The strongest sword god

Chapter 1: Battlefield Resurrection

Iron City of the Tang Family, within the territory of the Crescent Tribe.

In the scorching sun, [-] soldiers from the Su tribe launched a fierce attack on the territory of the Crescent Moon tribe. Tens of thousands of men in animal clothes from the two tribes fought desperately in this endless grassland.

The weapons collided, and blood flew everywhere. . .

A [-]-member team of the Su clan was driven away from the main camp by crescent tribe fighters, and gradually fell into a tight siege. No one knew that what awaited them would be a horrific siege.

This thousand-man team is composed of the elite fighters of the Su clan. They are currently protecting a stretcher carried by six people. On the stretcher lies a young man, covered with a white cloth and lifeless.

As the team sank deeper and deeper, the death toll increased, and the six soldiers carrying the stretcher lost their footsteps, and the stretcher began to shake.

Suddenly, the stretcher shook violently, and then a strange scene appeared. The young man who was lifeless one second, opened his eyes slowly the next second.

In an instant, the white light dazzled the eyes, and the young man subconsciously raised his right hand to cover his eyes. The slight resistance made him pause, and then he opened his eyes sharply.

white cloth! ! ?

He was puzzled why his head was covered with a white cloth and his body was lying on a wooden plank. . . . ?

At this time, the noisy and piercing voice came from his ear, which gave him a bad feeling.

When desperately searching for memories, he felt a flash in front of his eyes, and the white cloth on his head was instantly stained with blood red. He narrowed his eyes slightly, took a deep breath,!This is blood!human blood?

He quietly lifted the white cloth, and the first thing that caught his eyes was a majestic man, at least 1.9 meters tall, wearing animal skins, lifting the wooden board under him with one hand, and holding a spear in his right hand, following the ancient human race. Dress up a bit like that.

Slowly raising the white cloth, he glanced around, and found that he was being carried by six burly men, each with worried expressions on their faces.

Not far away, there are countless men dressed as ancient warriors, all holding cold weapons and waving them forward. Judging from the scene of blood splattering, it seems a bit like an ancient battlefield.

"Master, this is the battlefield of the post-Yanhuang clan." A familiar voice sounded in his mind

"You should be in the world of gods and demons. You are still in the Yanhuang clan. It's the 22nd century now."

As soon as he finished speaking, he remembered something. He remembered that he was playing the game Gods and Demons. It just so happened that the game company held an anniversary celebration these days and spent a lot of money to open the ultimate dungeon. He entered the ultimate dungeon as the number one swordsman. , and cleared the dungeon as quickly as possible, and obtained the ultimate reward - the ancient artifact Dragon Sword. Unfortunately, before I had time to rejoice, I felt my eyes darkened, and then. . .

The voice in his head is the voice of the in-game system of Gods and Demons War World, they all call it the elf, at this moment he suspects that he has entered the world of the game.

"Master, this is not a game world, but the real post-Yanhuang era. The place you are in is the Huaxia Dynasty in the Conferred God Continent. The World of Gods and Demons was created to simulate this era. This is not a game, but the real world."

"Then me now???" He felt that the noisy voices around him were getting louder, especially the heart-piercing screams, which made him listen cautiously.

"I forgot to unseal the memory of this corpse."

As soon as the little elf finished speaking, a lot of information flooded into his mind in an instant. It turned out that his name in this world was Su Ming, he was the young master of the Su tribe, and his father was the chief commander of the Su tribe. As for why he would He was covered with a white cloth because he was injured by a hunting team of the Crescent Moon Tribe when he went out to practice, and died of his injuries after returning to the tribe.

When he understood the identity of another world, he suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart. The white cloth on the top of his head was already stained red with blood, and the harsh metal collision sound was getting closer and closer to him. From this phenomenon, it can be guessed that his side It seems to be defeated.

"Master, you guessed it right. Your father is leading you to attack the Crescent Moon tribe, but he was tricked by the leader of the Crescent Moon tribe. [-] soldiers were brutally besieged by the Crescent Warriors. Overwhelmed."

"I'm so unlucky? I was on the battlefield right after crossing, and I'm still in the defeated camp?" Su Ming frowned.

The elf paused: "Master, I suggest you continue to play dead, there is a certain chance of escaping your life."

Su Ming felt that the elf's suggestion was good, but just when he was about to pretend to die to the end, there was a trace of unwillingness and reluctance in his heart.

It seems that the love between father and son is very deep. Forget it, since he has taken over his body, let's help him. At this moment, Su Ming has already begun to accept the fact that he has time-traveled.

In his previous life, Su Ming was a person who valued love and righteousness. When he felt the deep love between father and son, he decided to take a risky gamble, just in time to see the ancient battlefield.

"Little Elf, is there anything you can do? I want to end this war." Su Ming pouted his lips and expressed his thoughts.

"Master, there must be a way, but you have to pay the price."

"Let's talk." Su Ming took a deep breath. He knew that the elves must have a solution. In the game, if you encounter troubles, you can go to the elves directly, and everything will be solved. Although it is not in the game now, the game is highly imitated real world.

"Master, after you won the ancient artifact, a strange thing happened in the whole game, that is, I became the mastermind of this game system, and I merged into your body and traveled with you. As for how to travel through, I don't know gone."

"Speaking of the point, they are almost unable to support it."

The blood-red white cloth, the wobbly wooden board, and a sharp sword flying over his head just now, and the air-pressured white cloth tightly pressed against his face, all these signs indicated that he was in danger.

"At the cost of not being able to use the ancient artifact for six years, activate the talent skills and summon the ancient artifact."

Can't use ancient artifacts for six years?Is this price too harsh? Su Ming, who was hesitating, suddenly felt a wave of air, and then a piece of wood next to his ear was cut off, which was twice the size of his head. If the sword energy deviated a few centimeters , now his head and body have been separated

"Grass, this is risking your life, elf, I agree to the deal."

"The transaction is successful, the ancient artifact is summoned, and the growth-type combat skill is rewarded—Cloud Phantom."

As soon as the elf finished speaking, a faint golden light flashed across Su Ming's body, and then the white cloth on his body instantly shattered, disappearing into the dusty air.

In an instant, he felt a chill coming from his palm into his mind, making his whole body tremble, and then the domineering and mighty ancient dragon sword appeared in his palm out of thin air.

After holding the Dragon Sword, his whole body was filled with strength. Su Ming seemed to have returned to the game, and the confident smile that a top player should have appeared on his face again.

Su Ming himself is a master of Fan's state of mind in the middle stage. After getting the Ancient Dragon God Sword, the aura in his body began to circulate autonomously. He felt that he had inexhaustible strength.

In the middle stage, Fan's state of mind strength, coupled with the growth-type combat skill-Cloud Phantom, and the ancient artifact-Dragon God Sword, as long as he captures the opponent's leader, the war will end.

Cloud Phantom: Increases the speed of human movement for a short period of time. The degree of improvement depends on the strength of the user. The stronger the strength, the faster the speed.

With a low cry in his heart, Su Ming turned over and jumped off the plank, his speed was like a tornado hitting the ground.

[I implore everyone to add "The Strongest Sword God" to the bookshelf, send some flowers, and help Xiaozi hit the new book list, thank you Xiaozi]

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