Ouyang Ming heard Lin Hai say that he wanted to write a joint letter to Ye Ming, his eyes lit up, and he said, "Brother Lin, this is a good way! Ye Ming's backer is Director Xu of the Municipal Bureau. It is definitely useless for us to sue the Municipal Bureau. Report directly to the Provincial Bureau. As for the reasons for the report, you can start from the following aspects: First, Ye Ming beat people is an objective fact, although Li Li and Chen Weiping who were beaten are now arrested, but the beat It is wrong, it is wrong. A cadre who beats people at every turn, but the county bureau promotes him, we are not convinced; second, the party group of the county bureau, in order to let Ye Ming be in charge of a sub-bureau, racked their brains to introduce a principle of "prefer lack rather than abuse" , Deliberately vacating the position of director of the sub-bureau for Ye Ming. This is an act that violates the regulations on the selection and appointment of leading cadres of the party and government, and should be corrected; Legitimate male-female relations, corrupt style of work, should be investigated and dealt with."

As soon as he uttered the third reason, everyone in the box was dumbfounded and looked at him incredulously, thinking that he must be talking nonsense.

Ouyang Ming smiled sinisterly and said, "Don't look at me like that. There is a basis for what I say. Not long ago, I went to the Municipal Bureau to visit Director Zhang Dongfang. Director Zhang told me: Once Ye After Ming's birthday, when the cadres in the bureau sang together, he saw Ye Ming and Chen Yi hiding in a corner of the box, holding hands, touching each other's bodies. Moreover, that night Ye Ming sent him off alone. Chen Yi went back, and Chen Yi's husband was not at home, who knows what they did that night. Therefore, this third point is the most important and deadliest, we must write it in."

The team leader Hao Jinbin said a little scared: "Director Ou, let's not sign the report! You also know that Ye Ming's backer is Director Xu from the Municipal Bureau. If we didn't sue him, he would turn us down instead. We're having a hard time."

Ouyang Ming glanced at him unhurriedly, and said: "Anonymous complaints like this are useless. Only when everyone reports with their real names, will the superiors pay attention and send someone down to investigate. If you want to investigate, you must We will first talk to the person whose name is on it, and then everyone will tell the investigation team about these things, even if Ye Ming is not dismissed, he will not be able to gain a foothold in the first branch."

Lin Hai said flatteringly: "Director Ou is right. I heard that the discipline inspection and supervision agencies generally ignore anonymous letters. However, if they don't investigate and deal with the signed report, it is a serious dereliction of duty. Therefore, we still have to Unite, everyone write this letter together and sign it together. Of course, Director Ou cannot sign on it. Because if he signs, the superiors will think that Director Ou did not win the position of director, so they will sue for retaliation , then the power of this letter will be greatly reduced. What do you think?"

Ouyang Ming nodded appreciatively when he heard Lin Hai's words, and said, "Brother Lin is right, I cannot sign this letter. However, I can draft it and send it to a printing company to print. That kid Ye Ming knows."

After Ouyang Ming drafted the complaint letter and went outside to print it, there were six people in the box who were willing to sign it.Ouyang Ming asked them to sign their names, and then went to the post office, and sent it to the provincial and local tax bureau supervision office by express mail...

Ye Ming never expected that Ouyang Ming, Lin Hai and others would sue him to the provincial bureau, and was still thinking about how to persuade Ouyang Ming to abandon his prejudices at the branch meeting, and work together with himself to do a good job in the branch's work and complete the tax revenue task. Finish.

Therefore, although he asked Liu Pengcheng to inform everyone that the meeting time was 08:30, he came to the branch conference room and waited early at [-]:[-]. Everyone had a meeting, so he was still a little nervous, a little apprehensive, and at the same time a little looking forward to it.

However, by [-]:[-], there were only six or seven people in the conference room, four of whom belonged to Liu Pengcheng's key enterprise group.The remaining few are all young cadres who have just joined the local tax bureau, and most of them are in individual groups.None of the eight members of the Jian'an team showed up.

As for Ouyang Ming, he didn't walk in with a gloomy face until [-]:[-].As soon as he entered the meeting room, he crossed his legs and smoked one by one, turning the meeting room into a big smoke window.

At nine o'clock, one-third of the cadres did not come to the conference room, and most of them belonged to the Jian'an team.

Ye Ming was already restless waiting, so he said to Ouyang Ming with a livid face: "Director Ou, please call and urge those people again, and tell them: If you don't come to the meeting again, I will follow the "New Cold According to the relevant regulations of the County Local Taxation Bureau Meeting System, record absenteeism for them. Don't blame me, Ye Ming, for not being sympathetic."

In the tax bureau, there will be great losses for recording absenteeism: miners will not only be deducted 300 yuan of attendance allowance for one day, but also will be deducted from year-end bonuses and quarterly bonuses, and they will not be able to participate in the evaluation of the best at the end of the year.If you add it up, miners may lose more than 1000 yuan a day.

When Ouyang Ming heard that Ye Ming was going to record absenteeism, he gave him a sideways look and started calling.Every time he got through to one, he said in a sly way: "Come here quickly! Director Ye said: If you don't come to the meeting again, you miners will be remembered."

Ye Ming knew that he was deliberately sowing the relationship between himself and those cadres who were late, and wanted to get angry, but he held back after thinking about it.

Liu Pengcheng saw that Ye Ming's face was ugly, so he said to Ouyang Ming: "Director Ou, you are the leader of the bureau, and you should criticize and educate those who are late on purpose. How do you put the blame on Director Ye? Being late for a meeting will be counted as absenteeism. It’s the system of the county bureau, it’s not that whoever says absenteeism should be recorded as absenteeism.”

Ou Yangming turned his head and gave Liu Pengcheng a look, dropped the phone receiver, and said to Liu Pengcheng, "Director Liu, you are very enlightened, so please come and inform them."

At this time, Liu Pengcheng was determined to follow Ye Ming, so he was not polite to him. He picked up the landline and started calling those cadres who did not come to the meeting. They were given 10 minutes to arrive at the meeting room, otherwise they would be treated as miners.

Ten minutes later, several people came one after another, but there were still two people who did not come: one was Lin Hai, the leader of the Jian'an group, and the other was Qiu Dongming, another cadre of the Jian'an group.

Ye Ming looked at his watch and said to Liu Pengcheng: "Director Liu, please write down in the attendance register: Lin Hai and Qiu Dongming are miners for one day, and they will report to the People's Education Department after the meeting, and the attendance allowance and bonus will be deducted according to the regulations. .”

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Hai appeared at the door of the conference room, shouting with bulging eyes, "Who dares to remember my miner? Believe it or not, I tore up the attendance registration book?"

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