After watching Ye Ming's performance for a while, Xiaohua suddenly said to Xiao Jin in a soft voice: "Dad, I want to play with airplanes. I'll go to the living room to play. You and your uncles are here to talk about things. I won't bother you, okay?" good?"

Ye Ming hurriedly walked over and put the remote control into Xiaohua's hand, and patiently told him the method and technique of manipulation, then turned around and said to Xiao Jin: "Director Xiao, let Xiaohua play here. Let’s go on the plane, let’s talk in the living room. Don’t worry, I can bear the sweltering heat, so you don’t have to worry that I won’t be able to bear it.”

Seeing that Ye Ming is so sensible, Xiao Jin's eyes showed approval and relief, and seeing that his son had already taken over the remote control and was happily manipulating the plane up, down, left, and right, he couldn't bear to disturb him. Destroying his rare good mood, he nodded to Ye Ming and brought him and Zhang Lingzhi to the living room.

After sitting down on the sofa in the living room, Ye Ming first turned on the computer, showed Xiao Jin the module of the "Tianjiang Province No.40 Eighth Youth Cadre Training Class Learning and Communication Platform" module, and introduced the platform to him in detail The function of each plate above:

The "Latest News" column introduces some activities held in the class, such as holding cultural evenings, various competitions, going out to visit and study, the latest working and living conditions of students, etc.;

The "Invitation Report" column records the situation of the class inviting relevant leaders and experts to give lectures and hold lectures;

The "Research Report" column is dedicated to publishing various research articles written by students;

The "Experience" column is dedicated to publishing the experience and experience written by the students in the process of learning and discussion;

The "Party Spirit Exercise" column records the activities of the students to carry out party member volunteer activities, get close to the masses, get close to the grassroots, and carry out activities such as visiting the poor and asking for help;

The "Warning Education" column is the anti-corruption education base for students. It will publish some of the latest anti-corruption cases, as well as some leaders' lectures on clean governance, as well as relevant party discipline regulations;

The "Completion Thesis" column is to publish the graduation thesis written by all the students when they graduate;

The "Summary and Appraisal" column contains the summaries written by the students and the teacher's appraisal of the completion of the students;

The "Student Address Book" column will record the contact addresses and contact methods of all teachers and classmates after graduation, and will be updated by the platform manager at any time...

Just as Zhang Lingzhi and Ye Ming expected, Xiao Jin was very interested in the "learning and communication platform" designed by Ye Ming. When he listened to Ye Ming's introduction of the functions and encryption measures of each section, he listened very attentively. very serious.Moreover, every time Ye Ming finished introducing a section, he couldn't help but say softly: "Okay, this is good!" His satisfaction and excitement were beyond words.

After listening to Ye Ming finished speaking, Xiao Jin straightened up, with a heartfelt and gratified smile on his face, patted Ye Ming on the shoulder and said: "Xiao Ye, this platform you made is very good! I believe that there is With this platform, the students of our No.40 eighth youth cadre class will be more united, the study will be more effective, and the activities will be held more vividly. The most important thing is: With this platform, we can make our youth All the study and living conditions of Ganban will be preserved forever as precious historical materials. In the future, no matter where we go, whether we can meet again, as long as we browse this platform, we can recall our youth This period of united, tense, serious and lively learning life in the class. For me as the head teacher, if you all have future prospects, this is also a relatively precious and beautiful complete memory of mine! Hehehe!"

Seeing that Xiao Jin was very satisfied with this platform, Ye Ming also felt very happy, so he asked modestly: "Director Xiao, do you think there is anything that needs to be modified or added to this module? We have a long-term view. If you feel that there is another place to add or modify, I will modify it immediately.”

Xiao Jin nodded, and after pondering for a moment, he pointed to the middle of the homepage of the platform and said to Ye Ming: "Xiaoye, there should be two small sections here, one is for the class committee members of our No.40 eighth green cadre class Names and photos, and the other is the names and photos of other students in the class. This way, when everyone opens the page, they can see all the students in our class at a glance."

As soon as Ye Ming heard Xiao Jin's proposal, he knew that although he was not good at "profit", he still cared about "fame": because he is the head of the class committee, he should be listed as a member of the class committee first on the prominent position on the homepage. If anyone opens Ye Ming, the first thing he sees is his name and photo as the homeroom teacher.In this case, it is equivalent to erecting a monument for himself...

However, Ye Ming still understands Xiao Jin's little private thoughts: After all, why is he so honest and self-disciplined, so willing to stay poor?Isn't it just to keep a good official and political voice?Besides, Director Xiao worked so hard to bring a class out, so he should be given a prominent position, so that he can feel a sense of honor and pride in his heart when he sees this platform.Therefore, his selfish distractions are completely understandable...

Therefore, Ye Ming readily agreed: "Director Xiao, this is very easy to handle. I can also leave a bit wider in the middle, scroll and display everyone's names and photos, and add some text descriptions."

Xiao Jin once again showed a very satisfied expression on his face, and looked at the upper left of the platform's home page, thought for a while, and said with some regret: "Magistrate Zhang, Xiaoye, originally I had another idea, and I planned to re-apply on this homepage." Set up a small column called "Leadership Messages". I want to ask the main leaders of the provincial party committee to write a few words of encouragement to our young cadre class. In that case, our platform will be more perfect. Unfortunately, my class teacher has limited ability and no way Kuan, I am not familiar with almost any of the leaders of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, so I am embarrassed to ask them to leave a message and inscription for our young cadre class. Alas, people speak lightly, and people speak lightly!"

Speaking of this, Xiao Jin showed a helpless wry smile on his face.

Seeing this strong man, Ye Ming had that desolate and helpless smile on his face at the moment, his expression was both lonely and sad, and he couldn't help being impulsive, and blurted out: "Director Xiao, we can design the column of 'Leadership Message' If you and County Magistrate Zhang are embarrassed to ask the leaders of the provincial party committee to write an inscription, I will find a way!"

As soon as this remark came out, both Xiao Jin and Zhang Lingzhi were shocked, and at the same time looked at him suspiciously, with expressions of disbelief on their faces.

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