After the tour bus stopped, the horse guide took out the gleaming machete from the bag again and held it up in his hand. Then, like a robber robbing money, he charged 600 yuan one by one starting from the passengers in the first row. "Self-funded Program Expenses".When the passengers in the front row saw the gleaming machete, they all had expressions of panic on their faces, and hurriedly paid for the fare.There is a small family tour group consisting of four members who paid more than 2000 yuan at a time...

Just when Director Ma was arguing with the old cadre, Ye Ming secretly took out his mobile phone, held it in his hand, turned on the camera function, and began to record the words and deeds of Director Ma.When he was raising the knife to charge, he even held his phone high, and captured all of that guy's brutality and ugliness in the phone.The horse guide was busy collecting fees, so he didn't notice that Ye Ming was videotaping him.

Soon, the horse guide was received by the veteran cadre sitting in the row in front of Ye Ming.

The veteran cadre traveled with his wife.His wife is also in her 60s, and she was very scared when she saw Director Ma holding a gleaming machete.Therefore, when the horse guide started to collect money, she firmly held back her wife, not allowing him to stand up and scold the horse guide.Moreover, she also began to take money out of her wallet, preparing to pay the fee according to the request of the horse guide, just asking him not to embarrass her wife anymore.

However, that old cadre has a very stubborn temper. Seeing Director Ma coming to him with a knife, staring at himself and his wife with fierce eyes, he couldn't help but slammed into him, and suddenly broke free from his wife's hand and stood up. , widened his eyes and shouted: "Bastards! You really started to rob in the daytime? Is there any law here? I don't believe that in this peaceful world, the country will allow you bandits to exist! You They keep saying that this is a self-financed event for passengers, so it is up to the passengers to decide whether to participate or not. Why do you charge forcibly? Why do you hold a knife when charging? You just blamed me for calling you a bandit. See for yourself: you are like this now Son, what is it if it’s not a bandit?”

Director Ma stared at the veteran cadre gloomily for more than ten seconds, then suddenly raised the machete in his hand, slashed it in the air, then pointed in the direction of the car door, and shouted sharply: "I'm not dead! I don’t care about your hundreds of dollars! You are begging me to give me money now, but I will not accept you! Hurry up and pack your luggage and get out of the car for me!”

The old cadre was so angry that his face was purple and his lips were trembling. He wanted to scold him back, but because he was too emotional, he couldn't say a word.

At this time, his wife hurriedly stood up with [-] yuan, and while putting the money into the hand of the horse guide, pleaded in a trembling tone: "Brother, my old man has such a bad temper. Look at him." For the sake of his age, please don’t be offended! This is [-] yuan, which is the self-payment of our old couple. We are willing to participate in the travel projects recommended by you. Please put away the knife and don’t drive us away. Go down. Look, there are no villages or shops outside, we are old, if we get off here, how can we go back to the city?"

At this time, Director Ma deliberately wanted to kill the chicken to show the monkey, how could he listen to the old lady's words?When she handed over the money, he suddenly pulled his hand and swept all the money in her hand to the ground.

The old cadre couldn't bear it any longer, suddenly raised his hand, and slapped the horse guide in the face.

Ma Dao never thought that the old man would dare to hit him, so he was completely unprepared, and was slapped hard all at once. He couldn't help becoming angry, and suddenly kicked the old cadre in the lower abdomen.

After all, the old cadre was old, his skills were relatively slow, and he couldn't dodge in time. He was kicked in the vitals by the horse guide, bent over and covered his belly in pain, cold sweat broke out on his face, and he couldn't help moaning.The guy surnamed Ma didn't give up, he still held the knife in one hand, grabbed the old cadre's neck with the other hand, and said through gritted teeth: "I don't want to die, today you are looking for death because of shame, don't blame me Brother is cruel! Hurry up and get out of the car for me, otherwise, I will throw you out of the car window!"

When the tour guide surnamed Ma had a dispute with the old man, the driver quickly rushed over from the cab, stood beside him with his hips crossed, ready to help his accomplice at any time...

At this time, because Ye Ming was busy recording with his mobile phone, he didn't react for a while when the horse guide and the old cadre started fighting. He didn't wake up until the horse guide kicked the old cadre and rushed over to grab the old cadre's neck. Come here, quickly put the mobile phone into the hand of Chen Mengqi next to her, jumped up from her seat, stretched out her palm like iron pincers, grabbed the wrist of the horse guide who was holding the old cadre's neck, and shouted: "You are the one!" What? Bullying a gray-haired old comrade, you are worse than your bandit ancestors! Go back to your original position and return all the money to the passengers. Otherwise, I will throw you from this car— —Do you believe it or not?"

As he spoke, he exerted force on his fingers.Immediately, the horse guide felt as if his wrist was about to break, and the pain was so painful that he couldn't help moaning loudly.

After feeling that he couldn't get rid of Ye Ming's iron pincer-like palm, Ma Dao couldn't help becoming fierce, and suddenly swung the knife in his right hand, aimed at Ye Ming's head and slashed it off.

Ye Ming had already guarded against the knife in his right hand. Seeing him slashing at him with the knife, he tilted his head slightly. At the same time, he stretched out his left hand, and with a movement as fast as lightning, he grabbed Dao Ma. Hold the right wrist of the knife, and twist it hard.Director Ma felt another sharp pain in his right wrist, and the knife in his hand fell to the ground with a "snap" unsteady.

Seeing that he was so ferocious and savage, Ye Ming even raised a knife to slash the top of his head. He couldn't help but burst into anger. He suddenly grabbed his collar with his right hand and his trousers with his left hand. With a loud roar, he lifted his thin body In the middle of the air, he lifted it up and hit it above.Hearing a "bang", Ma Dao's head hit the roof of the coach, causing him to wail in pain, covering his head with his hands, almost fainting.

The driver who had been standing by the side preparing to punch saw that his accomplice had suffered a big loss, and took advantage of Ye Ming's opportunity to deal with Director Ma, suddenly pounced and swung his fist to attack Ye Ming.

Ye Ming looked around and listened in all directions. He had already noticed the driver's movements. When he saw him rushing towards him, he sneered, then suddenly raised his right leg and kicked the driver in the abdomen.

He only used four parts of his kick, but the driver still couldn't bear it.He also wailed, and stepped back a few steps, trying to stabilize himself, but he still couldn't do it, and fell over in the aisle of the carriage.

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