Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 859 Investigating the Xinghai Development Zone

Hearing Chang Ying's affectionate tone, Xiao Jin couldn't understand it, but he didn't want to ask too many questions, so he hurriedly said, "I'm having dinner with some friends outside, and it's almost finished. I'll come to your office right away."

On the way to the office, Xiao Jin has been guessing the reason for Chang Ying's sudden and unusual enthusiasm for him today, and vaguely felt: Chang Ying suddenly called him today and asked him to go to his office, it is very likely It has something to do with Secretary Lu meeting me this morning.

Sure enough, when he knocked on the door and entered Chang Ying's office, Chang Ying asked, "Comrade Xiao Jin, did you visit Secretary Lu this morning?"

Xiao Jin was a little puzzled, thinking how did Chang Ying know about this so quickly?

So, he nodded and said, "That's right, I went to Secretary Lu's office with two students from our young cadre class in the morning, and asked Secretary Lu to write a few words of encouragement for the learning platform of our young cadre class."

Chang Ying patted him on the shoulder affectionately, and said with a smile: "Comrade Xiao Jin, Secretary Lu has a very good impression of you! Just now, he called me and asked me about your situation in detail. , and asked us to send him a copy of your detailed resume and actual performance immediately in the afternoon. Therefore, I will call you here now and discuss with you how to write this actual performance.

"I'm not hiding it from you: when Secretary Lu asked me what I think of you, I said a lot of good things to you. My main opinion is: you, comrade, are a loyal, reliable, down-to-earth He is a good comrade who is honest, honest, honest and fair, and is also a middle-level backbone with pure business and outstanding ability in our department. Therefore, you can now write a self-reported material by yourself, summarizing your strengths and strengths and your Some achievements in the past two years. Then, I will ask Director Wu in the office to polish it for you, and report to Secretary Lu before five o'clock in the afternoon."

As soon as Xiao Jin heard the meaning of Chang Ying's words, he immediately understood: he was showing his favor to himself and asking himself to accept his affection.Judging from the meaning revealed in his words, it is likely that Secretary Lu revealed to him the idea of ​​wanting to promote himself.That's why he hurriedly found him, on the one hand to show his merits, and on the other hand, to win him over...

It turned out that, just as Xiao Jin expected, Secretary Lu had been thinking about and looking for the leadership team of the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee for a period of time.

After Xie Hongda's downfall, in order to maintain the stability of the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee, Secretary Lu suggested to the central government that Chang Ying, the executive vice minister, should temporarily act as the head of the organization.If Chang Ying is capable and has done a good job in the organization department during the acting period, then after next year's party congress, he can be considered as a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and serve as the head of the organization.

In this case, the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee lacked another deputy minister.Secretary Lu considered: This deputy minister must be selected by himself, and he must be a loyal, reliable, honest and impartial person with both ability and political integrity.Therefore, when Xiao Jin came to visit him, he intentionally asked him some specific information, and he was very satisfied with this person, and he had a good relationship with Ye Ming now.Therefore, Secretary Lu had the idea of ​​promoting Xiao Jin as the deputy head of the organization department.

So, after lunch, he called Chang Ying and asked him about Xiao Jin's situation. At the same time, he asked the organization department to report Xiao Jin's resume and actual performance to him.

And Chang Ying didn't have a good impression of Xiao Jin at first, thinking that he was like a stone in a latrine, smelly and hard.

However, when Secretary Lu called him, Chang Ying, who had a very keen sense of smell, immediately noticed that Xiao Jin's smelly and hard "shit pit stone" might have caught the eyes of Secretary Lu and his old man. His old man's temper.So, he is now going to promote Xiao Jin...

Chang Ying was surprised and surprised when she realized Secretary Lu's intention.However, his reaction was very quick: he knew that once Xiao Jin fell in love with Secretary Lu, he might become his confidant in the future.As for himself, he is still an acting minister, whether he can become a regular next year depends on Secretary Lu's wink.Therefore, my top priority now is to quickly win over Xiao Jin, a subordinate who has been transferred. Maybe through him, I can build a bridge to contact Secretary Lu...

Xiao Jin naturally understood Chang Ying's intentions, and also knew that he just visited Secretary Lu's office, which really brought a turning point to his fate.

That night, after finishing writing his materials and arranging for someone to send them to Xu Lizhong, Xiao Jin did not go home for the first time, but hurried to the Provincial Party School and insisted on inviting Ye Ming to have a meal outside.Moreover, he didn't go back at night, just chatting with him in Ye Ming's dormitory.

Because today is Saturday, Yan Changgeng, Liu Ziliang, and Chen Yufei are not in the dormitory.Therefore, Xiao Jin and Ye Ming talked very happily, and they still had more to say until midnight.Later, Xiao Jin simply slept in the school...

After finishing the public management course on Tuesday morning, according to the arrangement of the school, more than 40 students from the No.40 eighth youth cadre class, under the leadership of the head teacher Xiao Jin, took the school bus to Xinghai Development Zone to study and inspect the development zone Planning and empirical measures for the construction of ecologically livable cities.

The construction of this ecologically livable city is a new urban construction plan proposed by the new mayor Qing Tao, led by the deputy mayor in charge of urban construction, She Chuming, and the secretary of the Daxing District Party Committee, Xu Can. It has already begun to take shape .

Today, Qing Tao and She Chuming came here to hold an on-site meeting and do a preliminary inspection. Therefore, the leaders of Daxing District attached great importance to it and recruited Yan Changgeng, the director of the Development Zone Management Committee, in advance, and asked him to organize the relevant departments of the development zone to do their best. Do a good job of preparing for the on-site meeting, and at the same time do a good job in the reception.

It was Yan Changgeng who proposed to She Chuming to invite students from the young cadre class to observe the on-site meeting and study and study the urban construction experience of the development zone.She Chuming made a report to Qing Tao, and Qing Tao attached great importance to this matter. Originally, he planned to come back at noon, but because the inspection team of the young cadre class was coming, he rushed to the development zone without lunch. The students of the young cadre class had lunch together.

Ye Ming didn't tell Qing Tao and She Chuming when he came to study in the youth cadre class of the Party School of the Provincial Party Committee, because he didn't think it was necessary.Therefore, neither Qing Tao nor She Chuming knew that Ye Ming was in today's study tour.

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