Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 921 The Blue Enchantress

At seven o'clock the next morning, Zhao Tianxing arrived at the hotel where Ye Ming was staying, and accompanied him to have a buffet breakfast on the first floor, and then he was driven by a driver from the office to Yichuan County.

Zhao Tianxing is calm and meticulous in his work: yesterday, he secretly arranged for a capable employee from the company's Xijing office to rush to Yichuan County, and found out the exact location of Zhang Yan and his crew.At the same time, last night, he arranged for someone to go to a flower shop near the office and ordered a large bouquet consisting of 999 "Blue Fairy" roses. He planned to greet Zhang Yan in front of her employees. In front of her, give this bouquet of flowers to her.

On the way to Yichuan County, Zhao Tianxing said to Ye Ming imaginatively: "Director Ye, I am a more down-to-earth person, and I seldom do romantic things like today. I think: Ms. Zhang Yan should also be a pursuit Romantic girl, when she knows that I have traveled thousands of miles from Tianjiang to this remote place in the northwest to see her, will she be touched a little? I carefully prepared 999 of the most beautiful and best roses for her, no Do you know if she will accept it? If she can accept my rose, it proves that she accepts my heart, and I will live here for a week, accompany her in filming, and accompany her after she is tired all day Going to the Yellow River to see the rushing water, the autumn sunset, and the high slopes of the loess. As long as I think about this wonderful scene, I feel very fascinated and excited."

After hearing Zhao Tianxing's words full of fantasy and longing, Ye Ming felt a little funny in his heart: It seems that this Mr. Zhao is indeed a real person who has a successful career but obviously lacks methods in pursuing girls.His way of visiting unexpectedly and sending roses like this is very romantic in his mind, and it will definitely move Zhang Yan.But he didn't expect that Zhang Yan must have encountered such an old and common way of pursuit like him.Especially the way of giving roses should be what Zhang Yan dislikes and dislikes the most—because when he was in the capital last time, he seemed to have heard Zhang Yan complain that when a man nowadays meets a girl he likes, I like to give roses, it seems that giving roses can make even the vulgar person elegant, and even the old-fashioned person romantic.Moreover, they think that girls love roses, but they don't know that I hate roses the most.If any man wants to give me a rose, I will throw the rose on the ground in public...

At that time, Ye Ming thought that Zhang Yan's radical remarks were just a joke, so he didn't take it seriously.But now, when he saw that Zhao Tianxing was going to send such a big bouquet of roses to Zhang Yan today, he suddenly remembered what Zhang Yan said, so he reminded Zhao Tianxing tactfully: "Mr. Zhao, as far as I know, Some girls don't like boys giving her roses, thinking that this way is too common and common, and it's not a romantic thing, and they even feel a little disgusted in their hearts. Moreover, some girls have delicate skin and are allergic to flowers. You Sending her roses might backfire. Of course, this is just my personal opinion, Mr. Zhao should make up his own mind!"

Zhao Tianxing smiled and said, "Brother, you don't have to worry about that. A girl, no matter how famous and prominent she is, she is always happy if a man chases her and gives her flowers. Besides, as far as I know You know, some famous actresses who look very cold and arrogant are actually very lonely in their hearts: because they are too good and too high, many good men dare not go after her even if they like her. And because of their self-esteem and airs, even if they like a certain man, they will not take the initiative to pursue it. Therefore, in this case, there are some men who are not very good and whose family background is not very prominent. Because if you are willing to work hard to pursue such actresses, you will often succeed in the end. The so-called good women are afraid of idiots, this is the truth!"

Ye Ming listened to his theory, so he couldn't persuade him any more, so he just smiled, as if he agreed with his words.

Since today is National Day, the expressway from Xijing to Yichuan County is very congested. It usually takes more than three hours to reach Yichuan County, but today it took more than five hours.When Ye Ming and the others arrived at the quaint town where Zhang Yan and his crew were located, it was already past one noon.

This small town is also a tourist attraction. A few kilometers from here is the famous Hukou Waterfall of the Yellow River.Since it is Golden Week now, this small town, which is usually very deserted, is also very lively today.There is a constant flow of people and vehicles, and the bluestone roads of the ancient town are crowded with tourists.

There are several small hotels in the town, each of which has a sign saying "Full".Since it was noon, the small restaurants on both sides of Qingshiban Street were crowded with tourists having lunch, and the smell of green onions and pancakes wafted everywhere in the town.Many hawkers selling pot helmets, mutton steamed buns, and roujiamo are trying their best to solicit business on both sides of the street. The emphasis on the unique flavor of the northwestern loess high slope is very fresh and interesting to Ye Ming's ears... …

According to the information inquired by the office staff yesterday, Zhang Yan and the others booked a two-story hotel near an ancient cypress tree on the west side of the town, while Zhao Tianxing's car could only be parked in the parking lot on the east side of the town. .

So, Zhao Tianxing and Ye Ming got off the car at the parking lot, and told the driver to wait in the car. He hugged the bouquet of roses from the trunk, and the two of them walked across the bluestone road in the town. Sweating profusely, he came to the front of the small hotel that Zhang Yan and his crew had booked.

At this time, because many tourists knew from the residents of the small town that the famous movie star Zhang Yan was filming here, they all wanted to see Zhang Yan's true face and demeanor in this small hotel, and surrounded the small hotel every day. It made the crew almost unable to film normally.In desperation, Zhang Yan had no choice but to hire more than a dozen temporary security guards from a security company in Yichuan County, and built a small security circle outside the small hotel. Except for the crew, no one was allowed to step into the security circle. .

Although Zhao Tianxing already knew about this situation from Pathfinder, he thought that he had a special relationship with Zhang Yan, so he shouldn't be kept out of the circle by those security guards.Moreover, he thought that Zhang Yan would definitely come out to greet him in person.

So, holding the large bouquet of "Blue Enchantress" roses, Shi Shiran went outside the cordon surrounded by yellow tape outside the small hotel, and met a man standing inside the cordon holding a rubber stick. The security guard said: "Sir, I am a good friend of Ms. Zhang Yan. Today I came all the way to visit her. Please let us in."

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