The strongest sword god

Chapter 215: The Cold Smile

After the three of them broke the formation, they continued to move towards the next attack formation without stopping. This time Zhang Tian sacrificed himself in exchange for an attack formation. When he was forcibly sneaked back to the stone platform, a triumphant smile appeared on his face , as if they had won.

Tang Murong and Leng Qing increased their speed to the highest, and went straight to the last attack formation. After seeing the attack formation, the two of them did not hesitate at all, and entered the formation in a flash. Leng Qing resisted the formation at the same time. Cooperating with Tang Murong to destroy the formation, the cooperation between the two can be described as perfect. When Leng Qing was defeated, Tang Murong destroyed the formation with one blow.

The moment the attack formation disappeared, Tang Murong saw Su Ming, and he subconsciously threw the golden key he had obtained towards Leng Qing who flew upside down, and attached a trace of spiritual power to the golden key, which made the golden key On Leng Qing, if Su Ming saw this scene, he didn't know how he would feel.

"Congratulations to the main city team for breaking through the nine attack formations of the west city team and gaining nine chances to improve their strength."

"Congratulations to Zhang Tian for increasing his strength by [-]%."

"Congratulations to Zhang Sen, whose strength has increased by [-]%."

After the voice fell, Tang Murong stood on the stone platform and looked at Su Ming who had regained his freedom and walked towards him: "You lost."

"It's not time for the match yet, why should I lose?" Su Ming asked with a smile.

"As long as I beat you now, you will lose, completely lost?" Tang Murong folded his hands behind his back, with a hint of arrogance on his face.

Su Ming walked towards Tang Murong slowly, and stopped when he was ten meters away from Tang Murong: "What if I don't fight with you? Do you think you will die in a hurry." Su Ming laughed badly after speaking.

"Then just wait and see if the five members of my main city team can defeat the five members of your west city team." Tang Murong smiled triumphantly after finishing speaking.

As soon as Tang Murong finished speaking, Su Ming turned into an afterimage and came straight to Tang Murong. He was very reluctant to fight Tang Murong because he was not sure, and his weak state reduced his attack and defense by [-]%.

But after letting Tang Murong leave, what awaited them was the attack of the five members of the main city team. When Zhang Tian and Zhang Sen's strength had almost recovered, the west city team had no hope of winning against the upper main city team.

At this time, his battle with Tang Murong was the last hope of the West City Team. If Su Ming won, then the West City Team still had a glimmer of hope. If Su Ming lost, then the West City Team would be completely defeated.

The Thousand Illusion Ancient Formation sent out these nine opportunities to improve their strength, and directly pushed the West City team to the cliff. At this time, Su Ming was pulling a rope for the West City team. If Su Ming lost, it meant that the rope was broken. Everyone in the West City team will fall off the cliff.

Su Ming's sneak attack was completely expected by Tang Murong, so he didn't panic at all, but responded in an orderly manner. He made a strange gesture with both hands, and then a lightning bolt intersected with his palms. Spirit Orb.

The moment the Lingli Orb appeared, a cold smile flashed in Tang Murong's eyes, and after being hit by Su Ming in the chest, he moved forward with both hands, pushing the orb containing the extremely explosive attribute towards Su Ming. .

Su Ming, who was at close range, had no chance to dodge this spiritual power bead, so he could only let this spiritual power bead hit him and enter his body.

After the spiritual power beads entered his body, Su Ming felt that trace of thunder-attribute spiritual power continuously rushing towards the surroundings of his body, and wherever he went, his body was electrified and numb, making him extremely uncomfortable.

Su Ming resisted the destruction of the lightning attribute inside, and once again punched Tang Murong's chest. This punch contained metal, ice, and wind attributes. At that time, he used the shield breaking technique, and this punch directly defeated Tang Murong.

After defeating Tang Murong, Su Ming felt that the lightning attribute in his body disappeared, but in an instant, Su Ming saw a spiritual power bead containing extremely explosive lightning flying out of Tang Xinyi's palm again, and at the same time, he also saw the gleam in Tang Murong's eyes. Grim smile.

Su Ming wanted to dodge, but he was locked on by Tang Murong's attack, so no matter how he dodges, this spiritual power orb will catch up to him and hit him.

"Master, use absolute defense."

"No, then we will lose completely."

"Young master, you don't need to be absolutely defensive, this spiritual power orb will put you into a weaker state, and if you cut off your head to apologize, you will have no chance of surviving."

As soon as the little elf finished speaking, the spiritual power bead hit Su Ming's chest. There was no deafening sound, no violent momentum, just a crisp cracking sound, and then the trace of thunder attribute in the spiritual power bead hit Su Ming's chest. Crazy rush into Su Ming's body.

"Why didn't you say it earlier?" Su Ming smiled wryly and said helplessly.

"Master, I'm sorry, I didn't expect this to happen either." The elf's apologetic voice sounded in Su Ming's mind.

"Forget it, let's take one step at a time. If I really die, then my life has come." Su Ming spoke with a trace of despair and a trace of unwillingness.

"Su Ming, what shall we do next?" Seeing Su Ming defeating Tang Murong, Tang Xinyi led Zhu Yao and others to come behind Su Ming. Since she was standing behind Su Ming, she did not see Su Ming's expression at this moment.

