Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 919 Zhao Tianxing's Favorite Object

She Chuming is in charge of land and planning in the deputy mayor's division of labor.Therefore, Zhao Jiping and his son first visited him and formed a good personal relationship with him.But now She Chuming feels a little afraid of Qing Tao.Therefore, when Qing Tao disagreed with Fuxin Technology Group's settlement in the Xinghai Development Zone, he did not dare to assert that the development zone should be granted land to Fuxin Group.

It was only when Ye Ming visited Xinghai Development Zone last time that She Chuming knew that Qing Tao had a deep relationship with Ye Ming.So, with an idea, he said to Zhao Tianxing: Mayor Qing is a more serious person, and it is more difficult to establish relationships. It is very difficult for him to change his mind about things he has decided.However, he knows that there is a person who may persuade Mayor Qing to agree to your group's request!

Zhao Tianxing hurriedly asked who is this person?At that time, She Chuming briefly told him about Ye Ming's situation.Of course, he only introduced that Ye Ming had a good relationship with many leaders in the province, but he didn't say that Ye Ming was the godson of Secretary Li Runji, nor did he say that he had a special relationship with Secretary Lu.

At that time, Zhao Tianxing heard from She Chuming that Ye Ming was only 26 and seven years old, and he was only a student in the youth cadre class of the Party School of the Provincial Party Committee. He was a little skeptical of his words, suspecting that he had exaggerated the relationship and ability of the young man surnamed Ye .Therefore, when he came to see Ye Ming this time, he didn't hold much hope.

But now, when he heard from Ye Ming that he had met his father, and there were Governor Qin, Director Zhang Linjiang and others present at the time, he couldn't help but look at Ye Ming with admiration, and the expression on his face became more humble Congratulations...

After the three sat down in the private room, the waiter quickly served the food. The three chatted casually while drinking.

She Chuming never knew whether Zhao Tianxing had married, so he asked curiously: "Mr. Zhao, I see that you have been staying here since you came to Tianjiang two months ago. Does your wife have any objections?"

Zhao Tianxing smiled and said, "Mayor She, I'm still single. I can eat enough for one person and the whole family won't be hungry, so I spend more time in Tianjiang!"

She Chuming was surprised when he heard that he was still single, and asked puzzledly: "Mr. Zhao, you are a talented person, and you are the sole heir of Fuxin Technology Group. There should be a lot of girls chasing you. How come you are so talented now?" Not married yet? Isn't your old man in a hurry? "

Zhao Tianxing smiled again and said: "Mayor She, to be honest, if I want to find a random beautiful girl to marry and start a family, it is indeed very easy. However, my standard for choosing a mate is relatively high. Girl, no matter how beautiful she is and how good her family background is, if I don't like her, I will never make false promises to her, let alone marry her."

Having said this, he suddenly changed into a relaxed and fascinated expression, and continued: "To tell you the truth, I already have a person I like in my heart, and it is by far the most satisfying and most wanting person for me." The person who will go with her for the rest of my life. I am dating her now, as for success, it depends on fate and luck. However, I still want to thank Mayor She for caring about me. Hehe!"

She Chuming asked a little surprised: "Mr. Zhao, with your conditions, is there any girl you can't catch? Since you like her so much and want to grow old with her, then use all means to chase her! I believe, With your appearance, talent and family background, plus your humble, low-key, steady and down-to-earth style, no girl should refuse your pursuit!"

Zhao Tianxing shook his head and said: "Mayor She, you don't know something: the lady I like now is not only beautiful, but also talented and famous. There are many people who pursue her, even people with better conditions than me. There are plenty of people. As far as I know, among the current Eight Young Masters in Beijing, there are at least two so-called sons with prominent family backgrounds who want to pursue her. One of them is the son of the party secretary of a municipality directly under the Central Government, and the other is the young owner of a national restaurant chain group. In order to pursue the lady I like, the two sons once fought each other for wealth at a private auction where celebrities gathered. A famous painting with a low price of only 300 million yuan has been raised to 6000 million yuan. However, none of the two young masters won the lady's favor in the end, and they were all happy for nothing!"

She Chuming asked very interestedly: "Mr. Zhao, how is your relationship with this lady now? Are you luckier than those two young masters?"

Zhao Tianxing showed a hint of color on his face, took a sip of the wine and said: "I will never pursue girls in such a vulgar way as those so-called famous men. I think: a Girls, especially those who are very successful, what she needs is not money, not luxury cars and mansions, but a man's love and care for her, which is a man's sincerity. So, I take another pursuit Currently, I have made some progress. In a few days, I will go to Dongfang, where she is filming, to visit the set, and plan to stay with her for a period of time, and try to confirm the relationship between me and her during this time. If my plan goes well, it is estimated that she and I will enter the marriage hall next year. At that time, the two of you must come to my wedding! Hehehe!"

Ye Ming had already guessed who the girl was when Zhao Tianxing started to say that the two princes in the capital were bidding each other for the famous painting for that girl.Now that he said that he would visit the place where the girl was filmed in a few days, he became even more certain: the girl favored by the young owner of Fuxin Technology Group is definitely Xia Chuchu's buddy, the famous actor Zhang Yan—— Because the last time Ye Ming went to the capital, he heard the fellow from the National Development and Reform Commission talk about the two sons of the capital fighting for Zhang Yan's wealth.At that time, he still thought that Zhang Yan was a bit too flamboyant, maybe she was a romantic woman, but this impression didn't change until after dating Zhang Yan.

Originally, he wanted to tell Zhao Tianxing that Zhang Yan was his friend, but after thinking about it, since Zhao Tianxing didn't mention the other party's name, he must have his own ideas.If I rashly say that Zhang Yan is the person he likes, maybe it will cause his displeasure.

Therefore, he refrained from saying Zhang Yan's name, but raised his glass to wish Zhao Tianxing the realization of his wish as soon as possible, and embrace the beauty...

At the end of the drinking, She Chuming finally explained the real intention of inviting Ye Ming this time, and asked Ye Ming if he could take some time to ask Mayor Qingtao to come out for a small gathering. Mr. Zhao will still be the host at that time. Drink again.

Ye Ming knew that they must be looking for Qing Tao to do something, but he couldn't ask specifically, so he agreed first.

At noon on September 9th, Ye Ming started to pack his bags and was going to visit Chen Mengqi in a county on the banks of the Yellow River in the northwest.

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