Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 900 Yan Changgeng is the leader of the underworld

It turned out that when he was in the box just now, Qi Tong knew from Qu Yu that the person who organized the siege of the Wanghai box tonight was his old acquaintance, the deputy head of Daxing District and the director of Xinghai Development Zone. He scolded Yan Changgeng for being a bastard and a bastard, and said that once this bastard is caught, he will be trampled to death first.

Therefore, as soon as he stepped out of the box door, he asked Yan Changgeng's whereabouts with wide eyes.

The leader of the anti-riot brigade asked a little surprised: "Director Qi, are you talking about the District Chief Yan of the district government? Are we going to arrest him?"

At this moment, the wounds on Qi Tong's shoulders and back were in severe pain. Hearing the long-winded question from the leader of the anti-riot brigade, he widened his eyes and shouted angrily: "What district chief Yan? That's a gang leader! A bandit bully! Let me tell you: the incident tonight was planned and organized by this bastard, and he is the main culprit of this vicious case tonight. If you don’t catch him, I will remove all the leaders who participated in the war from their posts!”

Chen Guitian also said to the deputy captain of the criminal investigation team who was in charge of directing the operation: "Go and tell the team members who participated in the search that the principal criminal arrested tonight is Yan Changgeng, the deputy head of Daxing District. If you find him, no matter what Whatever he says, handcuff him first, and bring him to this box on the third floor to meet us!"

Hearing the orders from the two leaders, the deputy chief and the anti-riot chief of the Daxing District Bureau did not dare to be negligent, and hurriedly contacted the team members involved in the search by walkie-talkie, asking them to find a principal criminal named Yan Changgeng, while quickly going to the police station. He ran to the corridor and arrested Yan Changgeng himself.

After Ye Ming's fight just now, the wound was even more painful, and blood oozed from the cut shoulder and back.Qu Yu and Xia Jiao surrounded him, wanting to help but unable to do so, so they could only look at him with distress, their eyes filled with tears.

At this moment, Ye Ming's cell phone rang suddenly. Looking at the number, it was Guo Guangwei, Director of the Provincial Public Security Bureau.

Ye Ming hurriedly pressed the answer button, only to hear Guo Guangwei ask in a worried tone on the phone: "Xiaoye, just now I heard Captain Chen say: Your group was besieged by many gangsters in an entertainment city in the Xinghai Development Zone. The situation is very critical." .I have just mobilized the police from the Provincial Criminal Investigation Corps and the Special Police Detachment to the entertainment city where you are located to assist the local police in rounding up those daring gangsters. What is the situation on your side now? You are not injured!"

Ye Ming hurriedly said: "Thank you, Director Guo! I'm fine, but Director Qi Tong of the Daxing District Public Security Bureau was just injured a little bit. Now the police have completely controlled the situation, and most of the criminals have been subdued. However, the principal culprit Yan Chang Geng hasn't caught him yet!"

"Yan Changgeng? Xiaoye, do you know this person? What is his identity? Why did he attack you?"

Ye Ming's current thinking is to completely destroy Yan Changgeng, so that he will stay in the cell for the rest of his life, never having a bright future.The so-called "non-toxic and not a husband", Ye Ming knew that if he was a little soft-hearted and kind to Yan Changgeng, he might commit an irreparable big mistake in the end.

Therefore, when Guo Guangwei asked him about Yan Changgeng's identity, he decided to seize this opportunity and kill Yan Changgeng completely.So he said to Guo Guangwei: "Director Guo, this Yan Changgeng is the deputy head of Daxing District and the director of Xinghai Development Zone, and also the deputy head of the young cadre class of our party school. When I first reported to the party school, he once wanted to He bullied me and was pushed back by me, so he has always held a grudge against me and is always trying to get revenge on me. Tonight, he learned that I went to sing in the Xinghai Development Zone, thinking that there was a chance for revenge, so he mobilized a large number of people The hooligans came to besiege us.

"Director Guo, judging from tonight's incident, this Yan Changgeng is a leading cadre on the surface, but in his heart he is an out-and-out hooligan and gang leader! You see, in just one hour, he can So many local ruffians and hooligans were transferred all at once, and these people have all kinds of weapons in their hands, and some even carry guns. Therefore, I think this is a well-organized, well-armed, and large-scale underworld gang , and Yan Changgeng is the leader of this gang, as well as the behind-the-scenes organizer and commander of this gang. What do you think, Director Guo?"

Guo Guangwei said with certainty: "Xiaoye, judging from the situation you described, I completely agree with your analysis of Yan Changgeng, and your characterization of their gang! The reason why I just ordered the Criminal Investigation Corps and the Special Police Detachment The reason for dispatching is to consider that this may be a gang in the nature of the underworld, so I want to take advantage of their opportunity to show up this time and kill them all!"

At this time, Yan Changgeng, who was trapped in the manager's room on the sixth floor, was in a state of deep remorse and despair.

It wasn't until this moment that Yan Changgeng fully understood: this time, he stepped into the trap set by that kid Ye Ming step by step!He brought Qu Yu to Liujinshuiyue Entertainment City to sing tonight, and called so many leaders from the Provincial Public Security Bureau and District Public Security Bureau to accompany him, just to lure himself to take action and let him directly oppose the entire public security system-this kid, the tricks are really real Too vicious, too vicious!With this move, he just wanted to send himself to prison!

Of course, Yan Changgeng is not a character who just sits and waits to die. He also wants to ask for help from his backers and backstage before the search team finds him.And the first person he asked for help was Meng Gongcheng, Member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee of M City.

However, just as he called Meng Gongcheng, the door of the manager's room was kicked open from the outside.Then, a large number of armed policemen wearing steel helmets and holding guns rushed in quickly.Seeing that Yan Changgeng was holding a mobile phone, one of the leading policemen obviously wanted to contact the outside world, and suddenly kicked Yan Changgeng's right wrist while holding the mobile phone.

Yan Changgeng only felt a sharp pain in his right wrist, and when he let go, the expensive iPhone fell to the ground with a "slap", and the electric board and the fuselage fell apart.

Then, I heard the policeman who kicked him turn his head and yelled at the policemen behind: "Cuff these three people and take them to the sea-watching box on the third floor!"

Although Xiong Xiazi has experienced countless battles, he can be regarded as a bold and fierce character.However, when faced with so many heavily armed policemen and so many black-holed muzzles, his face turned pale with fright, and his whole body shook like chaff. He stretched out his wrists and let the police handcuff him.

Yan Changgeng knew that it was useless to say anything more, so he obediently let the police handcuff him, and was escorted to the Wanghai box.

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