Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 86 Enough is enough

When Huang Yuliang heard that Gong Zhichao wanted his younger brother and Li Jinhai to crawl in on his knees, his expression changed, and he said, "Brother Chao, don't slap people in the face when you hit them, and don't expose your faults when you swear. Although my two younger brothers are at fault, they are in my brother's place. Among them, they can be regarded as dignified characters. Now Brother Chao, you want them to crawl like dogs on the ground, and you have to slap yourself in the face. How can they still have the skin to hang around in East Station? Please think twice, Brother Chao, and think of another way to teach them a lesson Hit them!"

Gong Zhichao's complexion changed, his eyes opened suddenly, two sharp cold lights flashed, and he said in a deep voice: "Liang Mengzi, you know my character: what I say is a certainty, and I will never change it easily! I am now I’m getting older, and under normal circumstances, I wouldn’t bring so many brothers to fight outside. But today’s situation is different. You bullied my sister and hit me in the face. If it was five years ago, I wouldn’t have Talking with you here, I directly picked the hamstrings of your two little brothers! I don’t bother to talk to you now, there are still many people in the Xinleng Hotel waiting to welcome my sister and Director Ye. A quick word: If you want to apologize, let them crawl in; no Daoqian, I will not fight with you today, I will take my brother away directly. However, can the two of them be safe and intact? If I survive tomorrow, I can’t guarantee it.”

When Huang Yuliang heard Gong Zhichao's gloomy words, he felt a chill rushing from his spine to his forehead, and his face suddenly turned pale: he had been with Gong Zhichao for several years, and he knew that he was a master who could do what he said.His last few words just now were definitely not threatening or intimidating.If you don't follow his request today, maybe when you wake up tomorrow, Huang Yudong or Li Jinhai will lose one or two parts, or even have their hamstrings broken...

Thinking up to this point, he didn't dare to be stubborn anymore, turned around, and strode out the door.

Ye Ming waited for him to leave, and said to Gong Zhichao: "Brother Chao, let's get over this! It's fine when they come to apologize to us later, let's just kneel down and slap us!"

Chen Mengqi also said: "Brother Chao, Big Brother Ye is a cadre of the Local Taxation Bureau, you should pay attention to the influence. Besides, you let those sneaks crawl in on their knees to apologize now, in case they hate Big Brother Ye, they dare not come here clearly, and use shady tricks secretly. Inviting to harm Brother Ye is impossible to guard against!"

Gong Zhichao smiled and said, "Qiqi, Director Ye, you don't have to worry. You can't have the slightest soft-heartedness and compassion when dealing with punks like Huang Yudong and Li Jinhai. , If you let him, they can go up to the house and uncover tiles, and they will not give up until they bully you to death; but, if you are worse than him and let him suffer, they will be afraid of seeing your back in the future, and they will be afraid when they see your back. I promise to respect you submissively, and I promise not to touch a single little finger of yours."

Just as we were talking, two crying voices came from the door of the box: "Brother Chao, Li Jinhai and Huang Yudong came here sincerely to apologize to Director Ye and Miss Chen!"

Gong Zhichao shouted: "Climb in!"

Then, Huang Yuliang pushed the box door open at the door, and Li Jinhai and Huang Yudong moved into the box on their knees one after the other, bowing their heads in front of Ye Ming and Chen Mengqi.

Li Jinhai raised his face, slapped himself on the cheek with his right hand, and said as he slapped, "Director Ye, Ms. Chen, I was blind and offended you two. Please do your best. Forgive me this time."

Huang Yudong then slapped himself and said the same thing.

Ye Ming saw that they were about to slap him a second time, so he quickly stood up and walked over, stretched out his hand to hold them, preventing them from slapping himself again, and then said very gently: "Forget it, it's fine if you want to. Get up, let's have a cup of tea together, and the matter between us will be over."

Huang Yudong and Li Jinhai looked at Gong Zhichao, not daring to get up.

Gong Zhichao saw that Ye Ming didn't climb the pole, but knew enough was enough, and his affection for this young man increased a bit, so he shouted to Huang Yudong and Li Jinhai: "Get up! Don't you want to thank Director Ye?"

Huang Yudong and Li Jinhai quickly got up, looked at Ye Ming with grateful eyes, and said sincerely: "Thank you, Director Ye!"

Gong Zhichao stood up and said to Huang Yuliang: "That's the end of today's matter, we don't have time to talk to you anymore. Remember: this is my sister, who is closer than my own sister, and Ye Director, it’s my brother-in-law now. When you meet them on the street, you’d better be polite, understand?”

Huang Yudong and Li Jinhai hurriedly nodded like chickens pecking at rice.

After walking out of the teahouse, Ye Ming was surprised to find that the densely packed crowd around the Porsche at the beginning suddenly cleared away, leaving only Gong Zhichao's driver standing beside his car.

Seeing this scene, he couldn't help but secretly startled at Gong Zhichao's organizational ability and prestige, thinking that this brother Chao seemed to have become the leader of a well-organized and powerful underworld organization, so he had to be careful when interacting with him in the future better...

During dinner at the Xinleng Hotel, Gong Zhichao enthusiastically introduced Ye Ming to several of his political friends: Bi Huafeng, Director of the Standing Committee of the County Government, He Xi, Captain of the Third Squadron of the Public Security Brigade of the Public Security Bureau, and Luo Haifei, Chief of the Public Prosecution Section of the County Procuratorate. There are also several ordinary police officers from the police station.

Bi Huafeng, the director of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee, is a thin old man in his fifties, with thinning hair and a kind expression. At the wine table, he made a self-mockery about his baldness, saying that the barren land on top of his head His subordinates praised him as "extremely smart", but his wife insisted that he was "stupid and stupid".

These few self-deprecating words won a lot of laughter.

Although Bi Huafeng looked relatively modest, Ye Ming had heard of it a long time ago: this "Bi Bald" is a well-known old pervert among the leaders of the county party committee.During his tenure as deputy secretary of the county party committee, it is said that he had seven or eight mistresses.Later, when he was transferred to the ** as the director, his power was much less, and he was forced to restrain himself a bit, but he still liked to mess around.

There is a legend: He is now raising a pair of sisters.The pair of sisters opened a restaurant named "Three Golden Flowers" on Jianxin Street. Because of Bi Huafeng's care, the restaurant's business is very good...

Ye Ming didn't quite believe it at first.However, when he and Chen Mengqi walked into the box, Bi Huafeng's seductive eyes never left the delicate and flowery Chen Mengqi from the beginning to the end.While drinking, he also intentionally made some half-meat and half-vegetarian jokes with Chen Mengqi, which made Chen Mengqi blush, and halfway through drinking, he dragged Ye Ming out of the hotel.

After sending Chen Mengqi to her villa in Taohuaao, Ye Ming ignored Chen Mengqi's sad eyes and insisted on calling to go back.

Because, he misses Chen Yi very much.

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