Seeing Xiao Jin's current expression and appearance, Ye Ming had already vaguely guessed what he wanted him to do.

For some reason, at this moment, when he heard Director Xiao, who had always been indifferent and aloof, suddenly said in such a tone that he wanted to ask himself for help, he couldn't help but think of Director Zou Wenming: Xiao Jin, like Zou Wenming, both He is the kind of good leader who is serious, high-minded and meticulous, and also the kind of real man who does not ask others easily and has a strong personality.However, when they are faced with the critical moment of their career promotion, when they feel that an opportunity that may affect their future and destiny suddenly comes, they will become a little impatient and uncharacteristically— —And this is where the great magic power of officialdom lies, and it is also the most terrifying place in this big dye vat of officialdom.

Perhaps, after officially embarking on an official career, he will also be affected and distorted by this official magic in the future.My current personality and temper may be reversed and changed by the plethora of unspoken rules, intrigues, intrigues, etc. in the officialdom, and I will become a real "official family"...

Moreover, since he took office in the First Sub-bureau, especially after experiencing the thrilling struggle with Li Botang and his son, he feels that he has changed a lot now.For example, he no longer trusts anyone who is good to him unconditionally as before, but believes in a point of view: there is no love for no reason in the world, and there is no hate for no reason.Those who are good to themselves are probably because they want something from themselves; while those who hate themselves are because they hinder their way to promotion and wealth.

For another example, he used to dislike those flatterers the most. Whenever he saw those people, he felt disgusted and disgusted from the bottom of his heart.But now, not only can he tolerantly understand the words and deeds of those who are afraid of flattery, but he also readily accepts the "flattery theory" of the deputy director of the county government office, and on the second night of coming to the party school, he put this The theory of flattery is "learned and applied flexibly", and Zhang Lingzhi has done a "flattery" practice, and it has also achieved unexpected results.

What made him even more surprised and a little worried was that he had always disliked holding grudges and making enemies. He always repaid grievances with kindness, and treated those who offended him with a generous and benevolent attitude.However, he found that in the officialdom, his mentality was completely unworkable.Through the struggle with Li Botang and his son, Yan Changgeng and his son, he deeply realized that in the officialdom, the relationship between competitors is often a life-and-death relationship.If you are soft-hearted, your opponent will take advantage of your weakness and put you to death without hesitation!When you tolerate your opponent, you often give him a chance to breathe. Once he recovers, he will bite you hard again until he bites you to death.

Therefore, now he felt that his heart was gradually hardening, and he gradually began to hold grudges.For example, that Yan Changgeng, he now has a thought: If he doesn't embarrass himself anymore, then everything will be over; but as long as he still wants to bully himself and frame himself, then he must retaliate, use his relationship, and kill him. Trampled to death with one foot, and made him unable to stand up forever!

He didn't know whether this change in his mentality was good or bad.However, he can be sure of one thing: his current mentality is definitely more suitable for the officialdom, and more suitable for the various power struggles he is about to face...

Therefore, when Xiao Jin asked him for help now, although he understood what he wanted to do, he didn't feel disgusted and didn't want to refuse.On the contrary, he even had a little bit of self-satisfaction and self-satisfaction at this time: the leader who criticized him harshly and harshly in class the day before yesterday finally spoke to himself in a pleading tone—and this kind of Ideas, in the past, it was impossible to generate in your own mind...

So, after Xiao Jin made that request, Ye Ming smiled and asked, "Director Xiao, what do you want me to do for you? As long as I can do it, I will spare no effort to do it for you!"

Hearing that he agreed so readily, Xiao Jin couldn't help but brows with joy, lowered his head and thought for a moment, and then said carefully: "Xiao Ye, the basic situation of me, including my work attitude, ideology, conduct, life style and other aspects. , I think you should have learned a little bit from the county magistrate Zhang. To tell you the truth: I usually only know how to bury my head in doing things, and I also stick to my beliefs and principles, so I seldom go to the leaders to promote I myself, and few leaders really understand my character and work situation. Therefore, my idea is: before you take me to visit Secretary Lu, I hope you can tell Director Xu about my basic situation , and asked Director Xu to tell Secretary Lu about me at a convenient time. As long as Secretary Lu has an impression of me, he will definitely talk to me when we go to see him. In this way, I will have the opportunity to tell the old man some of my thoughts and experiences over the past few years——Xiao Ye, do you think this will work?"

Ye Ming understood Xiao Jin's request very well, and he already had an idea in his heart, wanting to recommend to Secretary Li or Secretary Lu that Xiao Jin, a good leader who sticks to poverty and contributes silently.

Therefore, after listening to Xiao Jin's request, he immediately replied without hesitation: "Director Xiao, just as you said, I have already known about your situation and your situation from the county magistrate Zhang. He is a good leader who is down-to-earth, hard-working, indifferent to fame and fortune, sticks to poverty, and is honest and honest. Therefore, I have always had an idea in my heart, that is, I want to tell Secretary Li Runji about your deeds one day. You should know: Secretary Li I appreciate a good cadre like you who is upright, honest and self-denying. So, my idea is: in a few days, I might as well take you to Secretary Li’s house and talk to him about your situation in detail. Secretary Li has a good impression of you, and Secretary Lu will have no problems with you. What do you think?"

When Xiao Jin heard that Ye Ming said that he could take him to Secretary Li's house and report his situation in detail to him, his eyes bulged out of surprise, and he grabbed Ye Ming's hand tightly, shaking it vigorously while He said in a tone of excitement: "Of course that's good, that's good! I can't wait for it...Xiaoye, then we'll make a deal like this! Thank you, thank you very much!"

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