Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 962 3 Women Gather

That night, Ye Ming, Chen Mengqi, and Lu Nianzi and his wife slept in the Lu family compound.Lu Nianzi arranged for Ye Ming to live in the large wing room that Secretary Lu lived in when he returned to his hometown, and Chen Mengqi slept next door to him.

At nine o'clock in the evening, Ye Ming was lying on the bed reading a book when the cell phone on the bedside table rang suddenly. When he picked it up to check the caller ID, it was the cell phone number Chen Yi used in the capital.

Ye Ming quickly pressed the answer button, only to hear Chen Yi asking dissatisfiedly on the phone: "Yezi, why couldn't you get through the phone all night last night? Tell me honestly: are you with Chen Mengqi again? Are you here? Did you get together with your old lover and feel very happy and happy, so you can't think of leaving?"

Ye Ming heard her words full of jealousy, and could almost smell the sour smell through the microphone, so he smiled and said, "Sister, where did you go? I was nosy last night because I saw something unfair. , I was shady, and I was illegally detained by a group of lawbreakers, and I was detained at the local police station, and my mobile phone was also confiscated by them, so of course you can’t get through to my number.”

"Ah? What's going on? Did you get beaten when you arrived at the police station?"

When Chen Yi heard that Ye Ming was detained last night, she immediately forgot to be jealous and asked worriedly.

Ye Ming said: "It's okay, I just suffered a little flesh injury. However, those people who slandered me were also punished badly. I guess they have all gone to the detention center now. It can be regarded as revenge! I will arrive tomorrow morning Go to Xijing, take the plane at noon to Tianjiang. How are you doing now? Where is Little Benben?"

"You still remember Xiao Benben! You are heartless, you know that our mother and son have arrived in Tianjiang, but you don't even make a phone call. What do you think? I don't care. I know that you just picked up watermelons People who forget Zhima will forget me when they get together with their old lovers. But Xiao Benben is your own son, why don’t you care so much? I think you and Xiao Benben will definitely be strangers in the future. When the time comes , I see how embarrassed you are as a father!"

Ye Ming said a little ashamedly: "Sister, I'm really sorry! I was so angry and confused by the incident yesterday, and today I have been offering sacrifices to Mr. Lu's grave, and I completely forgot to call you. I am now I solemnly apologize to you and Xiao Benben!"

Only then did Chen Yi slow down her tone, and said, "You come back tomorrow, and come directly to the provincial party committee compound. Xiao Benben and I are currently staying at Secretary Lu's house. Director Xu Lizhong called me over this afternoon. .According to what he meant, I might stay here for a few more days.”

Ye Ming was surprised when he heard that she and Xiao Benben were living in Secretary Lu's house, and asked, "Sister, why did you live in Secretary Lu's house? What did Director Xu tell you?"

Chen Yi smiled triumphantly, and said: "Director Xu said to me: Secretary Lu likes the new and cold special dishes I stir-fry very much, especially Zhumei chicken, fried bacon with pig blood cake, fried dried beef with winter bamboo shoots, how can Secretary Lu like it?" I can’t get tired of eating. So, he asked me to stay at Secretary Lu’s house for a few days and cook for him. The nanny in his family is now in charge of shopping for vegetables and helping me take care of Xiao Benben.”

Ye Ming knew that Chen Yi's cooking skills were good, but he didn't expect that Secretary Lu liked his fried dishes so much, so he was very happy, so he said with a smile, "Sister, I'll come back tomorrow, you have to carefully fry some new cold dishes for me." Eat special dishes! Since I went to the provincial capital to study, I haven’t eaten authentic new cold dishes, and I’m really hungry!”

Chen Yi took a sip and said, "You're a good idea! You're coming back tomorrow, but I won't cook. I'm so greedy you heartless!"

In fact, neither Chen Yi nor Ye Ming knew: Xu Lizhong asked Chen Yi to bring Xiao Benben to live in Secretary Lu's house in the provincial party committee compound, and it was Secretary Lu's instruction.But the real reason is that Secretary Lu wants to see his precious grandson every day.If Chen Yi lived in Secretary Li's house, Secretary Lu could not often go to Secretary Li's house due to official customs and taboos.In that case, it is easy to arouse suspicion and criticism from others, thinking that they are engaging in small groups.Moreover, as a secretary of the provincial party committee, it is not suitable for him to often go to a subordinate's house.

Therefore, he had no choice but to ask Xu Lizhong to invite Chen Yi's mother and son to stay at his home for a few days in the name of liking Chen Yi's fried new cold special dishes.In this way, as soon as he returns home from work, he can see the well-behaved and lovely grandson that he loves and misses more and more, and he can hold him in his arms as soon as he returns home, play with him, and kiss him His small face and hands fulfilled his desire to have grandchildren.And this process of teasing his grandson has become his greatest pleasure after heavy work...

After getting up the next day, while eating breakfast, Lu Nianzi suddenly said to Ye Ming: "Little Yezi, your brother-in-law and I are not on duty these two days, and we want to visit my dad in Tianjiang. Your brother-in-law is now with Xiaoye Benben has feelings, he was nagging last night that he was going to Tianjiang to see him! Let's go back together today!"

Ye Ming said happily: "That's the best. Sister Chen Yi called me last night and said that she and Xiao Benben are now living at Secretary Lu's house in the provincial party committee compound. You can go there with your brother-in-law, just in time to see Little Benben is gone. Hehe!"

When Lu Nianzi heard that Chen Yi lived in her father's house, she was taken aback for a moment, and soon realized that it was her father who wanted to see her grandson every day, and felt a little funny in her heart, so she glanced at Chen Mengqi, who was drinking millet porridge with her head down , asked: "Qiqi, are you going back to Tianjiang with us? Or, let's go to the provincial party committee compound to play together?"

Chen Mengqi quickly raised her head and said, "Well, I've finished filming the scene here, and I'm planning to go back to Tianjiang to live for a while. I haven't seen my parents for a long time, and I want to go back and have a look."

So, after breakfast, Ye Ming and his party personally sent an Audi car arranged by Li Wuan directly to Xijing Xianyang Airport, and took the flight back to Tianjiang at 01:30 noon.

Knowing that Ye Ming was coming back today, Xu Lizhong drove to the airport in person and took them to the No. [-] residence in the Provincial Party Committee Compound.

Before Ye Ming entered the house, he suddenly received a call from Xia Chuchu, asking him where he is now?Are you back from the Northwest?

Ye Ming hurriedly said: "Chuchu, I just rushed over from the airport, and now I'm in the provincial party committee compound. Sister Chen Yi and Xiao Benben live in Secretary Lu's house, so I came to see them directly."

When Xia Chuchu heard that Chen Yi and Xiao Benben had arrived in Tianjiang, she was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said, "What a coincidence? Is Chen Mengqi also with you?"

"Yes, she is by my side now, and we are going to see Xiao Benben together!"

Xia Chuchu smiled again, and said, "I've also returned to Tianjiang, and now I'm at my house. Since you've all arrived at the provincial committee compound, I'll come over to join in the fun too! Hahaha!"

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