Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 889: You Can't Get Tiger Sons

Ye Ming hung up the phone sadly, and stayed on the side of the road for a while, faintly feeling: Xia Chuchu's anger this time is extraordinary, it seems that she may really be determined to break up with him!If this is the case, how can I explain to Secretary Li?How to explain my relationship with Qu Yu?

After thinking about it, Ye Ming decided: his plan to use Qu Yu to defeat Yan Changgeng must not be abandoned halfway, even if it would cause Xia Chuchu's misunderstanding even more.Because that Yan Changgeng was too much of a threat to him.If he doesn't get rid of him, he will really report the past affairs between himself and Chen Yi, which is easy to handle in Tianjiang Province. After all, Secretary Li Runji sits in the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, and he also knows the relationship between himself and Chen Yi. matter, so Yan Changgeng's complaint should have no effect.

However, the inspection team of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection is currently investigating and accepting various reports in Tianjiang Province. If Yan Changgeng really reported his past affairs to the inspection team of the Central If the backers of the provincial party committee attack the opposition, not only will he and Chen Yi suffer, but even Secretary Li and Secretary Lu may be implicated, damaging their reputation and prestige.In that case, I am really the culprit...

Therefore, even if I am misunderstood by Xia Chuchu, even if she really wants to break up with me, I must not give up the plan to get rid of Yan Changgeng.Moreover, in order to avoid complications, this plan must be realized as soon as possible, preferably in the next few days.Otherwise, if Yan Changgeng took the initiative and reported himself first, he would be very passive...

At the same time, Ye Ming also made up his mind: after the realization of the plan to get rid of Yan Changgeng, he would rush to the capital as soon as possible to explain and persuade Chu Chu.He believed that with Chu Chu's open-mindedness and straightforward personality, as long as he told her the whole story, she would understand and forgive him.

When he was thinking about it carefully, Qu Yu suddenly opened the car door and came out, stood still not far in front of him, tilted his head to look at him, and asked with a smile: "Mr. Ye, what happened just now?" Didn't you get censored by your girlfriend? How did you explain it to your girlfriend? Did you say you were with me?"

Ye Ming shook his head and said, "It's okay, it's just an ordinary phone number. She doesn't know I'm with you either. Besides, even if she knows I'm with you, it doesn't matter."

Qu Yu looked left and right at him incredulously, seeing that his expression was very calm, not like he had just quarreled with his girlfriend, he was secretly surprised, but he was also more happy: as long as his If the so-called "girlfriend" doesn't doubt him, if he doesn't pester him to death, he will still have a chance.After all, the promise he made to himself is still valid, and he still has to rush over to accompany and protect himself every day.

She believes that as long as a man and a woman stay together every day and go shopping, watching movies, going to bars, and visiting parks like lovers every day, over time, they will definitely develop a sense of attachment and intimacy towards each other.If this sense of attachment and intimacy continues to develop, sooner or later it will evolve into love—the so-called "long-term love", which should be the case...

After returning to the car, Ye Ming decided to implement his own plan to stimulate Yan Changgeng and speed up his destruction.

So, while driving the car towards the river, he seemed to suddenly remember something, and said to Qu Yu: "Miss Qu, I remember the first time we ate at the restaurant near the Provincial Party School, you once Tell Mr. Zhang: Whenever you have a chance, you want to ask Mr. Zhang to sing in the 'Golden Years Entertainment City' in the Xinghai Development Zone. You also said that the boxes there are the most luxurious in the provincial capital, and the acoustics are also the best in the provincial capital. Yes. Tomorrow happens to be Friday, why don't we call Master Zhang tomorrow and go to the Golden Years Entertainment City you mentioned to sing together?"

Under the care of Director Zhang this time, Qu Yu was successfully transferred to the provincial TV station, and he was really grateful to Director Zhang and Ye Ming.After her formal transfer procedures were completed, she once sneaked a big red envelope and visited Mr. Zhang at his home one night.However, Director Zhang resolutely rejected her big red envelope, and just told her to work hard and live well in the future, and promised her that by the end of the year, as long as her business ability passed the test and there was no problem with her life style, she would definitely arrange for her to go to the broadcasting station. up to the post.

Later, she wanted to invite Director Zhang to dinner or sing and drink tea several times alone, but Director Zhang politely refused her every time because he could not arrange the time, which made her depressed and helpless.

Therefore, when Ye Ming said that she would invite Director Zhang to sing together tomorrow, she immediately became interested and quickly agreed, "Okay, okay, make an appointment with Director Zhang first, and don't worry about other things. It's all arranged by me."

After saying these few words, she seemed to suddenly think of an important question, frowned, and said a little worriedly: "Mr. Ye, I'm afraid it won't be too good for us to sing in the Xinghai Development Zone tomorrow! A place is completely controlled by Yan Changgeng. The Golden Years Entertainment City was invested and built by him. His security guards and local ruffians usually play in the Golden Years. If we go Singing there, isn't it self-inflicted?

"You should also be able to see that now, people are staring at me at the entrance of the TV station compound every day. When we go out to play at night, we are often followed by Yan Changgeng's lackeys. If we go to Xinghai Development Zone to sing, Yan Changgeng will definitely be the first You will get the news. If he goes crazy and calls dozens of people to besiege us, even if you have three heads and six arms, you can't stand it!

"I once saw Yan Changgeng fighting for territory with my own eyes: that time he ordered one of his company's vice presidents to recruit 200 people at once, and all of them were armed with long and short weapons, and some even had guns. The opponent's side was beaten like a rat, with more than a dozen serious injuries and countless minor injuries. What if he uses this method to deal with you, what will you do?"

The plan in Ye Ming's mind was to have Yan Changgeng mobilize his thugs and local hooligans to besiege him, and he had already thought of a countermeasure.Therefore, after Qu Yu worriedly raised this question, he smiled confidently and said, "Miss Qu, if I was afraid of Yan Changgeng, I wouldn't go to the provincial TV station alone to protect you every day, and I wouldn't go to the provincial TV station every day to protect you. Go out with you to play and hang out without any scruples! Since I dare to do this, I have the means and confidence to deal with Yan Changgeng. So, you can rest assured that I will make proper arrangements, and I will never let you and Zhang Tai What's the problem!"

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