At this time, Secretary Lu suddenly mentioned Xiao Jin to Ye Ming, seemingly casually, but actually after careful consideration.

It turned out that ever since Secretary Lu knew that Ye Ming was his own son, he had been secretly trying to establish official connections for him and help him make friends with officials at all levels who were upright, experienced in politics, and had great potential for advancement, such as Qing Tao , Wang Xiuguang, Zhang Yingzhi, Xu Fei and others built roads and bridges for his future career promotion.

By doing this, on the one hand, he wanted Ye Ming to learn some official career experience and official skills from them; Departments, strong relationships with officials at all levels.In this way, even if he is transferred from Tianjiang in the future, Ye Ming can still rely on this strong relationship to continue to make progress and promotion.

But now, Secretary Lu felt that for an official at Ye Ming's level, neither he nor Li Runji could do anything to promote him.Moreover, he didn't want to go directly to his subordinates to make a request because of his son's promotion.If you really do that, it will definitely give people a handle, and maybe it will be used by some people with ulterior motives and become a weapon for them to attack themselves.

And Ye Ming's current friends, Qing Tao, Wang Xiuguang, Zhang Yingzhi, etc., are not in the same department as him, so they can't help him directly.Therefore, Secretary Lu thought about it and weighed it repeatedly, and decided to promote an honest, loyal, capable, reliable, and grateful deputy minister to Ye Ming in the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee, and he would spare no effort to train this deputy minister to help He has established authority and status in the organization department, so that he can play a key role in Ye Ming's promotion and progress when necessary in the future.

And the person that Secretary Lu is looking for is Xiao Jin, Ye Ming's current homeroom teacher and director of the Education and Training Division of the Organization Department.

Through investigation, Secretary Lu learned that: Comrade Xiao Jin has an upright and strong personality, dares to fight against all kinds of unhealthy tendencies, and never joins cliques, never flatters and flatters.Moreover, his most valuable quality is that he is very tough on the issue of integrity, never accepts gifts from anyone, and never goes out to eat and drink, and is particularly responsible for the family, with a strong sense of family affection.And people with this kind of personality are exactly what Secretary Lu likes and values ​​the most.

What's more important is: Secretary Lu knew that Xiao Jin had offended some people because of his straightforward and strong character, especially he was not favored by Xie Hongda, the former head of organization of the Provincial Party Committee, and was suppressed and bullied by Xie Hongda many times.Under such circumstances, if I promote him exceptionally and let him know that this is the result of Ye Ming's recommendation to him, the secretary of the provincial party committee, he will definitely be devoted to himself and be grateful to Ye Ming...

Therefore, he now wants to discuss with Secretary Li that before the end of this year, he will directly promote Xiao Jin to the position of deputy director of the organization department to fill a vacant position of deputy director of the organization department.Moreover, this nomination must be put forward by oneself at the meeting of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, and clearly send a signal to Chang Ying, the acting head of the organization: I appreciate Xiao Jin very much, so he should have a relatively high status and authority in the organization department !

If Chang Ying is a sensible person, he will definitely understand her intentions, and will definitely give Xiao Jin enough face and status until he is promoted to the position of executive vice minister.In that case, Xiao Jin can handle the promotion of Ye Ming from the department level to the department level in the first stage, without worrying about himself or Li Runji at all...

And Ye Ming, who didn't understand Secretary Lu's painstaking efforts at all, felt a little abrupt when he suddenly mentioned Xiao Jin, thought for a while, and then carefully followed Secretary Lu's words: "Secretary Lu, Director Xiao is indeed a good leader. I have been to his home. In my opinion, his family situation can be summed up in two words: poverty. As a director-level cadre of the organization department, like Director Xiao It is indeed rare to find a good leader who is meticulous in the issue of clean government. Moreover, the most important thing is: Director Xiao is not only good at clean government, but also very capable. Anyone who has interacted with him will have This feeling."

Secretary Lu nodded, looked at Ye Ming thoughtfully, and said, "Last time you brought Comrade Xiao Jin to my office to ask for an inscription. Simple, he has his own opinions and opinions on some things, and he is indeed a good comrade with both ability and political integrity. I think he cares about you very much and values ​​you very much, right?"

When Ye Ming listened to Secretary Lu's words, his thoughts jumped a lot. He couldn't figure out what his intentions were for a while, so he nodded in a daze, and said, "Yes, Director Xiao is very concerned about me and takes good care of me. Similarly, I I also admire and respect him very much, but I feel that his luck is not good, and his official career seems to have not been smooth, so I feel a little sorry for him."

The next few words of Ye Ming came up on the spur of the moment. The purpose was to give Secretary Lu a chance to mention Xiao Jin, and to tell him a few grievances by the way. Promote him if you get the chance.

Of course, Secretary Lu understood what he meant, so he smiled gently, nodded and said, "Xiaoye, officialdom is a very complicated system. In this system, if a person wants to make progress, there are many factors that need to be grasped." , there are many opportunities that need to be seized in time. If the opportunities are not good, or some factors are not in place, no matter how strong a person is, no matter how good his character is, there may be regrettable things. I think Comrade Xiao Jin is now A dusty pearl, waiting for those who know the goods to discover, cherish, and use. And I want to be the person who knows the goods now. Hahaha!"

When Ye Ming heard Secretary Lu's words, he immediately beamed with joy. While he was happy for Director Xiao, he also secretly thanked Secretary Lu for his frankness and trust in him.So, he said sincerely: "Secretary Lu, you have a discerning eye! I admire your eyesight and ability to recognize people very much. Director Xiao can get such a high evaluation from you. Sorry."

Secretary Lu smiled noncommittally again, and said, "Xiaoye, Comrade Xiao Jin is now your mentor. Besides, I didn't talk with him for a long time in the office last time, and I didn't get to know him deeply. How about it, you can make a phone call now Give it to him, invite him to come to my place to join in the fun and have a meal together. After the meal, I will arrange another hour to chat with him about the organization department."

When Ye Ming heard that Secretary Lu actually personally invited Xiao Jin to come over for dinner, he was overjoyed. He quickly agreed, stood up immediately, and called Xiao Jin.

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