Chen Yufei was overjoyed when he heard Ye Ming say that he could use the method of "saving the country with curves" to find the connection with the Communist Youth League Committee, and hurriedly replied: "Brother, I understand what you mean, completely understand! I listened to Zha Jiliang. Chang said: You have a very good relationship with the director of the Provincial Department of Land and Resources, the director of the provincial TV station, the mayor of City M and other leaders. Among these leaders, you can invite any one to come forward and ask him to find our secretary or executive Deputy secretary, say good things for me, it should be effective. Hehe!"

Ye Ming nodded and said, "Mr. Chen, I also have something I want to ask you for help with. Would you like to help me?"

Chen Yufei hurriedly said: "Brother, tell me: What is it? As long as I can help you, I will definitely help you."

Ye Ming said: "You can definitely do this, and you don't need to take any risks and spend any brains. It's like this: After Yan Changgeng was arrested last night, the leaders of the Party School Committee and the Provincial Party Committee Organization Department all knew His main goal last night was to attack me. Moreover, the last time Yan Changgeng used the opportunity of a meeting in the Xinghai Development Zone to slander and frame me, the relevant leaders have also grasped the situation. You also know: Yan Changgeng was with Huang Jixiang and Qiu Yixing came together to deal with me. It's just that Yan Changgeng was in the open and those two were in the dark. The relevant leaders also grasped the situation, but there is no witness for the time being, so it is difficult to deal with Huang Jixiang and Qiu Yixing. Star. So—”

At this point, he stopped talking, looked at Chen Yufei with meaningful eyes, and waited for him to speak—he believed that a person with a personality like Chen Yufei had no principles and no bottom line, and everything was based on his own interests. as standard.Therefore, this kind of person is also the easiest to be lured and used.First of all, I drew a big cake for him, and promised to help him find a relationship with the Youth League Provincial Committee, and he would definitely repay him with love, and help me get rid of Qiu Yixing and Huang Jixiang...

Sure enough, Chen Yufei immediately understood the implication of Ye Ming's unfinished sentence, and without thinking about it, he took over his words and said, "Brother, I am the only witness! Back then, Qiu Yixing, Huang Jixiang I'm fully aware of colluding with Yan Changgeng to get rid of your black material. Moreover, Qiu Yixing also wants to drag me into their conspiracy group, but I think their behavior is too nasty and insidious. Did not agree to them. Brother, if you need, I can testify to you at any time, proving that both Qiu Yixing and Huang Jixiang are Yan Changgeng's accomplices and have been plotting to overthrow you to death."

Ye Ming's eyes lit up, and he pretended to be extremely surprised and asked: "Mr. Chen, do you really think so?"

Chen Yufei replied with certainty: "Of course. Tell me, what do you want me to do?"

Ye Ming tilted his head and thought for a moment, then said: "How about this, please Minister Chen to write an exposing material tonight, and explain in detail in the material: How did Yan Changgeng discuss with Huang Jixiang, Qiu Yixing and others to rectify the matter? Mine, what methods did they use, and what purpose did they want to achieve in the end. Especially about the process of Qiu Yixing and Huang Jixiang collecting my black materials on the Internet, you must write clearly. After this material is written, you can directly go to Find the head teacher, Director Xiao Jin, and hand over the materials to him."

As if to echo his words, just as he mentioned Xiao Jin, his cell phone rang. Looking at the number, it was Xiao Jin's.

Ye Ming quickly waved to Chen Yufei, signaling him to be quiet for now, then pressed the answer button, and greeted Xiao Jin warmly.

Xiao Jin asked: "Director Ye, just now I received a report from the Municipal Party Committee Office of City M. The Municipal Party Committee has already made a decision to punish Yan Changgeng by expelling him from the party and dismissing him from public office. You were reporting to me last night that Yan Changgeng planned to retaliate against you. At the time of the situation, I once said that there are people behind Yan Changgeng, and those people are also the masterminds. My thinking is: Yan Changgeng must be severely punished, but those who are unorganized and undisciplined, fan the ghosts behind the scenes, and assist Yan Changgeng to slander Those who framed you and corrected your black materials must also be dealt with by the organization. Therefore, I suggest that you write a detailed material tonight to expose the people behind Yan Changgeng. Then, I will report to the party school Report to the committee and relevant leaders, set up an investigation team, carry out detailed investigations, find out those few people, and organize and deal with them."

Ye Ming knew that Xiao Jin's purpose in doing this was to expel Huang Jixiang and Qiu Yixing from the party school's youth cadre class, so as to clear the way for him to enter the Provincial Party Committee Office.Therefore, he said gratefully: "Director Xiao, thank you for your concern for me. I will definitely hand over this material to you tomorrow, and I will also find some insiders, so that they can come forward to expose and prove that Yan Changgeng The dirty work of that little gang."

Xiao Jin heard that he still needs to find witnesses, and said happily: "This is the best. If there are witnesses and other people's exposing materials, our investigation procedures can be avoided, and those people can be dealt with directly. That's it. It’s agreed: Tomorrow, you will hand over your own materials and the materials of the witnesses to me, and you don’t have to deal with the rest of the matter, I will handle it.”

Ye Ming thanked Xiao Jin again, and then hung up the phone.

After Chen Yufei waited for him to hang up the phone, he hurriedly put his head close to Ye Ming, and asked in an envious tone: "Brother, was that Director Xiao just now? He really looked up to you and loved you so much! You have such a good Relationship, the days of prosperity in the future are just around the corner! At that time, don’t forget me, the brother who sleeps across from you! Hehe!”

Before Ye Ming could answer, the mobile phone in his hand suddenly beeped sharply again. When he looked at the caller ID, the word "Chu Chu" suddenly appeared.

Ye Ming didn't expect Chuchu to call suddenly at this time, he couldn't help being startled, afraid that Chen Yufei would see the name on the caller ID, and would not dare to answer the call in front of him, so he walked out of the bedroom with his mobile phone and came to the living room, probably Chen Yufei It was hard to hear the conversation between myself and Xia Chuchu, so I pressed the answer button, only to hear Xia Chuchu ask aggressively inside: "Hillbilly, where are you fooling around? Why did it take so long to answer the phone? Did I talk to you again?" What Miss Qu Yu is together, dare not answer my call?"

Ye Ming hurriedly laughed and said: "Chuchu, what are you kidding? I'm in the dormitory right now, discussing something with a classmate! Also, let me tell you: Ms. Qu Yu and I are purely ordinary friends. , don't keep talking about it, okay? I'm almost dying of injustice!"

Xia Chuchu snorted, and said, "I wronged you? I heard that you fought with others because of that Qu Yu last night and fought in a karaoke hall. Is this true?"

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