Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 92 Task Pressure

After seeing off Chen Mengqi, Ye Ming had just returned to the office building when he received a call from Zou Wenming, asking him to come to his office.

Zou Wenming's new official took office, and he worked extremely hard. He hardly rested at noon every day. He would either read documents and official documents in the office, or talk to middle-level cadres.

It was only 01:30 at this time, and Zou Wenming chose to talk to Ye Ming at this time, obviously because he didn't want to be disturbed by others.

"Xiaoye, you found a girlfriend, why didn't you bring it for me to see? Do you think I, an old man, don't appreciate it?"

After making a cup of tea for Ye Ming himself and letting him sit across from his executive desk, Zou Wenming joked with a smile.

Ye Ming said a little embarrassedly: "I know the leader is very busy, so I dare not bring her to disturb you. Besides, she and I haven't confirmed the relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend, we are just trying to date, will we be in the future? My girlfriend, it's hard to say!"

Zou Wenming smiled and nodded, and asked again: "Last time I saw that the daughter of Director Xia of the Provincial Bureau really liked you, why didn't you just ask her to be your girlfriend? That will have a great effect on your future future." ! And that Chuchu is a celebrity host, and she looks like a fairy, so she should be worthy of you."

"Director Zou, this is not a question of whether she is worthy of me, but whether I am worthy of her! She is the daughter of the director and a TV star. I am a civil servant in a small county. How could she have a crush on me? Besides, even if she takes a fancy to me, I don't want to find a girl whose family and status are so different from mine to be my girlfriend!"

"That's true. Let's not talk about whether Xia Chuchu really likes you. Even if she likes you, whether you can pass her father, Director Xia, is a big problem. After all, he is the head of the provincial bureau. There are many excellent talents, and I must have high expectations for the future husband of my precious daughter who is outstanding in all aspects. Therefore, it should be more realistic for you to find this girl surnamed Chen as your girlfriend. Although she is also a billionaire The daughter of a millionaire, but no matter how rich her father is, he is still a businessman in the final analysis. From the perspective of social status alone, he should be satisfied that he can find a cadre from the tax bureau as his son-in-law. Moreover, I heard that this girl is very It's good to like you! Hahaha!"

Ye Ming knew that he asked him to come to his office, and it was impossible to just talk about his finding a girlfriend, so he tried to ask: "Director Zou, what do you need to ask me?"

Zou Wenming nodded and said: "There is nothing particularly important, just want to ask: What are your plans for the next step? It is almost November now, and there are only two months before the end of the year. I will arrive in the morning The finance department took a look at the completion of taxation tasks. Your sub-bureau is still short of more than 11 million yuan to complete the tax revenue plan task issued by the county bureau at the beginning of the year. Moreover, of the more than 3000 million yuan, the revenue at the county level accounted for more than 3000 million yuan. , The central and provincial incomes have been completed very well, it seems that more than 2600% of them have been completed. The county-level income is directly related to our task bonus at the end of the year. So, your income in the past two months is under great pressure! "

Ye Ming thought for a while and said, "Before I reported to the First Branch, I already knew about the income of the First Branch. As you said, the income gap at the county level of the First Branch is relatively large, and there are not many major tax sources. Especially It is because many infrastructure projects in the development zone have already been settled, and the business tax has basically been put into the warehouse. Later, I checked the source of taxation. In the remaining two months, I can be sure that the invoice will be put into the warehouse. County-level taxes are about 00 million yuan. The remaining about 600 million county-level revenues require us to find ways to tap the potential to increase revenue and make up for gaps and loopholes.”

"Then do you have any specific measures to tap potential and increase income?"

Zou Wenming stared at him and asked.

Ye Ming thought for a while, and said: "I want to start from three aspects: first, increase the collection and management of self-employed individuals, and carry out a large-scale action to clean up tax arrears and evaded collection and management. The focus is to clean up investment companies, dance halls and catering industries; the second is to increase the tax assessment and tax inspection of the Jian'an real estate industry, especially the collection of land value-added tax; the third is to strengthen the personal income tax collection of high-income earners and urge some high-income individuals Come forward to declare and pay personal income tax yourself. I estimate that if we start from these three aspects, it should not be a big problem to complete the income at the county level.”

Zou Wenming nodded appreciatively, and said, "Xiaoye, I didn't misjudge you: you are indeed a young man with ideas, methods, and capabilities. However, I still want to pour cold water on you now: Although your ideas Very good, but whether the comrades in your sub-bureau can implement your ideas is still a question mark - after all, you have just been in charge of the sub-bureau and you don't have any prestige, and you are among the more than 20 cadres in the sub-bureau, and your age is The smallest one. It’s hard to say whether those veteran cadres and your two deputies can follow your command, and whether they will carry out your intentions!”

Ye Ming said: "Director Zou, I have also thought about the issues you mentioned. I think: as long as I treat people with sincerity in the sub-bureau and act fairly, sooner or later I will get everyone's understanding and support. Please believe me."

Zou Wenming said: "Of course I believe you. Don't have too many worries. You go to a sub-bureau to be in charge. This is the result of collective research by the bureau's party group. If anyone must sing against you and deliberately disrupt the branch, our party group will It’s not going to sit idly by.”

Ye Ming shook his head and said: "If I get to the point where I need the bureau's party group to come forward to resolve the conflict for me, it will prove that I am unqualified as the director of the branch bureau, and it also proves that I am not capable of being in charge of a branch bureau. Then I might as well voluntarily step aside. The bureau chief position should be given to those capable and courageous comrades.”

Zou Wenming looked at the confident Ye Ming with satisfaction, and said sincerely: "Xiao Ye, then I will be a bystander for the time being and see how you sort out the relationship with the cadres of the first branch. This is also a test and training opportunity. I hope you won't disappoint me."

Coming out of Director Zou's office, Ye Ming immediately called Ouyang Ming and Liu Pengcheng, asking them to come back to the branch immediately, and the three of them held a meeting to study the division of labor among the leaders of the branch.

And this question is the most sensitive thing.

The cadre positions of a sub-bureau are divided into three groups according to the nature of the taxpayers under its jurisdiction: one is the key enterprise group, which is responsible for managing all large and medium-sized enterprises in the jurisdiction, such as power plants, steel plants, textile factories, mining bureaus, etc. etc.; the second is the Jian'an real estate group, which is responsible for managing all construction installation and real estate development companies within the jurisdiction; the third is the individual group, which is responsible for managing all self-employed individuals in the urban area.

Among these three groups, according to some people, the one with the most resources and the easiest management is the Jian'an Real Estate Group.

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