The strongest sword god

Chapter 125: The Main City of the Tang Clan

"He should be fine, but there are thirty third-grade healing pills in his medicine bottle." Xiao Ling looked at the pale Su Ming with surprise and said.

"He is Bai Yaoshi's disciple, so it's not unusual to have so many pills." Zhu Yao said from the side, his tone full of envy. Each of them only had five third-grade healing pills and twenty second-grade healing pills.

"He still has a bottle." When Zhu Yao was speaking, Xiao Ling took out a medicine bottle from Su Ming's arms again, and after uncorking the bottle, Xiao Ling poured a bottle of third-grade healing pill into Su Ming's mouth without hesitation.

"Another thirty!" Xiao Ling paid attention to the number of pills poured into Su Ming's mouth, and exclaimed again.

Sixty third-grade healing pills?Has this kid Su Ming robbed Bai Yaoshi's alchemy room?Any third-grade healing pill is worth a lot, and Su Ming had sixty pills on his body, which made them surprised.

After swallowing sixty third-grade healing pills, Su Ming's injuries were stabilized and he gradually recovered. When he woke up, his eyes burst into flames: "Who fed me so many healing pills? Don't you know that pills are very expensive? ?”

Su Ming's words made everyone stunned, and then cursed in their hearts: It's not all to save your life, you don't know what to do.

"I fed it. How did I know you had thirty pills in a bottle, and you were seriously injured just now, so I acted subconsciously." Xiao Ling said with a sigh of relief seeing Su Ming wake up, with a tone of I feel wronged.

Hearing Xiao Ling's voice, Su Ming raised his head and glanced at Xiao Ling. Only then did he realize that he was lying in Xiao Ling's arms with his head resting on Xiao Ling's chest. Suddenly, a sentence popped up in his mind: "This Xiao Ling can't be Flat-chested princess, why can't I feel his soft chest muscles?"

If Xiao Ling knew what was going on in Su Ming's heart, Xiao Ling would probably attack Su Ming without hesitation. With Su Ming's current state, he really wasn't Xiao Ling's opponent.

The reason why Su Ming was able to injure Xueluo was that he used all his hole cards. He used the shield breaking technique in all three attacks, and at the same time used absolute defense, plus the two states of bloodthirsty and demonic heart. Only then can he injure Xueluo.

When Xue Luo chooses to use his strongest attack, he is doomed to fail, because Su Ming's absolute defense can withstand the attack of a warrior in the Heavenly Spirit Realm for 1 minute. No matter how strong your attack is, you can block it. After sending out the strongest blow, his body was in a weak state, and it was no wonder that he was not seriously injured by Su Ming's Feng Mo's leg.

The reason why Su Ming fell into a coma was because he didn't take the Healing Pill in time and forcibly maintained his normal state, causing his injuries to get worse and worse, and finally entered a weak state. If Su Ming swallowed two or three third-grade Healing Pills after defeating Xueluo, It only took half an hour for the wound on his body to recover completely, but it was a pity that Su Ming forcibly supported the wound in order not to make Xue Luo feel suspicious.

Sixty third-grade healing pills were all of Su Ming's possessions. His master gave him ten pills, Fan Li gave him ten pills, and rewarded forty pills for entering the Heavenly Spirit Realm system. He thought he could use it for a while, but who knew just now? Xiao Ling fed him all in one go, it was like feeding him the pill as rice.

"Next time, you should check my injury first, and then give me the healing pill. This pill is very expensive." Su Ming said with a painful face.

"Su Ming, actually don't blame Xiao Ling, you are in our hearts, you will not pass out unless you are fatally injured, and you will not be able to recover from a coma without dozens of pills." Zhu Yao explained.

Su Ming scratched his head and smiled awkwardly. Who knew that Xiao Ling let go of his hand at this moment and directly dropped him on the ground.

"Oh, I fell to my death." Su Ming had a close contact with the ground, and said with a painful expression on his face.

"Let's go, if he wants to stay in the Blood Light Tribe, maybe that Blood Luo will let him be the patriarch." Xiao Ling said angrily, and then took the lead to walk forward.

When Su Ming heard Xiao Ling's words, he quickly got up from the ground, and then followed the crowd towards Tang's main city.

After several days of rushing, everyone finally arrived at the main city of Tang's. Their journey was safe and sound.

After arriving at the main city of the Tang Clan, Su Ming and others joined the large army of the Xicheng Mansion and checked into a restaurant in the main city. This restaurant is owned by the Xicheng Mansion, so they don't need to spend money to eat, drink and live in the restaurant.

After entering the Tang Clan's main city, Su Ming realized that the Tang Clan is so powerful. The gate of the Tang Clan's main city is three times as big as the West City, and the commercial street is several times larger.

There are many shops in the main city of the Tang family that belong to the Tang family's four city mansions, but the size and number of the shops are different. After some research, Su Ming found that the number of shops owned by the Tang's Xicheng mansion in the main city is the least. And Tang's Dongcheng has the most.

At this time, Su Ming knew why Xicheng Mansion wanted to win the strength competition of Sicheng Mansion so much. It turned out that it was directly related to their financial income.

At this time, there are still more than ten days before the competition in Xicheng Mansion. These ten people are not allowed to leave this restaurant. As for the reason, they don't want their opponents to know their full strength, especially Xiao Ling and Su Ming. People are their trump card in this competition in Xicheng Mansion.

The four city prefectures more or less understand each other. For example, the strength of the spirit hall team in the western city prefecture is known to the other three city prefectures. He stayed in the Spirit Hall and didn't come out, so no one knew about the other three cities.

The obstacles that Su Ming and the others encountered along the way were secretly arranged by one of the three prefectures. They did not know how they learned that the Xicheng prefecture's Iron Eagle Squad did not follow the big tribe, and spent a lot of treasures to hire Tang's leader. Several well-known casual repair organizations in the city, even the Bloodlight Tribe hired them. It can be said that they spent a lot of money, but unfortunately they didn't succeed in the end. According to their final conclusion, they were defeated by an unknown warrior in the Heavenly Spirit Realm.

This warrior is not only powerful, but also very good at disguising, which makes them have to think that this is a trap set by the Xicheng Mansion and let them drill in. For this warrior, he is one of the contestants, and they will not kill him. May believe.

Staying in the restaurant every day, everyone couldn't help it after a long time, especially the few teenagers who came to Tang's main city for the first time. They all wanted to go out for a stroll and see if there was anything they wanted.

On the tenth day after entering the main city, Su Ming couldn't bear it anymore, so he sneaked out of the restaurant and came to the streets of Tang's main city.

Soon Su Ming was attracted by the bustling commercial street. There were many shops here that were not available in the West City, and the items they sold were of higher quality than those in the West City. dagger.

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