Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 849 The Fortress Is Easiest To Break Through From Inside

Hearing Ye Ming's serious question, Li Wen didn't dare to joke anymore. She thought about it seriously and said, "Brother Ye, I know Sister Qu quite well. A bit too materialistic, and also a little vanity and opportunistic psychology. However, these problems of hers are not too prominent, and they are also common problems of many girls nowadays, so there is nothing wrong with them.

"As for her professional level and professional ability, after all, she has also served as a news announcer for a TV station in their district for a long time. The overall quality is still very good, and her image and temperament are not bad. Therefore, it should be a good choice to transfer her to the provincial TV station. It's more appropriate. Even if she can't be an announcer or host, she can also be a reporter or producer of some special programs. very strong.

"Brother Ye, in fact, Qu Yu has approached me many times, wanting me to help her officially transfer to the provincial TV station, and told me that this is her greatest wish in this life. No regrets. It’s just that although I have a good relationship with Director Zhang, I was transferred to the provincial station because of your relationship, and I know that Director Zhang has some opinions on Qu Yu because of her private life. , I also looked down on her a little bit. So, I am also embarrassed to talk to Director Zhang, and Sister Qu comes to me every day to ask me if the matter has progressed. I am in a dilemma over this matter these days!"

Ye Ming knew that what Li Wen said about Qu Yu's "private life issue" was the mess between her and Yan Changgeng, so he asked, "Wenwen, I have a more sensitive question to ask you. : When Qu Yu was chatting with you privately, did he say anything about her and Yan Changgeng? What's her attitude now?"

Li Wen hesitated for a moment and said: "In order to let me help her transfer to the provincial station, she once took the initiative to tell me about this matter. According to her, she and her ex-husband are actually not bad. She doesn't want to be with Yan Changgeng. Moreover, when she saw Yan Changgeng for the first time, she had a bad impression of him. She thought he was gangster-like, short and fat, with a sloppy face and no quality. Therefore, although Yan Changgeng launched a frenzied attack on her as soon as he saw her, she kept avoiding him and rejected him. However, one time later, Yan Changgeng used despicable means to attack her. Possessed her in the hotel, she broke the pot and became his lover in desperation, and divorced her husband - of course, this is just Sister Qu's own statement , What is the specific inside story, I really can't figure it out.

"As for now, Sister Qu said that she has seen through the essence of Yan Changgeng, and she is completely tired of the humiliating life of being ridiculed and looked down upon with him. Especially when I ate at the gate of the party school last time, Yan Changgeng Chang Geng actually beat her, which made her completely give up. So, she told me: this time she made up her mind to separate from Yan Changgeng, so I can rest assured and not consider Yan Changgeng's influence. However, I still I dare not talk to Master Zhang about Sister Qu, because I am afraid that Master Zhang will say that I do not know how to measure myself and want to make progress.

"Brother Ye, in fact, from a woman's point of view, Sister Qu is also a poor person, a person who has been living in humiliation. The life she is living now is indeed not what she really wants. You and Zhang The director of the station has such a good relationship, so you can help her, talk to the director Zhang, and officially transfer her to the provincial station!"

In fact, there is one more thing Li Wen didn't tell Ye Ming: Ever since Qu Yu had dinner with Ye Ming, he could see Ye Ming's importance in Director Zhang's mind, and she also knew about her transfer to the provincial station. Ye Ming can definitely solve it with just one sentence.

Therefore, she has been pestering Li Wen for the past few days, asking her to invite Ye Ming out to have a meal and drink together, and she wants to plead with Ye Ming in person.However, Li Wen is deeply in love with Ye Ming now, and Qu Yu is a naturally charming and romantic beauty. She is afraid that after she introduces Ye Ming and Qu Yu, Qu Yu will use some means to lure Ye Ming away, and that will be miserable.

So, she used the excuse that Ye Ming had just started studying at school and was very busy with homework every day, so she didn't contact Ye Ming for Qu Yu.

But now, when Ye Ming took the initiative to ask about Qu Yu, the kind-hearted Li Wen still suppressed the sourness in her heart, and introduced Qu Yu's situation to Ye Ming realistically, and asked Ye Ming helped Qu Yu...

For Ye Ming, Qu Yu is now the most important pawn he uses to deal with Yan Changgeng.Therefore, his first move was to win Qu Yu over so that she could strike back at Yan Changgeng at the right time—because Ye Ming knew very well: Although Yan Changgeng was rich, he was as rich as he was. The insatiable local tyrant, after becoming the party secretary of the village, the director of the development zone, and the deputy head of the district, has the power to sell and allocate so much land in the Xinghai development zone. It is absolutely impossible for him not to take bribes from inside.

And Qu Yu, as Yan Changgeng's closest and most trusted person around him, must know many dark inside stories about him.There is a saying that "a fortress is easiest to breach from the inside".If Yan Changgeng is a bunker, then Qu Yu is an explosive pack hidden inside the bunker.As long as Qu Yu's explosive bag is ignited, Yan Changgeng's fortress will be blown up in an instant...

Therefore, Ye Ming's first step in dealing with Yan Changgeng is to make Qu Yu completely break with Yan Changgeng, and then wait for Yan Changgeng to take revenge on Qu Yu.

Ye Ming's analysis: With Yan Changgeng's violent and arrogant personality, once Qu Yu really breaks up with him, he will never let it go, and will definitely behave insanely.At that time, it will be the day of Yan Changgeng's death...

So, after Li Wen proposed to help Qu Yu transfer to the provincial TV station, Ye Ming said readily: "Okay, I promise you. How about this: You tell me Miss Qu Yu's phone number, I am talking to Director Zhang After communicating, call her in person."

Li Wen quickly told Ye Ming Qu Yu's mobile phone number.

After hanging up Li Wen's phone, Ye Ming immediately dialed Zhang Yingzhi's cell phone.

After some greetings, Ye Ming went straight to the topic: "Director Zhang, there is one thing I would like to trouble you with: Miss Qu Yu, who was drinking with us at the party school last time, has approached Wenwen many times. I would like to ask her to ask you to officially transfer her to the provincial TV station. Wenwen has a low face, so I am embarrassed to beg you. So, I will take the liberty of begging you for Miss Qu Yu today, I wonder if it is okay?"

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