Seeing Hu Deqing's menacing expression and relentless attitude, Ye Ming immediately understood: He wanted to give himself a newcomer a blow, and let him know the authority of the head of the inspection room. , Kill your spirit!

Ye Ming has seen a few leaders like Hu Deqing who like to show off and show off their prestige.Moreover, he knew that all leaders who like to put on airs and teach people at every turn are people who are not very capable or have a rather wretched appearance.Although this kind of person is in an official position, but due to his own conditions, he has no official authority and dignity, but he is often this kind of person, and he is particularly concerned about whether his subordinates respect him, and he is particularly worried that his subordinates will look down on him and disobey him.Therefore, they often like to reprimand others and give new comrades a blow, trying to establish their own authority.

For example, this Hu Deqing, when Ye Ming first saw his wretched appearance, he really did not expect that he was the head of the inspection room. It was not until he reprimanded himself that he realized that this bald man might be Hu Deqing.

Originally, according to Ye Ming's temper, he hated this kind of leader who likes to establish his authority by admonishing others the most, and he is not a person who is submissive.If it was in the past, he would have stood up and argued with him: Why can other people smoke in the office, but I can't?Why don't you put a no-speak public sign in the office?Why am I being fined for my first violation?

However, the current Ye Ming has already learned patience and restraint.Moreover, he also knew: this is the Provincial Party Committee Office, not the Xinleng Local Taxation Bureau.As a newcomer, working here must not be done by one's own temperament, but must learn to adapt and obey.If you quarrel with the leader when you have just come to work for two days, you will definitely put yourself in a situation of isolation.

Therefore, facing Hu Deqing's nitpicking accusation, although Ye Ming was a little unconvinced, he did not contradict Hu Deqing, but stood up and said with a smile: "Director Hu, I'm sorry, I am willing to accept the punishment. This one hundred Where do I pay the fine of [-] yuan? I will pay it now!"

Seeing that Ye Ming showed a respectful attitude after being reprimanded by him, Hu Deqing didn't contradict himself, nor did he mean to disobey, he got a little satisfaction in his heart, but he still said with a straight face: " This fine will be deducted from the allowance in the future, and you are not required to pay cash. I think you are new here, and there is no need to rush to learn any business. You should first study the rules and regulations of the inspection room and keep them firmly in your heart. so as not to make similar mistakes again.”

After saying these few words, Hu Deqing walked out of the office slowly with his hands behind his back.

Ye Ming watched his chubby body disappear at the door of the office, with a wry smile on his face, and then turned his head to look at the other two deputy section chiefs in the office, seeing that they all looked at him with sympathetic eyes, so he smiled at them , Said: "Chief Tang, Chief Bi, I would like to ask: Is smoking really banned in our inspection office? Why do I see people smoking in many departments?"

The two deputy section chiefs in the same office as Ye Ming, one surnamed Tang, named Tang Xueli, and the other surnamed Bi, named Bi Shengke, both were in their early thirties, slightly older than Ye Ming, and neither was married.Ye Ming saw that their smoking addiction was not much worse than his own, and they often smoked in the office, so he asked them this.

When Tang Xueli heard Ye Ming's question, he smiled and said: "Xiaoye, there is indeed a rule in the inspection room system that cadres are not allowed to smoke in the office. But, you also know: now the State Council issued a document to ban smoking. How can we ban smoking in the office? Director Hu usually comes to our office, regardless of whether we smoke or not, and no one has ever been punished for smoking in the office. Your brother may be unlucky today , On the day when Director Hu came to be his aunt, he felt more irritable, so he took you under the knife. Hahaha!"

Ye Ming couldn't help laughing when Tang Xueli said that Director Hu came to his aunt. At the same time, he immediately made a judgment in his heart: it seems that although Director Hu is the leader, he is not respected in the inspection room.Just imagine: a small deputy section chief can play jokes on him in the office, and it is such a slightly insulting joke, how can his prestige be so high?

The other deputy section chief, Bi Shengke, was more kind. When he heard Tang Xueli's indecent joke, he frowned and said to him, "Section Chief Tang, Section Chief Ye just came here, so don't make such disrespectful jokes about the leader." , Let people laugh at our comprehensive department's lack of quality."

Then, he turned his head to Ye Ming and said, "Master Ye, people in our comprehensive department have to write a lot of materials every day. And out of ten people who write materials, nine and a half like to smoke. So, usually We also smoke while writing materials in the office, you just need to pay attention to it."

At this moment, the door of the office was suddenly pushed open, and a petite girl who seemed to be childish came in with a stack of printed inspection reports.The girl was wearing a creamy white tight cotton padded jacket, a fiery red skirt underneath, pure black leggings under the skirt, and a pair of black high leather boots on her feet.This combination of white, red and black makes her look very colorful, like a beautiful butterfly.

When Ye Ming came in, he was dazzled by her colorful mix and match colors, and then took a closer look at her face, and found that although this girl was still childish, her facial features were very delicate and beautiful, and her eyes were lively and energetic. , the skin is fair and tender, and there are two shallow dimples on the cheeks.

For some reason, when Ye Ming saw this girl, he couldn't help but think of Miss Tang Xiaofu in "Fortress Besieged", and also remembered the passage that Mr. Qian Zhongshu described Tang Xiaofu's appearance: "Charming and correct She has a round face with two shallow dimples. She is born with a good complexion that ordinary women would spend time and money to imitate, with creams and powders. It is so fresh that it makes people forget their thirst and feel greedy when they see it. It is like a good fruit. She The eyes are not very big, but they are flexible and gentle, making the big eyes of many women look like the big words of politicians, big but useless..." If this passage is used to describe the girl in the red skirt that Ye Ming sees now, it is really too much. It couldn't be more appropriate.

While Ye Ming was observing the girl in the red dress, the girl was also opening her small but "flexible and gentle" eyes, scanning Ye Ming back and forth unscrupulously.After scanning Ye Ming for about ten seconds, he suddenly muttered to himself: "Handsome is really handsome, but he is too old!"

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