is necessary to strengthen the concept of the party's purpose, strengthen the cultivation of personal morality, and firmly establish the concept of being honest and pragmatic, and governing for the people.Now the central government continues to increase its anti-corruption efforts and strengthen anti-corruption measures.Under such circumstances, I feel that it is necessary for me to give you a class of clean government and party for your young cadres.At that time, you can find an opportunity to talk to your class teacher or school leaders about this matter, ask them to arrange a time for a tutoring class, and let me know in advance, and I will go to teach you when the time comes.

In fact, the reason why Secretary Li took the initiative to teach the young cadre class, and asked Ye Ming to tell their class teacher or school leader to ask them to arrange a time, was mainly because of Ye Ming's ability to accept the four competitors. There is no certainty of standing out from the crowd.Moreover, he also knew that Secretary Lu placed great expectations on Ye Ming's study and competition this time. He not only hoped that his son could be selected into the Provincial Party Committee Office based on his own ability, but also feared that he had no official experience and no awareness of uniting people. Can't compete with those competitors who already have titles and rights.Therefore, Secretary Lu's current mood is rather disturbed and contradictory.

Therefore, just in case, Secretary Li decided to hide the truth from Secretary Lu and secretly help Ye Ming, at least to let him successfully enter the provincial committee office so that Secretary Lu would not be too disappointed.

And the way he helped was to take the initiative to give a lecture at the Party School of the Provincial Party Committee and ask Ye Ming to pass the news to their head teacher or school leaders.He believed that whether it was Ye Ming's head teacher or the school leaders, when they heard the news from Ye Ming, they would definitely guess the relationship between Ye Ming and him, and they would definitely think about how to take care of Ye Ming.With their care, at least Ye Ming won't be at a disadvantage in the evaluation and scoring process of teachers and class committees in the future.

Ye Ming didn't think so complicated, thinking that Secretary Li really wanted to teach the young cadre class a simple and in-depth lesson on honesty and party, so he happily agreed...

Therefore, when Zhang Lingzhi said that it was difficult to invite the main leaders of the provincial party committee to teach the young cadre class, Ye Ming smiled and said confidently: "Mayor Zhang, regarding the matter of inviting the leaders of the provincial party committee to teach , I don’t think this is a big problem, and we’ll figure out a solution at that time. If Director Xiao and the school leaders can’t invite the leaders to come over, I’ll try it then.”

At this time, because I still don't know when Secretary Li will be free to attend class, and at that time, Secretary Li also told himself: he can only talk to the head teacher or the school leader about the things he is going to attend class, and there is no need for other people to talk about it in advance. revealed.Therefore, Ye Ming did not tell Zhang Lingzhi that Secretary Li was coming to teach the young cadre class.

Zhang Lingzhi listened to him very easily, as if he was very sure. He was a little surprised and a little puzzled, thinking that you have a good relationship with Director Zhang of the Provincial TV Station and Director Wang of the Provincial Department of Land and Resources?Do you still want to use them to invite the leaders of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee to attend classes?If you really think this way, you may think this matter is too simple!

However, Zhang Lingzhi did not show any surprise or doubt on the surface, but nodded and followed Ye Ming's words: "If Director Ye really has a way to invite the main leaders of the provincial party committee to give the students in the class It couldn’t be better to go to class, not only we thank you, but Director Xiao will definitely look at you with admiration. Ha ha!"

Seeing that Zhang Lingzhi approved of his several ideas, Ye Ming asked impatiently: "Major Zhang, today is Sunday, and Director Xiao should be at home. Can you take me to Director Xiao's house? I I want to report these ideas to him as soon as possible. If he agrees, I will immediately connect our learning platform to the Internet and try to make it work as soon as possible."

Zhang Lingzhi also asked Ye Ming now, so he said straightforwardly: "Okay, I will call Director Xiao now and make an appointment with him. We will report to him at his home at night."

Ye Ming asked again: "Major Zhang, can you make an appointment with Director Xiao, and we might as well have a meal together in a small restaurant in the evening, talk while eating, and report our thoughts to him calmly. You What do you think?"

Zhang Lingzhi quickly shook his head and said: "Director Ye, when you deal with Director Xiao in the future, don't have any idea of ​​inviting him to dinner or to play. He is the most disgusted by this. For example, today, if you are straightforward If you say you are going to his home to report on the establishment of a learning platform, he may agree to let you go there. However, if you invite him to dinner first, he will immediately reject you mercilessly, and he will definitely not let you go to him Therefore, when you deal with Director Xiao in the future, you must remember: he is a meticulous and spotless character. You must not use eating and drinking to get close to him. If you do that, it will be counterproductive !"

Ye Ming couldn't help being startled when he heard what Zhang Lingzhi said.At the same time, his admiration for Xiao Jin also arises spontaneously in his heart.

So, he said to Zhang Lingzhi, "Well, I'll listen to County Magistrate Zhang, and I won't bring up the matter of inviting Director Xiao to dinner and drinks in the future."

Zhang Lingzhi nodded, took out his phone, and dialed Xiao Jin's cell phone.

After the call was connected, Zhang Lingzhi told Xiao Jin: Comrade Ye Ming, a newcomer in the class, took the initiative to find him in the afternoon, and proposed how to improve the learning atmosphere and enthusiasm of this year's youth cadre class, and how to expand the popularity and influence of the class Some suggestions on how to improve the enthusiasm of the students in the class.After listening to it, he felt that these suggestions were highly operable, and some ideas coincided with your and my original ideas.In particular, Ye Ming's idea of ​​establishing a learning and communication platform is very creative and innovative.Therefore, he and Ye Ming wanted to visit Director Xiao. I wonder if Director Xiao has time at night?

Xiao Jin was surprised when Zhang Lingzhi said that Ye Ming, who had just been criticized by him, actually put forward some very creative suggestions.However, he knew that Zhang Lingzhi was a very stable person, and he would not easily praise a certain person.Since he said that the points proposed by Ye Ming are very creative, they may really be some good ideas.

Therefore, he responded readily: "That's fine, I'll wait for you to come over at home at night. You came to my house once, you should still remember the way!"

Zhang Lingzhi hurriedly said: "Remember, remember! Then Xiaoye and I will come to your house on time at eight o'clock in the evening!"

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