Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 932 Don't Let Kiki Get Pregnant

Lu Nianzi heard Ye Ming's straightforward answer, and said happily: "Little Yezi, as long as you have the heart, you can definitely do it. Let me tell you the whole story of this matter first: the ancestral home of our Lu family , not in Xijing, but in Lujiazhuang, Baiyuan Town, N County, more than 300 kilometers away from Xijing, where my grandfather was born. Therefore, after my grandfather passed away, in accordance with his old man's will, my father took his ashes I was buried at the Lu family’s ancestral grave in Lujiazhuang. Three days later, that is, October 10th, my grandfather’s 4th birthday. According to our customs, if the elders pass away, if it is the [-]th or [-]th birthday Every day, children should go back to worship and go to the grave.

"However, my grandfather only has my father as the only son. And my father, although it is the National Day holiday these days, you also know: as a provincial party secretary, he basically has no holidays. Moreover, on October 10th One day, he has to preside over several meetings. Therefore, it is impossible for him to return to Lujiazhuang to worship my grandfather's grave. And your brother-in-law and I have to go abroad for a few days, so we can't go back to Lujiazhuang.

"So, after much deliberation, you are now in the northwest, not far from Lujiazhuang. Moreover, you are like my own brother in my eyes. Therefore, I want you to replace our Lujiazhuang. Children and grandchildren, I will go to Lujiazhuang on October 10th to offer sacrifices to my grandfather's grave. How about it?"

In fact, Lu Nianzi's proposal was instructed by Secretary Lu to tell Ye Ming.

It turned out that Secretary Lu knew that the most regrettable thing about his late father when he was dying was that he didn't have a grandson to inherit the incense of the Lu family.Therefore, when he was convinced that Ye Ming was his own son, he had already had an idea in his heart: when his father was eighty years old, he must let Ye Ming return to Lujiazhuang, as a grandson, to give to Jiuquanzhi. His father went to the grave as a sacrifice, but the greatest wish that the old man had not fulfilled during his lifetime was fulfilled.

Therefore, he secretly told Lu Nianzi: in the name of sworn brotherhood, arrange for Ye Ming to go to Lujiazhuang, and let him sacrifice to grandpa's grave as a grandson.Moreover, in Ye Ming's sacrificial oration, his name must be changed to Lu Ming.Let Ye Ming kneel down three times and kowtow nine times to his grandfather according to the sacrifice rules of Lujiazhuang, and offer three animals and fruits, so that the grandfather under the nine springs will know that it is his own grandson who came to offer incense, sacrifice, and go to the grave for him...

At that time, Lu Nianzi also joked that Secretary Lu was the secretary of the provincial party committee, but he was actually an "old antique" with serious feudal superstition.As a result, these few jokes drew criticism from Secretary Lu, saying that she was in her 30s and still not sensible, and warned her: This is not feudal superstition, but filial piety!Filial piety emphasizes sincerity and respect.The so-called "respect the ancestors, respect the heart, respect the ancestors, burn incense and burn incense with the mind" refers to the principle of respecting the ancestors and doing our best to the ancestors...

When Ye Ming heard that Lu Nianzi said that he wanted to go to the Lu family's descendants to sacrifice to Secretary Lu's father's grave, he couldn't help being surprised, and said dumbfounded: "Sister, this appropriate? I rushed into the Lujiazhuang by myself, why? Go tell the people in your tribe? What if they question my background and know that I am a fake? As far as I know, many places take this kind of thing very seriously. If I am a foreigner Going to sacrifice Grandpa Lu to the grave, will people in your clan have any opinions or opinions on Secretary Lu?"

Lu Nianzi said confidently: "Little Yezi, don't worry about this. Let me tell you: before you go to Lujiazhuang, you should first go to Li Wu'an, the secretary of the Luchuan Municipal Party Committee. It turned out that Secretary Li was my father's secretary in the ministry. Like Xu Lizhong, he was my father's trusted old subordinate. He is from Xijiang Province, but after he was about to go to a local office, my father asked him where he wanted to go? He replied without hesitation : He wants to work in my father’s hometown. He also explained: When he goes to the chief’s hometown, he can take on the responsibilities of his children and grandchildren. You can go to Lujiazhuang to worship and go to the grave.

"At that time, my father was very surprised and very satisfied with his words. Therefore, he first arranged for Li Wu'an to go to Luchuan City to become the mayor, because N County is under the jurisdiction of Luchuan City. Three years later, my father Help him become the secretary of the Luchuan Municipal Party Committee. Therefore, if you go to Lujiazhuang to worship my grandfather this time, you must first find Secretary Li Wuan. He used to go to Lujiazhuang more than twice a year, once for Qingming and once for It was the day of my grandfather's Mingshou. Therefore, he is very familiar with Lujiazhuang, and all members of our Lu family know him. As long as Secretary Li Wuan takes you to sacrifice, you will definitely be warmly welcomed by the villagers! "

Ye Ming knew: As a cadre of Tianjiang Province, if he could replace Secretary Lu to worship his father's grave, it would be a supreme honor, and not anyone can go if he wants to.Therefore, he was more excited in his heart, and quickly expressed his opinion: "Sis, since you have made arrangements, I will definitely go to Lujiazhuang on October 10th to worship grandpa's grave. Don't worry: in my mind, You are like my own sister. Since I am in the northwest now, I should go to pay my respects to Grandpa Lu."

Lu Nianzi smiled gratifiedly, and said, "Little Yezi, there is one more thing I want to tell you: since you are going to sacrifice grandpa to the grave on behalf of our Lu family, in the sacrificial text, you have to change your name to Lu Ming, this is logical and in line with etiquette. You should be fine with this!"

Ye Ming immediately agreed, "Sister, there's no problem with this. Look, my son's surname is Lu now, and his name is Lu Benben. Of course, I can change my name to Lu Ming too! Hehehe!"

Lu Nianzi said with satisfaction: "It's better if you can think like this. You should be careful when playing outside. Now that the weather is getting colder, you should keep warm, so you don't catch a cold."

"Okay, thank you for your concern!"

The phone call was very long, and after he hung up, Chen Mengqi had already taken a shower, only in her nightgown, she quietly walked to the bedside, got into bed, and then with a shy and expectant mood , waiting for Ye Ming to take a shower and go to bed...

Ye Ming turned his head and glanced at Chen Mengqi who was on the bed, and saw that she was covering her body with the quilt, but her hands were exposed outside, her black hair was scattered on the pillow, her cheeks were as red as fire, and she was expressing her affectionately. Zhang Yan's eyes were looking at him, full of expectation and longing, and Zhang Yan's joke suddenly appeared in his mind: "Even if you want to moisturize Qiqi Yulu, you must do it first." Good precautions, don't let Kiki get pregnant."

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