The horse guide saw that except for the old couple, Ye Ming and Chen Mengqi, everyone else in the car was scrambling to get out of the car, which fell into his arms.So, with a smug smile on his face, he turned his head and said to the driver: "Brother, stop the car, open the door, and let these passengers who know the time go. After they get off the car, you can directly drive the car to The Tourism Bureau is open, I want to see how they complain about me!"

It turned out that he was also worried that all the tourists in this car would flock to the tourist office, and if there was a big incident, they would not end well, and they would not be able to take revenge on Ye Ming and the old man.Now the rest of the passengers had to get off the bus, which was exactly what he wanted to see the most.So, he hurriedly ordered the driver to stop and open the door, and put all the passengers down.

After the passengers who got off the bus put their feet on the ground, they all showed expressions of amnesty on their faces. Many of them let out a long sigh, secretly glad that they finally escaped a catastrophe.Therefore, when they got out of the car, they immediately dispersed and disappeared without a trace.

Ye Ming and the old man looked at the tourist bus that seemed empty at once, and at the tourists outside the bus who were afraid of escaping quickly, with helpless expressions on their faces.

After closing the door, the tour guide surnamed Ma stared at Ye Ming and the old man with gloomy eyes, then waved to the cab, and the station wagon started to drive forward again.

During this period, Ye Ming has been keeping a close eye on the tour guide and driver surnamed Ma, preventing them from calling some local hooligans from their mobile phones to attack him and the old man.However, the strange thing is that these two people seemed to have a plan in mind, with a cold smile on their faces from beginning to end, but they didn't call their accomplices, as if they had already arranged some kind of trap.

About a quarter of an hour later, the station wagon drove into the yard of a building with the sign "N County Tourism Bureau" hanging on the door, and stopped near the back door.

The horse guide pointed to the office building and said in a mocking tone: "Do you see clearly? This is our County Tourism Bureau. You go in and complain to us! You can see the sign on my chest: My surname is Ma, and my name is Ma Dongsheng." , my brother is Ma Donghong. I can also remind you: go to the Tourism Bureau to complain about travel agencies and tour guides, and you should go to the Tourism Law Enforcement Brigade. The Tourism Law Enforcement Brigade is on the second floor, and there is a sign on the office, so it is easy to find. You guys Now get out of the car and complain, our two brothers have to go home too!"

Seeing his confident appearance, Ye Ming and the old man felt a shadow in their hearts, but they didn't think about it too much. They took Chen Mengqi and the old lady out of the car and wanted to enter the tourist office through the back door, but they saw The door was locked, and then I suddenly remembered: Today is October 10, the Tourism Bureau is on holiday, and no one goes to work.No wonder the horse guide was confident, it turned out that he knew that Ye Ming and the others couldn't find anyone here.

Ye Ming was so angry that he brought the other three people to the guard room in front of the Tourism Bureau.Then, he asked Chen Mengqi to stand outside with the old man and his old lady, walked into the guard room by himself, first took out a pack of "Good Cat" cigarettes, offered a cigarette to the guard, and asked with a smile: "Brother, I'm here to find the head of the Tourism Law Enforcement Brigade in your bureau, do you have his phone number here?"

The middle-aged guard saw Ye Ming's handsome appearance, smiling face, and very respectful attitude. He hurriedly took the cigarette, flipped through a small internal address book, and asked, "Are you looking for Captain Ma?"

Ye Ming heard that the team leader was also surnamed Ma, and he felt a little bit in his heart, feeling that something was wrong.However, he still replied, "That's right, it's Captain Ma. What's his phone number?"

The guard replied: "It's a coincidence that you came here. Because it is the National Day Golden Week, there are many people visiting our county from other places. In order to deal with various emergencies, the leaders and middle-level cadres in our bureau are on duty during the National Day. Today Well, it’s the time when Captain Ma is on duty. Just now I saw that he has gone upstairs, and he should be in the office of the Chief of Law Enforcement on the second floor now, so go up and find him!”

Ye Ming was overjoyed, and quickly thanked the guard, and then waved to the old man outside, Chen Mengqi and others, and the four of them entered the office building of the Tourism Bureau from the reception room, and went straight to the second floor to look for it.

Outside an office with a "Captain's Office" hanging at the door, Ye Ming and the others stopped and listened to the movement inside. They heard "quickly play the card" and "I bet two hundred" from inside. He knew that the captain inside was playing cards and gambling with others to pass the lonely time on duty.

So Ye Ming stood at the door and knocked lightly a few times.

The voices playing cards and betting money inside stopped immediately, followed by a hoarse voice asking impatiently: "Who is it!"

Ye Ming replied: "I'm a tourist, and I came to ask Captain Ma to report my problem!"

Immediately there was a "swish" sound from inside. It is estimated that they were clearing the playing cards and money on the table so that no one outside could see it.

Soon, a burly, dark-faced middle-aged man opened the door, looked Ye Ming up and down, refused to let him in, and asked in a very impatient tone: "What problem are you here to report? It's about a travel agency. ’, or about the tour guide?”

Ye Ming pointed to Chen Mengqi and the other three people in the back, and replied: "I'm here to complain about a black tour guide in your county, and I also want to complain about the travel agency where the black tour guide works. They forcefully charge tourists' self-pay items on the station wagon Fees, and threatened tourists with knives. You are the head of the Tourism Law Enforcement Brigade, and such things should be dealt with seriously!"

Captain Ma glanced at Ye Ming indifferently, and asked coldly, "What's the name of the black tour guide you mentioned? Which company is it from?"

"The tour guide's surname is Ma, and his name is Ma Dongsheng. There is also a driver named Ma Donghong. I don't know exactly which travel company in your county he is from. You can investigate. The behavior of these two people is very bad. Forcibly charged extra fees for passengers, and injured the old man behind me. I hope your team can severely punish such a black-hearted tour guide, and order the travel agency to refund our remaining travel expenses and compensate the old man for his medical treatment and mental damage fees!"

Hearing the names of the tour guide and driver, Captain Ma showed a look of surprise on his face, and his eyes immediately turned cold - it turned out that Ma Dongsheng was exactly Captain Ma's cousin.And Ma Dongsheng was able to enter the travel agency and obtain the qualification certificate of tour guide, which was all arranged by the captain Ma for him.Also, they are now an interest group.Ma Dongsheng and the others have to give a portion of the black-hearted money they got from extorting passengers to Captain Ma every time.

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