"Let's go, break through the formation." Su Ming said with a forced smile, and then took the lead towards the main city team area.

Seeing Su Ming leave, Tang Xinyi and others followed Su Ming. At this moment, there was a smile on their faces, because after Su Ming defeated Tang Murong, he brought them a glimmer of hope.

Following the next road, Su Ming and the others came to the front of the attacking formation. Xiao Ling entered the attacking formation first, followed by the other four. Except for Xiao Ling, all four of them blasted their strongest attacks against the attacking formation. one strike.

After Xiao Ling was defeated, Zhu Yao resisted a formation attack, and then everyone in the West City team destroyed the formation eye.

After the attack formation disappeared, Su Ming didn't pause at all, and went directly to the next attack formation. At this time, he didn't want to communicate with Zhu Yao and others, and he didn't want Zhu Yao and others to see his expression.

After Zhu Yao and the others saw the attack formation disappear, a smile appeared on their faces, and then they saw Su Ming heading towards the next attack formation. They looked at each other, and then followed Su Ming and rushed towards the next attack formation.

"Sister Xinyi, has it happened to you that Boss Su Ming's attack has weakened?" Zhu Yao asked with a puzzled expression.

"I don't know his real attack, but it is indeed weaker than before." Tang Xinyi replied with a slight frown.

"Sister Xinyi, based on my previous deduction, I don't need to take an attack once I break the formation." Zhu Yao said what was in his heart.

Just when Tang Xinyi was about to speak, they had already arrived in front of the attack formation, then Zhu Yao entered the formation first, Su Ming and Mu Lei entered the attack formation afterward, this time Tang Xinyi did not enter.

After Zhu Yao was locked by the attack formation, Tang Xinyi threw out the long whip in her hand, and pulled Zhu Yao into the formation in the next second, making the attack formation lose its target.

After the attack formation lost its target, Mu Lei was locked and defeated. At the moment Mu Lei was forcibly taken out of the attack formation, Su Ming slammed into the eye of the formation. This scene stunned everyone.

Su Ming's impact shattered the eyes of the formation, causing the formation to disappear.

The disappearance of the formation made Tang Xinyi's doubts dissipate in the hearts of the three of them. Originally, they were very puzzled by Su Ming's body hitting the formation's eyes, but the formation's eyes were cleared of their doubts. Su Ming did this to save time.

"Speed, next."

Su Ming's whole body was tense at this moment, he didn't dare to relax even a bit, because the lightning attribute in his body had already covered his whole body, and it was constantly destroying, making his condition weaker and weaker, and at the same time, it was constantly consuming The spiritual power in his body.

Su Ming didn't know how long he could last.

Zhu Yao and Tang Xinyi followed closely behind Su Ming, and when they came to the last attack formation, Zhu Yao entered the attack formation first.

At the moment when his body was locked by the attack array, he subconsciously turned around and glanced at Su Ming. When he saw Su Ming's painful expression, he was startled. Then when he was about to ask, Su Ming had already rushed. To the eyes.

Seeing Su Ming bombarding the eyes of the formation like a madman, Zhu Yao had a doubt in his heart: "Could it be that I was wrong just now?"

Zhu Yao was bombarded twice by the attack formation and was defeated. Su Ming destroyed [-]% of the attack when he was forcibly restrained by the Thousand Illusion Ancient Formation and brought out of the attack formation. Only then did Zhu Yao realize that he had read correctly just now, but At this moment, he could no longer speak, nor could he do anything for Su Ming.

Looking at Su Ming's back, Zhu Yao felt a little uncomfortable.

After resisting a blow, Su Ming destroyed the last attack array and got a key. At this time, all the lightning attributes in his body disappeared, but his body became weak again, and it was even worse than before. At this time, he Only [-]% of the state of complete victory, in this state he is not Tang Murong's opponent, not even Leng Qing's opponent.

"Congratulations to the Xicheng team for breaking through the twelve attack formations of the main city team and gaining nine chances to improve their strength."

"Congratulations to Mu Lei for increasing his strength by [-]%."

"Congratulations to Xiao Ling for increasing his strength by [-]%."

After the sound dissipated, Su Ming and Tang Xinyi walked towards the center of the stone platform. When they saw the three treasure chests in the center of the defensive formation, Su Ming smiled, but it was a wry smile.

"Little elf, can this formation be broken?" Su Ming asked in his mind.

"The young master can break through, but it takes time, and when breaking the formation, don't be disturbed."

"how long it takes?"

"15 minutes."

Hearing the elf's words, Su Ming felt a little desperate. At this time, several members of the main city team had recovered their freedom, and Tang Murong had more than ten minutes left.

Everyone in the main city team stayed in the restricted area and did not come out. Judging from the current situation, they must be waiting for Su Ming to break the formation or for Tang Murong to recover his freedom before coming out.

In this way, the main city team made it impossible for Su Ming to break through the formation, and at the same time, he couldn't get the two golden keys, so Su Ming could only wait for them to come out, but when the five members of the main city team gathered, he and Tang Xinyi Still an opponent?

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