Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 924 Fell into Ye Ming's arms

When the security guard's voice just rang, Zhang Yan instinctively thought that he was calling for Zhao Tianxing, who was unwilling to give up, and almost kicked off the quilt covering her body in anger.

But then, she heard a sentence that made her turn from anger to ecstasy: "His surname is Ye, and his name is Ye Ming..."

It was these few words that made her wake up from the hazy state. Suddenly, she made a very quick sit-up movement, turned over from the bed, kicked off the quilt and jumped out of bed, facing the window. The outside shouted: "Go down and tell that Mr. Ye, please wait a moment, I will come down immediately! By the way, tell them not to come up now, I am still in my pajamas!"

The security guard was going to be reprimanded by her more severely than before, but she didn't expect that she hurriedly asked herself to go down immediately and tell the person surnamed Ye to wait. Strange, he raised his hand and scratched the back of his head, then quickly turned around and went down to inform Ye Ming...

Zhang Yan just got up from the bed at this time, her hair was disheveled, and she was still wearing a nightgown.Originally, she was going to go down to see Ye Ming after putting on the most beautiful clothes and dressing up, but because she was worried that Ye Ming would be impatient waiting below, she also wanted to see him urgently.So, she had no choice but to hastily picked up the suit of filming clothes that was stacked on the bedside table, and changed out of her nightgown. She didn't have time to wash her face and put on makeup, so she brushed back her messy hair and hurried downstairs...

After the security guard ran down the stairs, he came to Ye Ming and Zhao Tianxing panting, and said with a smile on his face: "Mr. Ye, you are so lucky. When I went to report to Miss Zhang, she seemed very happy , said please wait a moment, she will come downstairs to greet you in person after changing her clothes!"

Since the 200 yuan was already in his pocket, and he had completed Ye Ming's mission, the security guard was extremely excited, and his tone of voice was beaming.

Zhao Tianxing originally thought that if the security guard went up to report Ye Ming's visit, he would definitely be reprimanded by Zhang Yan.Unexpectedly, the actual situation was just the opposite: Zhang Yan not only did not reprimand the security guard, but also said that she would come down to meet Ye Ming in person.This time, he was so surprised that his eyeballs swelled up all of a sudden, he turned his head and looked up and down at Ye Ming in puzzlement, and couldn't figure out the reason for this for a while.

At this moment, I saw that Zhang Yan had already run down the corridor leading to the second floor from the small hotel, panting, and rushed to this side like flying, and shouted excitedly while panting from a long distance: " Ye Ming, you bastard! Why didn't you call me first when you came here? What kind of surprise attack? You are not such a sneaky person!"

When Zhao Tianxing heard Zhang Yan's grumbling, half-joyful and resentful words, he felt a little dispirited in his heart: This Ye Ming, it seems that he didn't tell himself the truth!Judging from Zhang Yan's tone of voice to him today, he definitely didn't simply know Zhang Yan, but had a very close relationship with her.Otherwise, it would be impossible for Zhang Yan to run upstairs to greet Ye Ming in such a hurry, without combing her hair, without putting on makeup, and even without buttoning her jacket properly...

He hadn't turned the corner on this idea, and then another scene that made him almost vomit blood appeared: I saw Zhang Yan running towards Ye Ming quickly while yelling, because she was running too fast, it might be because she was too excited, He was so excited that when he was approaching Ye Ming, he couldn't hold back his momentum and fell limply into Ye Ming's arms.Moreover, after falling into Ye Ming's arms, she was not in a hurry to get up, but raised her head to look at Ye Ming's face, still complaining to Ye Ming with a smile, and asked him why he didn't tell her the time of departure, why didn't he let her go pick him up...

During this process, Zhao Tianxing felt that Zhang Yan, the majestic young boss of Fuxin Technology Group, had been completely ignored by Zhang Yan. When she ran over from the corridor entrance, her eyes were fixed on the station. Ye Ming, who was on his left, didn't even look at him.

Moreover, Zhao Tianxing has another guess that makes him feel extremely sad: Zhang Yan's action of throwing himself into Ye Ming's arms just now seems to be that she ran too fast to stop her momentum, but judging from her subsequent actions, The action of her throwing herself into Ye Ming's arms was probably intentional, not an accident.

Thinking of this, Zhao Tianxing's face couldn't help but gloomy, and the smile on his face when he first saw Zhang Yan gradually became cold and stiff...

Ye Ming didn't expect Zhang Yan to act so enthusiastically. The moment she threw herself into his arms, he couldn't help being startled. He wanted to push her away, but he was afraid of hurting her self-esteem. , I had no choice but to let her lie in my arms in embarrassment, and after she finished her complaints, she said in a joking tone: "Miss Zhang, there is no need to be so excited to meet an old friend! Look, you run away!" You can't stop walking so fast. If I hadn't blocked you just now, you might have fallen and gnawed on the mud! Look, Mr. Zhao is watching a joke by the side, why don't you get up quickly? Hahaha! "

It turned out that Ye Ming had been watching Zhao Tianxing's expression from the corner of his eye all the time. After seeing Zhang Yan throwing himself into his arms, Ye Ming's face immediately became very ugly, knowing that he was Jealous, so quickly explain Zhang Yan's behavior with a few words.

Zhang Yan completely forgot that Zhao Tianxing also came to visit her, and she didn't care what Zhao Tianxing thought.So, after hearing Ye Ming's last words, she slowly straightened up from Ye Ming's arms reluctantly, turned her head and glanced lazily at Zhao Tianxing, with a smile on her face, and looked at Zhao Tianxing. Tianxing nodded, and said in a perfunctory tone: "Mr. Zhao, are you here with Ye Ming? Welcome!"

When Zhao Tianxing saw the charming smile on her face like an angel, and heard her words that sounded like a bird's voice, his bones softened immediately, and the unhappiness and jealousy that had just risen disappeared in an instant. Hurry up holding the bouquet of roses, walked up to Zhang Yan, smiled and said, "Miss Zhang, I came here specially to visit you. Mr. Ye and I met by chance at the airport, and I heard that he also came here to visit the crew This is a bouquet of flowers I prepared for Ms. Zhang in Xijing, and I wish Ms. Zhang will always be like a blooming flower, beautiful, brilliant, and charming!"

Zhang Yan didn't pick up the bouquet of flowers, instead she took two steps back, smiled and waved her hands and said, "Mr. Zhao, I'm sorry! I have a strange disease, as long as I touch flowers, my face will get red spots and acne. So, I appreciate Mr. Zhao's kindness, but I can't accept this flower!"

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