Ye Ming asked a little perplexed: "Miss Zhang, Qiqi doesn't want to hug and make out with the actor, so I can only do ideological work for her. What does this have to do with the game you mentioned?"

Zhang Yan smiled, tapped his forehead with her slender pale fingers, and said with a smile: "Others say you are extremely smart, but I think you are confused. Haven't you understood my intention yet? Then I will tell you You: Since in this scene, Qiqi must show her face and cannot use a substitute. So, can we use you as a substitute for the actor? I believe it is very feasible: because as long as it is lying In your arms, as long as I hug and kiss you, I believe that Qiqi will definitely devote herself [-]% and will definitely reveal her true feelings. In this way, our scene will achieve unexpected success! Hahaha!"

When Ye Ming heard that Zhang Yan wanted him to replace that actor in the opposite scene with Chen Mengqi, he couldn't help being taken aback. He shook his head instinctively and said, "I'm afraid it won't work! Your scene will definitely be longer, and I don't know you I don’t know the lines, how do you want me to act? Besides, if this scene lasts longer, the audience may find out that I’m a stand-in!”

Zhang Yan said with confidence: "You don't have to worry about this. Let me tell you, the plot is very simple. The general plot is: Su Qianqian, played by Chen Mengqi, sits quietly on the west side of the town at dusk in autumn. Under the big cypress tree, facing the sunset, she meditated and recalled the good times she had with the hero Xiao Zhanpeng. At this time, Xiao Zhanpeng quietly appeared behind her, stood behind her for a long time, and then suddenly hugged her from behind shoulder, and said tenderly in her ear: Sissy, you have suffered!

"Sissy suddenly heard this familiar voice that haunted her, as if frightened, she shivered, then turned around slowly, looked at Xiao Zhanpeng with tears in her eyes, and suddenly threw herself into his arms , hugged him and cried bitterly. Then, she began to tell Xiao Zhanpeng intermittently her grief and sadness for a period of time, and her endless thoughts and concerns for him.

"During Su Qianqian's narration, Xiao Zhanpeng, who was moved, began to kiss Su Qianqian. So, the two kissed passionately and selflessly...

"This part of the plot is the one you want to act in place of the male lead. In this scene, the male lead is always facing the camera with his back facing the camera, and the audience can only see his back. Moreover, his lines only have one sentence , is the phrase 'Sissy, you have suffered'. Of course, there is one more important point: you and the male lead actor in our crew are the same height, body shape, and even the way you walk. You just need to put on If you only look at the male protagonist's clothes from the back view, the audience will definitely not be able to tell that you are a stand-in."

At this point, Ye Ming suddenly realized: this Zhang Yan, she wanted Xia Chuchu to come forward and summon herself, so it turned out that she not only wanted to appease Chen Mengqi, but also acted as a stand-in for her in a very important scene.This little girl is really smart...

So, he deliberately made things difficult for Zhang Yan and said, "Miss Zhang, how did you know that I would be willing to act in this play? What if I don't want to be a stuntman?"

Zhang Yan glared at him and threatened him, "Don't you dare! Let me tell you: You also invested in this movie. You still have 200 million yuan in our crew! If you don't act as a substitute, in case If the play fails, then you will be unlucky too, not only will you lose your 200 million yuan, but also Chen Mengqi's millions will be in vain. Think about the consequences yourself! Hmph!"

Seeing Zhang Yan pouting her beautiful cherry lips and looking swollen, Ye Ming thought it was funny, so he gave in and said, "Okay, okay, I promise to be a stuntman for you. But, you have to pay me a salary." I’ve spent a lot of airfare here and there. I hope I can earn back the airfare once I become an actor. Hahaha!”

Zhang Yan rolled his eyes at him, and said angrily, "You bastard, since when did you get into the eyes of money? Let me tell you: this is voluntary labor, and you don't get paid for it. You can do what you like, and you won't be dragged down if you don't like it!"

Seeing that she seemed to be really angry, Ye Ming hurriedly said, "I'm joking, why are you serious? I promised to be this stuntman, isn't that okay? But, when will you take me to see Qiqi? I have to Just talk to her!"

Zhang Yan shook her head and said, "You must not meet Qiqi before you play a rival role with her. Moreover, I will strictly block the news of your coming here, so that Qiqi will not know in advance. Moreover, her this paragraph Because Time misses you so much, I can't sleep well every night, and my mental state is very poor. She finally fell asleep at noon today. I want her to sleep for a long time, so that she can get enough energy, so that she can film in the evening. So, you now Don't bother her."

Ye Ming asked strangely: "I don't communicate with Qiqi, how can I act opposite to her later? Also, if she didn't know that the leading actor was me, would she still act in this scene that requires both hugs and kisses? "

Zhang Yan said: "Fool, why haven't you figured it out yet? In this play, the effect we pursue is the unexpected surprise and unexpected happiness when Qiqi sees the hero. So, in Qiqi Without Qi’s knowledge, let you replace the hero and hug her from behind, and after she turns around and sees that this person is you, she will definitely show a very surprised and ecstatic expression. And what we want is her Such an expression of surprise and surprise.

"As for what you said about her unwillingness to make out with the male lead, I had a long discussion with her last night, explaining to her the importance of this play, and persuading her to overcome her psychological barriers and work hard to make this play well , I don’t want her to act in similar plots in the future. Qiqi also knows the importance of this drama, and this plot is also in line with her own emotions. Therefore, she promised me: she must work hard to overcome her psychological barriers, and try to put This play is well done, don't make it difficult for me. So, you don't have to worry about this. At that time, when she sees that the person holding her is you, she will definitely show her true feelings, and this scene will be very sincere, very touching."

Ye Ming heard that what she said made sense, so he no longer insisted on meeting Chen Mengqi first.

Next, Zhang Yan secretly called and called the leading actor who played opposite Chen Mengqi to her room, and asked him to introduce the previous plot of the movie to Ye Ming in detail, and at the same time told Ye Ming that he was playing the scene with Chen Mengqi What should be paid attention to, what actions should be done, and how to express the protagonist's guilt and helplessness.

After speaking with the male lead, Ye Ming was taken to the makeup artist by Zhang Yan, put on some makeup briefly, and then sat in Zhang Yan's room, quietly waiting for the evening to come.

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