Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 964 Indifferent Expression

Xia Chuchu had only been to Secretary Lu's office, but she didn't know what building his residence was.So, when she arrived at the gate of the Provincial Party Committee compound, she saw that Ye Ming was not there to pick her up as promised, and she was very annoyed. She wanted to go inside by herself, but was stopped by the armed police soldiers on duty and asked her who to go in for?Do you have an appointment?

Xia Chuchu said angrily, "I'll go find Secretary Lu!"

When the armed policeman heard that she was looking for Secretary Lu, he was surprised, and saw that she was wearing a pair of big sunglasses, not showing her true face, so he looked her up and down suspiciously, and said, "Miss, I'm sorry. If you really want to go in and find Secretary Lu, please call the general office first and ask them to come out and pick you up, or ask a leader to call and explain the situation. Otherwise, I can't let you in!"

Xia Chuchu knew that this was the rule of the Provincial Party Committee compound, and it was useless to talk too much, so she just stood there angrily, hating Ye Ming for being late, and vowed to let him Take a little punishment.

So, she took out her mobile phone and was about to dial Ye Ming's number, but she saw him rushing out of the compound quickly, all the way to the gate, stopped in front of Xia Chuchu, and apologized a little breathlessly: "Chuchu, I'm sorry , I came one step late and kept you waiting!"

Xia Chuchu smiled sweetly and said, "It's okay. You stand over here for a while, and I'll whisper to you."

Ye Ming didn't know what to do, so he hurriedly stood over, put his ear close to her mouth, and asked with a smile, "Do you have something to whisper? Do you have to say it here?"

Xia Chuchu suddenly reached out her hand and used her trump card to deal with Ye Ming. She grabbed his ear, twisted it hard, and said through gritted teeth, "What did I tell you just now? I asked you to hurry up in 10 minutes." I came here to pick me up, but it took almost half an hour, and you didn't come over. You asked me to wait here, but I was stopped and couldn't go in. You wanted me to make a fool of myself, didn't you? I knew it a long time ago, as long as you see me Your old lover, you will forget me to the sky. Now that your two old lovers are there, you will leave me as a fiancée to Java, right?"

Ye Ming began to think that she really wanted to whisper something to him, so he was unprepared at all. She pinched his ears all of a sudden, and involved the wound on his forehead. Hissing cold air from his mouth in pain, he hurriedly grabbed her He said with his hand: "Chuchu, that's not the case. Let go of your hand first, I have a wound on my forehead, if you twist it so hard, it will tear the wound."

Xia Chuchu actually saw a piece of gauze wrapped around Ye Ming's forehead at the very beginning, but because she was too annoyed at that time, she didn't have time to ask him what the gauze was for, so she twisted his ear first.At this moment, when he heard that he had a wound on his forehead, he was shocked. He quickly let go of his hand, turned his head and looked at the wound, and saw that there were still blood oozing from there. He immediately forgot to be jealous and angry. He stretched out his hand to touch his forehead distressedly, and said angrily, "What's the matter with you? Why didn't you tell me when you were injured? Who are you fighting with? How could you be so badly injured?"

Ye Ming knew that Xia Chuchu must be very upset just now, and now is the time to divert her attention, so he told the armed police soldier first, saying that he was the guest brought in by Director Xu Lizhong just now, and now he came to welcome this lady , ask him to let go.

The armed police soldier saw that Ye Ming ran out from inside, and that he had indeed entered in Director Xu Lizhong's car just now, so he didn't say much, asked Xia Chuchu to register, and let her in.

As soon as he entered the compound, Xia Chuchu took Ye Ming's arm and asked him to tell the story of his injury.

Ye Ming casually told her what happened in N County that day.When she found out that the wound on Ye Ming's head was actually beaten by the police at the police station, Xia Chuchu cursed angrily: "Bastard, scum! Policemen like this must be arrested and shot, even if they are sentenced to jail Already!"

At this time, they had arrived at the door of Secretary Lu's residence.Xia Chuchu continued to scold those scumbag policemen, but she subconsciously leaned towards Ye Ming. At the same time, she held Ye Ming's right arm tightly with both hands, and leaned her face gently on Ye Ming's broad and strong shoulder. Putting on a state of intimacy like a little bird clinging to a person.

It was Lu Nianzi who came to open the door.When she opened the door, a charming smile appeared on Xia Chuchu's face, and she called out affectionately, "Hello, sister!"

This "sister" call made Lu Nianzi's heart burst with joy, and he quickly smiled and said, "Hi Chuchu! I haven't seen you for a few months, and our Chuchu Chuchu is getting more and more beautiful and juicy. Little Yezi, can you It is your blessing to have a good relationship with Chuchu! From now on, you have to treat Chuchu better, and don't let her love you down!"

Lu Nianzi knew that the atmosphere today was a bit awkward, and she was afraid that Xia Chuchu would have some opinions and opinions on Chen Mengqi and Chen Yi, so she hurriedly said something to make Xia Chuchu happy, so as to ease the possible future Awkward atmosphere.Moreover, she is indeed very satisfied with her sister-in-law who is both talented and beautiful, kind-hearted, generous and cheerful, and the few words she just said are indeed from the heart.

Xia Chuchu knew that Lu Nianzi was Ye Ming's "god sister" now, and Ye Ming respected her very much.Therefore, after hearing her words of exhorting Ye Ming, she was also elated, turned her head and looked at Ye Ming beamingly, smiled charmingly at Lu Nianzi, and said, "Thank you, sister! Don't worry, he doesn't dare to do it now." Treat me badly, he has a lot of things in my hands! Besides, if he dares to treat me badly, I will come to my sister and brother-in-law first, and let you teach him. At that time, I think he still dares to treat me badly. Don’t dare to be half-hearted, dare to mess with flowers and grass again! Humph!”

When Lu Nianzi heard her words, she couldn't help laughing.Zhang Linjiang, who was following Lu Nianzi, couldn't help laughing, with a happy smile on his face.Ye Ming stood at the door with a face full of embarrassment, a little dumbfounded.

Chen Mengqi and Chen Yi, who were sitting in the living room, had been listening to the conversation between Xia Chuchu and Lu Nianzi with their ears up.After hearing Xia Chuchu's words, the expressions on their faces were different: Chen Mengqi looked embarrassed and shy, lowered her head shyly, fingering the hem of the red sweater, looking very cramped; Benben hugged him, staring at Xia Chuchu and the others at the door, with an indifferent smile on his face, without embarrassment or embarrassment at all!

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