Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 930 Only Opens One Suite

That night, after Ye Ming and Chen Mengqi had dinner with Zhang Yan and the others on the set, they got into a pickup truck arranged by Zhang Yan and rushed to P city 110 kilometers away overnight.

After the two of them sat in the back of the pickup truck, taking advantage of the dim light in the car, Chen Mengqi took Ye Ming's arm with both hands, and leaned against Ye Ming's body naturally, quietly Lying in his arms, he didn't say anything to Ye Ming. He closed his eyes slightly and enjoyed the pleasure of cuddling with his beloved again, completely forgetting the time...

It was already past nine o'clock in the evening when we arrived in P City.Ye Ming asked the pickup truck driver to drive around the urban area of ​​P City, and found the signboards of two or three travel agencies.But because it is night, these travel agencies are closed.

So, Ye Ming asked the pickup truck driver to stop near a company called "P City Youth Travel Agency", and got off with Chen Mengqi.Considering that the master was working overtime to send herself and Ye Ming over, when Chen Mengqi was about to get off the car, she forced 200 yuan to the master, saying it was to buy him a few packs of cigarettes. Thank you to Chen Mengqi, and kept praising Ye Ming that Ms. Qiqi is a kind and good girl. She said that although she is a lady of everyone and a rich lady, she doesn't put on airs at all, and she is not high-minded at all. She is very popular among the crew. Well, and she is very sympathetic to the poor and the weak, and often uses money to help those actors and temporary workers in the crew who do not have a high income and have a difficult family, so everyone likes her very much...

After nagging, the master in his forties patted Ye Ming on the shoulder again, and said earnestly: "Young man, I saw it in the car: Miss Qiqi is very kind to you. Very good, very attached, don't let her down! In this society, there are many rich and powerful daughters, but how many of them are as approachable, kind and lovely as Miss Qiqi? So, young man, you are very lucky. Good luck, you must cherish it!"

After Chen Mengqi heard the pickup truck driver's words, she was both happy and ashamed. She turned her head and looked at Ye Ming affectionately, her heart was full of warmth and happiness...

Ye Ming knew Chen Mengqi's character well, and knew that what the pickup truck master said was definitely not exaggerated or flattering words, so he held Chen Mengqi's hand tightly, smiled and said to the master: "Master, don't worry! , I will be nice to Qiqi. It’s getting late now, and you have to rush back to the set overnight, so we won’t delay you. Next time you have a chance to go to Tianjiang, Qiqi and I will treat you to a drink together.”

The master happily said yes again and again, then turned around and got into the car, and drove back to the set.

Ye Ming took a look at the door of the "P City Youth Travel Agency", and said to Chen Mengqi: "Qiqi, we will find a hotel nearby to stay. This travel agency must have a service contact number at the front desk of the hotel. We can then Negotiate the route and price with them in the guest room, and we can set off early tomorrow morning."

Chen Mengqi is a complete layman in these matters, and Ye Ming can do whatever she says, so she nodded meekly and said, "Brother, you can arrange the travel yourself, I'll just follow you."

So, they found a four-star hotel nearby.After walking into the hotel lobby, Chen Mengqi said to Ye Ming: "Brother Ye, sit here and take care of our luggage. I will go to the front desk to open a room."

After speaking, regardless of whether Ye Mingtong agreed or not, he turned and went to the front desk of the hotel.

Ye Ming knew that when he was with Chen Mengqi, she would never let him spend money, so he shook his head helplessly, and sat on the sofa in the lobby rest area honestly, waiting for Chen Mengqi to open the room.

About 10 minutes later, Chen Mengqi opened the room and waved to Ye Ming at the front desk, signaling him to go over with the luggage.

The two took the elevator to the eighth floor.Seeing Chen Mengqi leading him to the door of Room 8022, Ye Ming asked, "Qiqi, where is my room card? Which room am I in?"

Chen Mengqi didn't answer, her face was slightly red, she lowered her head and opened the door with her room card.

Seeing her expression, Ye Ming knew that she only had one room, obviously she wanted to live with him, and felt a little wrong in his heart, but if he told her to open another room now, he would definitely hurt her self-esteem.So, he had no choice but to keep silent, and followed Chen Mengqi into the room.

After putting away her luggage, Chen Mengqi raised her blushing face and said to Ye Ming in a low voice: "Brother Ye, you don't think I'm shameless and shameless, do you? Actually, I know that you are already engaged to Sister Chu Chu, and you are already Her fiancé is gone. It is very immoral and shameless for me to do this again. But, in my mind, you are my lover and my husband. Apart from you, I can't imagine being able to with other men.

"I also know: You came to the film crew this time to comfort me and help me heal my illness. Since this is the case, then I will use this opportunity to stay with you and enjoy it. The happiness we feel together. Maybe this is the last chance for me to be intimate with you. In the future, you will marry Sister Chuchu, and you will completely forget me as a poor girl. So, I hope you Don't blame me for being shameless, and don't dislike me!"

Having said this, Chen Mengqi's voice gradually choked up, and tears welled up in her eyes...

Hearing her words, Ye Ming felt a throbbing and aching heart, and suddenly he hugged her thin body into his arms, and said in a guilty tone: "Qiqi, don't say that! I feel that I have never done anything unscrupulous in the past 20 years. But, only for you, I have always felt very guilty and ashamed! You are so kind and infatuated to me, but I cannot repay you. You fell ill twice because of me, and it became more and more serious. I felt very disturbed and anxious. I came to see you this time, just to accompany you, to let you relax your mind, and to let you get out of the gloom. Slowly come out of the mood.

"You must not say those words that ruin yourself, such as shameless and immoral, these words should be used on me. In my mind, you have always been the most innocent, kind and beautiful girl. And, I People around you who know you also comment on you in this way, including Chuchu. Don't worry, I will accompany you and take good care of you these few days, so that you can spend a happy National Day holiday! In the future, when you return to Tianjiang, if you want to see me, you can also call me, and I will come to see you immediately, and I will always treat you as my own sister!"

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