Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 953 Turning the county town upside down

N County is very small. It used to be a small county with an extremely backward economy. In recent years, relying on the development of local tourism resources, the economy has improved a little.Therefore, in this county, there are only seven or eight decent hotels, and only five hotels that can accommodate tour groups.

According to the instructions of Secretary Li Wu'an, Lu Yi led the people from the county party committee to check the five hotels capable of receiving tour groups carefully, but they did not find the names of Ye Ming and Chen Mengqi.So they expanded the scope and checked several other small hotels, but they still found nothing.

When Li Wuan heard from Lu Yi that none of the hotels in N County had registered the names of Ye Ming and Chen Mengqi, beads of sweat suddenly appeared on his forehead. The local person in charge, ask them to check all the tourists in the Cultural Village to see if Ye Ming and Chen Mengqi are visiting there. If not, please report to me immediately."

The director of the county party committee listened to Lu Yi convey Secretary Li's instructions and asked them to go to the folk culture village to find someone, and hurriedly said: "Director Lu, it's a little past seven in the evening, and the folk culture village will not perform night shows until eight in the evening. Now we find the most convenient."

So, they immediately drove to the Folk Culture Village. Under the guidance of the person in charge of the Cultural Village, they searched every corner of the village and asked every visitor in the park, but there was still no clue.

Therefore, Lu Yi had no choice but to report to Li Wu'an with sweat profusely, saying that they had searched all the places they should look for, but they did not find any trace of Ye Ming and Chen Mengqi.

Li Wu'an originally thought that Ye Ming and Chen Mengqi had gone to the Folk Culture Village in advance, so holding on to the last hope, he was anxiously waiting for Lu Yi's report.Now, when he heard from Lu Yi that Ye Ming and Chen Mengqi could not be found in the Folk Culture Village, he suddenly fell down on the sofa in the living room, cold sweat pouring out of his forehead.

He is very clear: Ye Ming is traveling with another girl, it is impossible for both of them to turn off their phones at the same time.If there is such a simultaneous shutdown, it means that something is likely to happen, and it is a big deal!

And Ye Ming is the only direct son of his chief, and also the only blood lineage of their Lu family.According to Xu Lizhong, the chief loves him very much and places great hopes on him.If something happened to him in his jurisdiction, how would he explain to the chief who had always trusted him, promoted him, and cared for him?

At this moment, Li Wu'an thought of two most terrible outcomes: one is that the station wagon Ye Ming and the others were in was in a car accident, and he and his friend were seriously injured or even died, and their mobile phones were broken or broken. It was burnt out; the second is that they were kidnapped or murdered for money—because Li Wuan knew that the economy of N County is very backward, and the local people are relatively barbaric. In recent years, there have been several cases of foreign tourists being kidnapped locally , The case of being murdered.If Ye Ming and his friends also encountered this situation, then he, the secretary of the municipal party committee, would really have no hope of redeeming himself...

After a little analysis of the unexpected situation that Ye Ming and Chen Mengqi might encounter, Li Wuan immediately stood up, wiped the cold sweat from his cheeks, picked up his mobile phone and called Long Jianxiang, Director of Luchuan City Public Security Bureau, please He immediately called the city's traffic police detachment to check whether any major traffic accidents had occurred on the national highway from Yan'an to N County so far this afternoon.If it happens, are the names of Ye Ming and Chen Mengqi among the people involved in the accident?

When Long Jianxiang received a call from the secretary of the municipal party committee, he didn't dare to be negligent. He hurriedly called the accident brigade of the municipal traffic police detachment and asked them to immediately check whether there was any traffic accident on the national highway from Yan'an to N county today?Was anyone injured or killed in the accident?

A few minutes later, the person in charge of the accident brigade called Long Jianxiang back: Today on the road from Yan'an to N County, there was no traffic accident!

Li Wuan became even more nervous after receiving Long Jianxiang's reply.So, he ordered Long Jianxiang again to call the 110 command center to see if anyone reported a kidnapping or homicide.

Ten minutes later, Long Jianxiang reported: There was no major homicide in Luchuan City today, and there were no calls to the police about kidnapping!

After rejecting these two possibilities, Li Wuan became even more flustered, and the hands holding the phone began to shake.

At this moment, Lu Nianzi called again.

As soon as the phone was connected, Lu Nianzi asked anxiously: "Secretary Li, have you found Ye Ming and the girl surnamed Chen? I have been calling them just now, but the phone has been turned off all the time. Can you find them?" How about it?"

Li Wu'an knew that Lu Nianzi was Ye Ming's sister, so he didn't dare to hide it, and said in a heavy tone: "Director Lu, I arranged for people to search all the places in N County, but there is no news yet. But, Don't worry, we are still working hard to find a way. I believe that Xiaoye Jiren Tianxiang, nothing will happen!"

When Lu Nianzi heard Li Wu'an's tone and heard that they had found all the places they were supposed to be looking for, but they still couldn't find Ye Ming's trace, Lu Nianzi felt anxious and couldn't help crying on the phone , crying and said: "Secretary Li, you are my father's most trusted person, and you are like my elder brother. I will not hide it from you: Ye Ming is my real brother, and also my father's greatest hope and sustenance in his later years." .If something happens to him, what should my father do?

"Secretary Li, you must find a way for me to find him. I won't sleep tonight and wait for your call. If I can't find him tonight, I will fly over from the capital tomorrow. But before that, please Don't tell my father about this. He has a heart attack. If he finds out that my brother is missing, I'm afraid he won't be able to bear it, and something will happen!"

Li Wu'an hurriedly said: "Director Lu, don't worry, I believe that nothing will happen to Xiaoye. I will rush to County N immediately, even if I turn that county upside down, I must find Xiaoye! When I arrive After N County, I will call you every hour and report the progress to you at any time!"

After hanging up Lu Nianzi's phone, Li Wu'an immediately called Yang Qi, the director of the Municipal Party Committee Office, and said that he was going to County N overnight, and asked Secretary Liu, County Mayor Ma, and the director of the County Public Security Bureau to come to the county party secretary's office waiting.At the same time, the County Public Security Bureau is also requested to mobilize dozens of police officers on standby...

An hour later, Li Wu'an rushed to the N County Party Committee with Yang Qi, Director of the Municipal Party Committee Office, and Long Jianxiang, Director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau.Secretary Liu of the County Party Committee, County Mayor Ma, and Director Su of the County Public Security Bureau, who had already been waiting there, welcomed Secretary Li and others into the office of the Secretary of the County Party Committee and waited for Secretary Li's instructions.

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