Xu Can is also a veteran in the officialdom, so he had already seen it when he was eating just now: this student named Ye Ming is definitely not an idler!He was able to make Mayor Qing, who has always been self-reliant and now increasingly authoritarian, so valued and affectionate, which proves that he either has some special ability or has an unfathomable backer.

And what made him feel Ye Ming's weight even more was: the deputy mayor She Chuming who came in to toast later was actually an old friend of Ye Ming.Moreover, judging by Vice Mayor She's attitude towards Ye Ming, it was a bit flattering and ingratiating.This proves more clearly that among all the guests at today's meeting, the most important, most background and most promising person is this handsome young man Ye Ming.

Therefore, as soon as the post exposing Ye Ming appeared on the screen, Xu Can had a premonition that something was wrong and couldn't help complaining in his heart.

He is very clear: If he does not handle this huge accident well today, not only may Mayor Qing and Deputy Mayor She may hold him accountable, but also, if that Ye Ming turns his back on him and blames him in Daxing District The secretary of the district committee came forward, who knew what methods he would use to deal with him!According to his friendship with Mayor Qing and Deputy Mayor She, if he wanted to kill himself, the secretary of the district committee at the division level, it would only take a matter of minutes...

Thinking of this, Xu Can didn't dare to hesitate any more. After She Chuming ordered the technician to be arrested, he suddenly pushed the table in front of him forward, and then, like a swift and ferocious wolf, Usually, he rushed out all at once, rushed to the technician who was about to escape outside, kicked him to the ground with a flying kick, then raised his head and shouted at the other stunned staff in the venue: "Come here and help me, hold this bastard for me, don't let him run away!"

What Xu Can is doing now is because he wants to make up for his mistakes by first catching this daring technician and letting him explain who is behind the scenes; It's irrelevant, someone is pouring dirty water on Ye Ming behind his back as the secretary of the district committee, he himself is innocent...

Several cadres of the development zone who were serving at the venue heard what Secretary Xu had said, and rushed forward, pushing the thin and frail "temporary worker" to the ground.

At this time, both Xiao Jin and Zhang Lingzhi had guessed: Yan Changgeng had definitely instructed someone to do this dirty thing.Moreover, there may be some people in the young cadre class who participated in this conspiracy.For example, the few new students who had a competitive relationship with Ye Ming were likely to be involved in this matter—because Xiao Jin and Zhang Lingzhi knew very well: Yan Changgeng is, after all, an ignorant villager. A rough guy who doesn't even know how to use a computer.The posts about Ye Ming that were just released on the computer should have been deleted long ago, otherwise, Zhang Lingzhi and others would have seen it long ago.Since they are already deleted posts, with Yan Changgeng's computer skills, it is absolutely impossible for him to dig them out.Therefore, there is definitely someone behind Yan Changgeng who is giving him ideas and planning.And these people can only be one or several of Huang Jixiang, Qiu Yixing, Li Ding and others...

Xiao Jin is grateful to Ye Ming now, and he will have to rely on him to be promoted smoothly in the future.Therefore, under the current situation, he felt that he had to stand up and say a few words to express his position.At the very least, he must let Ye Ming see that he is on his side. He is very disdainful and hates this kind of conspiracy in today's venue.

Therefore, when the technician who caused the incident was pushed to the ground, he also stood up from the first row with a livid face, facing the students in the young cadre class behind him, and said in an extremely angry and annoyed tone: "Comrade Ladies and gentlemen, today's incident is definitely not accidental. It was deliberately done by someone to slander Ye Ming's reputation, destroy the reputation of our party school's youth cadre class, and also want to drive a wedge between Ye Ming and other students. Friendship and affection.

"So, I think: the incident that happened in this conference room today should be classified as an act of violating discipline, disrupting the order of the venue, and damaging the reputation of Ye Ming. I strongly suggest that the leaders of the Daxing District Committee and the District Government take a serious view of today's incident. This matter must be thoroughly investigated, and the relevant responsible persons must be punished accordingly. Just now Mayor Qing and Deputy Mayor She have already expressed their views. I hope this matter can be investigated and dealt with as soon as possible, and give us youth All the teachers and students in the dry class give a satisfactory explanation!"

Speaking of this, he glanced at Huang Jixiang and Qiu Yixing intentionally or unintentionally, and said emphatically: "Comrades, I have always spoken directly. If I have any thoughts or doubts in my heart, I must express them quickly." Moreover, I am also the most disliked and hate the kind of cunning villain who stabs a knife in the back. I have reason to suspect: Ye Ming was plotted against in this venue today, and some students in our youth class also participated, and It must have been planned for a long time!

"Here, I want to warn those who hide in the dark corners and want to frame classmate Ye Ming: If you want others to know, unless you do nothing! People are doing it, and God is watching! You have done too many bad things, and you must do it absolutely. Yes, someone will come out to punish you! If you stop now, you may have time to rein in the precipice. Otherwise, you will be punished sooner or later! I put this here today, if you don’t believe me, you can continue to try Try it."

Most of the students in the young cadre class are old foxes who have been in the officialdom for many years. Now that Xiao Jin said this, they immediately guessed: Xiao Jin's words must be for Ye Ming. The few new students in the competition listened to it.Because only these few people have the motive to frame Ye Ming.Moreover, they all guessed it: the instigator of this incident must be Yan Changgeng who is not at the venue at the moment, because only he has the conditions and ability to arrange today's farce.

Therefore, the gazes of these young cadre students turned to Huang Jixiang, Qiu Yixing, Li Ding and the other three who were sitting in the back row...

In the entire venue, the person who is the calmest and most indifferent at the moment is the person involved, Ye Ming.

Many people saw: From the beginning to the end, Ye Ming sat in the middle of the second row with a calm face, calmly faced the complex gazes cast by his classmates, and listened to Qing Tao and She Chuming with aloofness. , Xiao Jin and others scolded, scolded and angered, there was not even a little bit of angry and angry expression on their faces!

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