Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 973 Director of the Inspection Office of the Provincial Party Committee

March 3th was the day when Ye Ming, Li Ding and two other people who participated in the competition for deputy director-level cadres of the Provincial Party Committee Office reported to the Provincial Party Committee Office.

Because Li Ding didn't participate in the fight with Ye Ming, he kept a low profile in the Provincial Party School. Therefore, after Qiu Yixing and Huang Jixiang were expelled from the provincial party school's youth cadre class, he picked up a big leak without any effort He joined hands with Ye Ming to work in the Provincial Party Committee Office without competitive pressure: he entered the Administrative Office of the Provincial Party Committee Office and served as the chief of the first section of the Administrative Office; The position is temporarily placed in the general department.

The reason why Secretary Lu wanted to arrange Ye Ming to the Provincial Party Committee Inspection Office was because the inspection office was in the internal organization of the Provincial Party Committee Office, and its leadership positions were highly assigned: the director of the Provincial Party Committee Inspection Office was usually a provincial The deputy secretary-general of the committee is also at the deputy department level; and many inspectors in the inspection room are at the deputy department level, department level, and even deputy department level.These inspectors do not necessarily have real positions, but they are all relatively high-ranking.Therefore, if Ye Ming does a good job in the inspection room, even if he doesn't have a real position like the deputy director of the inspection room, he can still be rated as an inspector. At least he can be promoted to a higher level first, and the speed Also very fast.

Second, the job responsibilities of the Provincial Party Committee Inspection Office are mainly to supervise and inspect the implementation of relevant central and provincial policies and spirits by the states, prefectures, counties and departments of the province; to track the implementation of the provincial Party Committee's work deployment and to find out obstacles Implement the real reasons and put forward suggestions; handle the instructions, assignments and supervision documents of the leaders of the central and provincial party committees; supervise and supervise the matters decided by the standing committee meetings of the provincial party committee, special meetings and important meetings held by the leaders of the provincial party committee.In this way, Ye Ming works here. On the one hand, he can get in touch with the people in charge of many cities and prefectures below, which is conducive to establishing his personal connections; , By supervising these work ideas, it is conducive to cultivating his overall concept and overall awareness.

Therefore, Secretary Lu hoped that he could enter the Provincial Party Committee Inspection Office to supervise the work of the first or second department, and through the inspection work, he could cultivate his policy level and establish his personal connections.

However, regarding Ye Ming's specific division of labor when he entered the inspection room, it was difficult for Secretary Lu and Secretary Li to ask someone to say hello.Moreover, in order to avoid suspicion and deceive others, Secretary Lu was unwilling to let Xu Lizhong go to greet someone.Because in this way, it is easy for people to suspect their relationship with Ye Ming. Once someone has malicious intentions and wants to get to the bottom of Ye Ming's root cause, things like Xin Leng Li Botang may happen again.

Therefore, Secretary Lu decided to ignore Ye Ming for the time being and let him solve the problem according to his own ability, instead of letting him do everything.In that case, it won't have the effect of training for him...

The current director of the Inspection Office of the Provincial Party Committee is named Hu Deqing, and he is also the last deputy director of the General Office of the Provincial Party Committee.At the beginning of March, when he learned that there would be two students assigned to the young cadre class of the Party School of the Provincial Party Committee, he deliberately found Li Ding and Ye Ming's materials to study, and wanted to select a capable person from among them to go to the First Division of Supervision To be a section chief.Because the original section chief of the first inspection department had been transferred to the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection two months ago, the position of this section chief had been vacant there.

According to Qiu Wangxi, Director of the Provincial Party Committee Office, the four cadres who were publicly selected to work in the Provincial Party Committee Office through the province must hold real positions.For example, two people who participate in the selection of the deputy director of the secretariat must serve as deputy directors of the first and second divisions of the secretariat; Substantial job.Otherwise, this selection would not be very attractive.

After Hu Deqing carefully read the materials of Ye Ming and Li Ding, he immediately fell in love with Li Ding, who had served as the director of the county government office. He felt that he was older than Ye Ming and had more working experience than Ye Ming.And judging from the photos, this person is also very mature, he must be a cadre with strong working ability and rich work experience, and he is exactly his ideal candidate for the chief of the first inspection department.

As for Ye Ming, Hu Deqing didn't have much interest, and even felt a little disgusted.First of all, he found out from Ye Ming's resume: He is only 27 years old now, and he has only been working for six years.Moreover, in the past six years, he has been working in the local tax system without any other work experience.And Li Ding, who has been working for more than ten years, has worked in many comprehensive government departments.Therefore, at this point, Ye Ming is several grades behind Li Ding.

Secondly, Hu Deqing doesn't like Ye Ming, and there is another reason that he can't say it himself, and others will find it incredible: he thinks Ye Ming is too handsome, and just looking at his ID photo gives people a heroic look A sense of exuberance and momentum.Hu Deqing himself is short and stubby, with a fat face hanging from a gourd, a pair of eyes smaller than mung beans, and a bald "barren land" on his head.Because he looks a little sorry to the general public, Hu Deqing has always disliked those handsome men, let alone handsome male subordinates—of course, beautiful women and female subordinates are exceptions!

Therefore, after seeing Ye Ming's resume photo, Hu Deqing immediately vetoed him and decided to choose Li Ding to be the chief of the first inspection department in the inspection room.He is the deputy director of the General Office of the Provincial Party Committee, and the director of the administrative department is a director-level, who can be regarded as his subordinate.Therefore, among Ye Ming and Li Ding, he has the priority to choose, and the director of the administrative department dare not compete with him.

Therefore, when the Personnel Department of the Provincial Party Committee General Office asked him to choose between Ye Ming and Li Ding, he chose Li Ding without hesitation.

However, what he didn't expect was that when the Personnel Department asked Li Ding and Ye Ming for their opinions, Li Ding insisted on going to the Administration Department, and said that when he applied for the Provincial Party Committee Office, he was aiming at the Administration Department. The position came, so, please consider his request, arrange Comrade Ye Ming to the inspection room, and go to the administrative office by himself. Ye Ming went into the fight, but he also knew about Ye Ming's defeat of Yan Changgeng, Qiu Yixing, and Huang Jixiang.Although he doesn't know much about the inside story, he knows that this Ye Ming's relationship in the province is very important.In the future, when I work in the provincial party committee, I must not offend this young man. I can only get close to him and win over him.Otherwise, I may die a miserable death.

Therefore, when he learned that Ye Ming wanted to work in the inspection office of the Provincial Party Committee, even though Hu Deqing, the director of the inspection office, asked him to work in the inspection office by name.However, Li Ding, who is cautious by nature, was afraid of offending Ye Ming, so he dared not go to the inspection room.And the selection of cadres this time is a "two-way choice".That is to say: the unit of the important person can choose the cadres to participate in the selection, and the cadres themselves can also choose the unit they want to go to according to their own specialties and abilities.Therefore, Li Ding resolutely refused to go to the inspection room, and Hu Deqing had no choice!

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