The strongest sword god

Chapter 109: The Crazy Su Ming

"Su Ming, prepare to accept the challenge from the nine of us." Xiao Ling stood up first, looking at Su Ming confidently and said.

"Nine people? Isn't it three people at most?" Su Ming was obviously taken aback, feeling bad for a moment.

"Our last task is to challenge a small team with nine people." Xiao Ling said with a cold smile.

"I'm stupid, Fanli, get out of here." Su Ming roared violently.

This roar startled the other nine people, and they all looked at Su Ming suspiciously. They have always been unable to understand the relationship between Su Ming and Fanli, but Su Ming would never be rude to Fanli. Calling Fanli by name, this time Su Ming not only called Fanli by name, but also asked him to get out.

In doing so, Su Ming brought invisible pressure to the nine people, because this roar conveyed two messages, one was that Su Ming was in a state of extreme anger at this time, and the other was that Su Ming was about to explode completely.

"Master Fanli will be away for a few days, and he won't be back soon." Xiao Ling frowned slightly, staring at Su Ming and said.

"Paralysis, this bastard." Su Ming cursed again. He was about to go crazy at this time. He had tried his best to challenge him in a group of three before. It's not that his healing speed is abnormal enough, he absolutely can't hold on.

After Mu Tian entered the consummation period of the innate realm, the strength of the nine people all reached the consummation of the congenital realm. In this way, the strength of the three teams reached a balance, and the cooperation between them was improved again, and Su Ming's pressure increased again.

After several months of constant challenges, the nine of them are quite familiar with his moves. Most of the time, Su Ming is supported by his powerful body. The promotion is a signal that he is going to be beaten.

Just now he was mentally prepared to be beaten, but Xiao Ling told him that they no longer challenged in groups of three, but directly challenged with nine people. For Su Ming, it was definitely a simple beating, but a terrible nightmare.

It is estimated that the nine warriors in the Heavenly Spirit Realm will turn around and run away when they see them, and the cooperation of these nine people is excellent.

Among them are Zhu Yao who is a defensive warrior, Tang Xinyi who is a soft-control warrior, Xiao Ling who is good at commanding, Mo Li who is good at speed, and Mu Lei who is good at attacking. None of the warriors in the spiritual realm were their opponents.

The more Su Ming thought about it, the more angry he became. If he knew that there was such a thing in the mission of the nine people, he would definitely not agree to Fan Li's acting in such a play. , it was because they didn't have the chance to absolutely suppress Su Ming, so at most they would lose out in a fight with Su Ming. Now that they have the opportunity to brutalize Su Ming, it is estimated that none of them will show mercy.

After being bullied for several months, it is hard to see the hope of winning. It is estimated that no one will let go of such an opportunity.

"Fan Li, get the hell out of here." With a movement of his body, Su Ming rushed directly to the door of the stone house.


"Fan Li, get the hell out of here." Su Ming punched the stone door, and then yelled violently.


"Fan Li, get the hell out of here."

Su Ming punched the door of the stone house as if possessed by a demon. He didn't know the pain, so he just looked at Xiao Ling and others as stupid?

"Xiao Ling? What happened to Su Ming?" Mu Tian looked at Su Ming with a puzzled face and asked.

"That's right, why did Master Fanli offend him?" Zhu Yao also looked puzzled.

"This guy must be crazy." Mu Lei interjected.

"Have you noticed that since Su Ming came back, his strength hasn't increased at all." Xiao Ling said with narrowed eyes.

"It seems to be." Mu Tian nodded repeatedly.

"Then what do you think of his talent? Who is better than the nine of us?" Xiao Ling continued to ask.

"His talent is the most enchanting among warriors I have ever seen." Tang Xinyi said with a slight frown.

"Mu Tian, ​​when you first met Su Ming, what kind of person was he?" Xiao Ling continued to ask.

"A very awesome person, there seems to be nothing he doesn't know." Mu Tian said directly without thinking.

"What about the people around you?" Xiao Ling continued to ask.

"He is very sincere to the people around him, but he doesn't like to show it, and he doesn't want his teammates to be hurt when he suffers a disadvantage." Mu Tianjue said, at this time, he thought of Su Ming's goodness before, and suddenly his heart A contradiction arises.

"Xiao Ling, don't you mean that?" Tang Xinyi said with a hint of surprise.

"I'm not sure, I only know that we have made great progress in the past few months, but he has not improved at all." Xiao Ling narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Su Ming who was mad.

"I figured it out, why Master Fanli would secretly give him pills every once in a while, it turned out that he and Master Fanli were in the same group."

"Zhu Yao, what do you mean?" Mu Lei said with a slight frown. Usually he was beaten by Su Ming the most, but he also made the greatest progress. The fire attribute attack reached the perfect level, his natural skills were also improved, and his use of martial arts was also extremely good. Proficient, and at the same time, he is only a small step away from the Heavenly Spirit Realm.

But Mu Lei didn't think it was Su Ming's credit, he always believed that the improvement of his strength was the result of his hard training.

"Mu Lei, don't you understand? Su Ming's enmity against the nine of us was planned by Master Fanli." Zhu Yao scratched the back of his head and said.

"How did you see that?" Xiao Ling turned to look at Zhu Yao and said.

"Didn't you find out that Su Ming and Master Fanli are not quite right every time? And when Master Fanli secretly gave Su Ming pills, I found out several times." Zhu Yao said.

"Master Fanli's giving Su Ming the pill is nothing, it can only be said that Master Fanli is biased." Mu Lei said disapprovingly.

"Mu Lei, if Master Fanli secretly gave you the elixir, would you be grateful?" Zhu Yao asked back.

Mu Lei rolled his eyes and nodded.

"Every time Su Ming received Master Fanli's pill, not only was there no gratitude in his eyes, but there were also complaints in his eyes. On the other hand, Master Fanli was not angry because of Su Ming's eyes, but smiled at Su Ming. When did you meet?" Master Fanli is so flattering to one person."

At this time, the members of the Spirit Hall team shook their heads. Not to mention that they did not encounter such a thing, it is estimated that the master of the Spirit Hall has not. .

"Recently, you should have noticed that every time Su Ming sees Master Fanli, sparks sparkle in his eyes, but Master Fanli hides from Su Ming intentionally or unintentionally. When did you meet Master Fanli, who were you afraid of?"

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