When Ye Ming said those comforting words, Qiu Yixing observed Ye Ming's expression secretly from the corner of his eye. Seeing his sincere face and sincere tone, he couldn't help but secretly delighted: It seems that this Ye Ming, after all, A little too young, although he seems to be good at planning and plotting, setting up tricks, etc., but he may still lack experience, short-sightedness, etc. in terms of reading people's hearts, guessing opponents, and knowing people It is a very formidable opponent...

After making this judgment, Qiu Yixing secretly let out a long breath, finally showed a relieved smile on his face, pretended to be grateful, and said to Ye Ming emotionally: "Brother Ye Ming, it seems It is a very correct choice for me to come here today to admit my mistakes to you and plead guilty to you. Thank you for your generosity and tolerance, and thank you for forgiving me for those ridiculous behaviors in the past. Let’s do this: at noon today I invite you to Let’s have a meal at a nearby restaurant, let’s drink a few glasses of wine and chat. I hope that starting today, we can clear up the past, work hard together, and create a brilliant career together!”

Ye Ming has now made up his mind to confuse Qiu Yixing, so he said happily: "Okay, I just don't want to eat in the school cafeteria at noon, let's go out to eat together! However, I have something to say first: I am younger than you, and I have a job title. I am lower than you, and I entered school later than you. From any point of view, I should treat you as a guest. Therefore, I must treat this meal, or forget it!"

It turned out that Ye Ming now had a vaguely funny idea in his mind: he also wanted to learn from Zeng Guofan, and gave Qing Lin a banquet to comfort him before he died.Therefore, before deciding to completely crush Qiu Yixing, he also wanted to invite Qiu Yixing to have a meal and a few drinks, so that he could completely relax his vigilance!

Hearing what Ye Ming said, Qiu Yixing felt even happier, and said a few words of politeness and modesty, then he followed Ye Ming's words, and went to a small shop outside with him, and the two of them ordered some home-cooked dishes and drank After a few bottles of beer, we talked all over the place for more than an hour.

Before leaving, Qiu Yixing had completely trusted Ye Ming, hugging his shoulders and kept saying thankful and flattering words, and said that if he was useful in the future, please ask Ye Ming to order it.

Ye Ming also joked and laughed with him, and politely sent him to the door of his dormitory before turning back to his own dormitory.

Coincidentally, when he just walked to the door of dormitory 301, he suddenly received a call from the class teacher Xiao Jin.

Xiao Jin said angrily on the phone: "Xiaoye, this morning, my classmate Chen Yufei called me and said that he had an important report material to hand over to me. I asked him to come to my office to talk. During the conversation, Chen Yufei told me: Qiu Yixing found all the black materials about Yan Changgeng who framed you from the Internet, sorted them out and handed them over to him. Moreover, Yan Changgeng, Huang Jixiang, and Qiu Yixing were very early A small group has been formed, and they have been plotting to squeeze you out and frame you. Do you know this situation?"

Ye Ming hurriedly said: "Director Xiao, I also heard about this situation from Chen Yufei. But at the time, I didn't pay much attention to it, thinking that they would not be so despicable, and they would not be so despicable. Moreover, I myself I thought that I was sitting upright and I was not afraid of the shadow, so I didn't arouse enough vigilance at that time, and I didn't report to you and the class committee in time. Unexpectedly, my momentary negligence caused such a situation the night before yesterday. I am here to sincerely criticize you for a major incident with extremely bad influence!"

Xiao Jin never thought that Ye Ming was deliberately conniving Yan Changgeng and others to carry out their conspiracy plan at that time, thinking that he was really negligent, so he said to him very seriously: "Xiao Ye, you think of others too simply. It’s too easy to think about some things. People like Yan Changgeng, Qiu Yixing, and Huang Jixiang who engage in cliques and conspiracy circles, you should have reported to me, the class committee, and the school committee. Such people and such conspiratorial acts cannot be condoned and condoned. They must be attacked immediately to wipe them out in the bud. In this way, it can save you a lot of trouble, right? Look, you have been forbearing and never Expose them for their misconduct, and you almost have a catastrophe the night before, putting yourself in serious danger.

"So, I advise you as a person who has experienced it and as an older brother: From now on, you can't be too kind, and you can't always be patient. For those who want to harm you and make things difficult for you, you must resolutely fight back, and you must not let their conspiracy Get it. Otherwise, you are likely to suffer a big loss-do you understand what I mean?"

Seeing that Xiao Jin cared about him so much, Ye Ming was very grateful, and hurriedly said: "Director Xiao, don't worry, I will remember your teaching today."

Xiao Jin gave a "hmm" and said, "Just now I looked at the exposing materials submitted by Chen Yufei, and I think that the nature of Qiu Yixing and Huang Jixiang's violation of discipline is no less serious than that of Yan Changgeng. Moreover, they are hiding Those who play tricks in the dark are even more despicable and shameless. I hate people like this the most. Therefore, my idea is: the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee must make a decision, first of all, these two people They will be expelled from the young cadre class of the Provincial Party School, and at the same time, they will be advised to their original units to take corresponding disciplinary actions for their violations of discipline. What do you think?"

Ye Ming deliberately pondered for a moment, and then said: "Director Xiao, I have the same opinion as you. I think Huang Jixiang and Qiu Yixing have bad character and despicable behavior. If they succeed in the future, I don't know how many people will be killed. Honest cadres. Therefore, if such people are not punished, there will be endless troubles. My idea is: the Provincial Party Committee Organization Department will expel the two of them from the young cadre class, and then let the relevant departments of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection Urge Huang Jixiang and Qiu Yixing's former county party committee and county discipline inspection committee to take corresponding disciplinary actions against them. I think that if such people stay in our party members and cadres, they will definitely be some disasters in the future. Therefore, it is best to give Dismiss them and punish them, and smash them to the end, so that no future troubles will be left!"

Xiao Jin was a little surprised and surprised when he heard Ye Ming's suggestion to dismiss Qiu Yixing and Huang Jixiang. I can do it. However, if they are to be dismissed, it must be decided by their original units. You also know: since Qiu Yixing and Huang Jixiang have achieved official positions, they must have some influence in their local area. It has something to do with the background. To urge them to take such a severe punishment, I'm afraid it will be very difficult!"

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