Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 894 Crisis Approaching

Xiong Xiazi heard that Manager Du said that Yan Changgeng had issued an order, no matter who was in the "Wanghai" box, he would chop it up first, thinking that he had verified and knew the identities of those people in the box, so he said to Manager Du: " Lao Du, for the sake of safety, we still need to carry out this operation step by step, and we can't act recklessly. So, my idea is: we still have to find an excuse to have a conflict with the people in the Wanghai box first. Then, by borrowing The origin of this conflict took the opportunity to expand the situation, and finally escalated into a gang fight.

"I think there are several advantages to doing this: First, let's find a few brothers to go to the Wanghai box to pick up troubles. We can test the opponent's reality and see if they have ambushed large troops and helpers. If they also have ambushes Second, the public security organs will definitely intervene in the investigation of such a stabbing incident. Although Boss Yan has connections in the city and the province, he has the ability to deal with people from the public security organs However, we must also find an excuse for conflict before we can justify it in the Public Security Bureau. And this excuse should be an accidental conflict. In that case, when the public security organ takes the statement, it can be said that the fight was caused by mutual anger , the nature will be much lighter; third, if we do this, we can also get rid of the crime of organized and premeditated hacking and wounding, and we can not implicate the boss Yan who directed behind the scenes. Otherwise, we may be regarded as The nature of the underworld organization is convicted!"

Manager Du nodded in admiration when he heard his orderly and eloquent talk, and said, "I'll tear Boss Yan away later, and please don't show up when he's in action. After all, he's an official. A vicious brawl case will affect his future."

After the two discussed it, Manager Du persuaded Yan Changgeng, who was drunk, to go to the general manager's office of the entertainment city, and asked him to rest in the small bedroom inside and wait for the good news.

Then, Xiong Xiazi came to the front of the group of thugs, called a few small bosses over, and said in a low voice: "Brothers, in today's battle, we are a little unclear about the enemy's situation. To be on the safe side, we will be hacking later When you are alone, everyone should pay attention, don't chop deadly places, don't unload arms and legs. You follow our usual business standards, after rushing into the box, a few people hold down one, and chop the opponent's back and The meat is thicker on the buttocks. Remember one thing: When chopping people, you should not only make them bloody and frightening, but also make Boss Yan satisfied, but you can’t really cut them into disability or kill them. You guys There are a few masters in business, I believe you can do this!"

It turns out that this blind man Xiong has made a name for himself with Yan Changgeng now. He has a family, a room, a house and a car, and he lives a happy life.Therefore, he didn't want to cause any major murders, lest he would not be imprisoned in the future.Therefore, he repeatedly told these little bosses not to hurt people's lives.

Next, he began to dispatch troops: first, he arranged for four [-] or [-]-year-olds who were too drunk to go upstairs to the door of the Wanghai box, waiting for an opportunity to provoke trouble, as a pretext for a fight.

Then, he arranged for two small leaders to lead the first group of twenty or so people to block the entrances on both sides of the corridor on the third floor, to prevent and intercept the reinforcements of the other party's large troops, and at the same time to prevent the people in the boxes from escaping for help.The other two small bosses led the second batch of more than 20 people. After the four gangsters provoked the incident, they immediately surrounded the Wanghai box and rushed in to kill people.The last two small bosses lead the remaining dozen or so people as a reserve team: if the box cannot win, they will go to the reinforcement box; if the other side calls reinforcements, they will assist the team blocking the corridor entrance to fight sniper battles ...

When Xiazi Xiong dispatched troops to besiege Ye Ming and the others in the Wanghai box, the box was very lively at the moment, and the joyous atmosphere had gradually reached its climax.

Considering that Chen Guitian, Gu Jiachen, and Li Zeping can be regarded as my benefactors, they spared no effort to support and help me after the Xinleng 5.** incident, and Zhang Yingzhi also helped me a lot successively, such as Li Wen, He was the one who arranged Qu Yu's transfer to the provincial TV station.These few people, I have never thanked them properly.And Qi Tong, Wan Youliang, and Gu Hansheng are three newly-acquainted leaders. In the future, Xia Feifei will come to open the entertainment city, and they must take care of them.

Therefore, after entering the box, Ye Ming asked Xia Jiao and Qu Yu to avoid it for a while.Then, he took out seven envelopes from the bag he carried with him, each containing 2000 yuan, and wanted to distribute them to everyone in the box.

He was first initiated by Zhang Yingzhi, who had the highest position.How could Zhang Yingzhi want his money?While evading, he said with a smile: "Director Ye, we are already very uneasy about eating, drinking and playing with you today. How can we still take your money? Take back the money quickly, and there is no need between us brothers. Come on this one."

Ye Ming smiled and said: "Director Zhang, you have helped me so much. I don't usually smoke a cigarette. I feel really sorry. There are two cigarettes in here. Please don't be disgusted by Director Zhang. This box Here are my leaders, Captain Chen, Director Gu, and Captain Li, who were almost punished for me. Director Qi, Director Wan and Director Gu, although it was the first time I met, we hit it off right away, and from now on my There are many times when my sister asks for a few directors. Therefore, please don't refuse the two cigarette money. Otherwise, I will feel very sorry!"

Hearing what he said, Zhang Yingzhi knew that he had asked the three directors of the Daxing District Public Security Bureau today. If he didn't accept the red envelope, those three people would definitely not accept it either. In that case, Ye Ming would be more embarrassed.

Therefore, after hearing Ye Ming's words, he chuckled, no longer refused, took the envelope, put it in his bag, and thanked Ye Ming.

Chen Guitian, Gu Jiachen, and Li Zeping are all generous and informal men. Knowing that the purpose of Ye Ming's red envelopes is mainly to win over the three directors of the Daxing District Bureau, and seeing that Zhang Yingzhi also accepted it, they did not hypocritically accept it. Resigned, all smiled and thanked, while accepting the red envelope.

Qi Tong and the other three now know that Ye Ming is the godson of Secretary Li Runji of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection. Seeing that he has such a good relationship and even gave everyone red envelopes, they feel very emotional in their hearts. They feel that this young man is really sensible and humble. , not because he has a relationship with the high-level, he is arrogant, arrogant, and defiant.Therefore, their affection for him increased exponentially...

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